Well said, and quickly, too!
Do you remember seeing this when the roll-outs began? I do. Stu Peters/Jane Ruby and others showed this example of the blood. I think Peter McCullough demonstrated this, too, but I may be mixing up my doctors. Yes, they ARE without excuse. All to promote genocide. Who would have figured years ago, that so many people would be so heartless?
Why does this remind me of the Wayfair cabinets being sold for thousands of dollars with a child’s name on it?
All of the what Smeg, Taco12, FTrooper2 and ilovetrump4 said, plus the 5 “3”s = 15, 1+5=6.
Thanks, fren. Appreciate it. I hope your sister is, too. Cheers.
Unfortunately it doesn’t matter who anyone votes for. Leaders, in the last few decades at least, are “appointed”, not “elected”. Your point is taken, though.
Yup. He is a big disappointment. None in the Uniparty can be trusted to think or care for anyone but themselves. He’s never worked in any field except Politics. IMO, he is WEF through and through.
Interesting that you are trying to prove this point by comparing it to “Flat Earthers”.
Einstein. Newton. Freud. Are you sure they weren’t DS?
Why not compare it to Bigfoot? Or, proponents of Atlantis?
The murderers in the government are starting to target minors for MAID, now.
Your online name here is kind of familiar...
Yes, thank you. The tumour is all gone now, and I was able to keep my tear ducts and eyelashes. If I had to do it again, then I think i will keep the tumour! The one thing I will never forget, though, is the acidic/iron-y smell when it was cauterized.
I guess what doesn’t kill you make you stronger, but DANG!
And the Borg.
I went through this surgery, but on my left eyelid to remove a malignant tumour. At least you all can take solace in the fact that the needle to freeze the area BURNS! It is like getting stabbed. For me, the needle had to go right in my eyeball, so it was like I was stabbed in the eye, with an acid chaser. Believe me, it HURTS!
Your daughter was very lucky to have her “smart mother”, then. She is even luckier for having her “crazy conspiracy theorist”, now. You are continuing to set an excellent example and are providing her with, yet again, a very, very good role model. I am proud of you! Blessings to you and your family.
The reactions from the players seem...off...somehow. Like they are seeing the result of going against blackmail or something. Maybe I am being unkind here, but can they really be that surprised of Suddenly, when it is happening everywhere?
Even though it is hard to believe he will improve if he IS intubated, I wish him good health.
They still seem to pump themselves full of pharma, though, according to this article. The non-pharma stuff that they use is doing all the support for their immune system, imo. Only read first half.
Very good points.
The Wachowski brothers, hmmm. The same ones as The Matrix?
Doesn’t all this seem moot, now, though, being as one of the Wachowskis has revealed his deep state connections by becoming Alphabet? So, is this movie the deep state revealing itself by announcing what it is doing?
Yuletide Blessings and Merry Christmas to you and yours, everyone. 🎄 May you have a joy-filled, awesome New Year!
Thank you for taking the stance you did.
Sounds familiar. Way too much death has been happening. I’m (obviously), in Canada. The perpetrators are due a Reckoning. I wish the very best for all those coerced, but unfortunately have no sympathy for the “Karens” and the mask-Nazis. Maybe I’ve been through too much, myself.
Blessings for you, Crunchy_Bites. You, too, AbjectDynamite.
Ah! Thank you.
Sorry, non-this-topic related, but I don’t know what “NSFW” stands for... I have wondered for a while, now. I’m old, I guess.
Good for her!