Same as people who talk against vaccines or promote natural medicines. Woken up yet?
There is a profecy that the woman with big eyes that everybody hates unite all the people....
She will follow the path of success and probabl the path of god then she will unite people.
Same guy who said there would be 2 admins... 19th president of constitutional republic and biden 46th.of the bankrupt state?
Quercetin and zinc.disulfate. with liposomal vitamin c and d. You ll be back in shape in no time
You have done a ton of great research especially on vaccines. A true hero of critical thinking and the resistance. thank you.
Could be a marker. If q has the timelime in advance they know markers. Including the gamestop is a big event befoee shit goes down.
Expand your thinking.
Why is q so confident we win.
Hedge fund goinf busto dont cause panics. But there will be a financial move on the 1st of feb and tomorrow in crypto.
So behind the scenes things are HABBENING
100% . Crying before saying when i die... telling
don't talk about subjects you don't understand.
Vaccination for elderlies is useless, since their non existent immune system doesn't mount any adaptive response ... It's just poison with no benefits...
Now, RNA injections are even worse.
Elderlies should be the first NOT to take it. This is not a vaccine, this is 2 billions strands of a RNA with a hacked base to fool the immune system, supposedly built in a day (lie)... what could go wrong?
Please make sure you tell everybody at shareblue to take the rna vaccine tho.
Correct. Nobel priE luc.montagnier said that too. Viruses tend to lose their altered parts when released back in the wild. This is why they re seeding new variants. All variants have one wave like classic resp diseases and go away.
Lol it was about trump... the looking glass machine is real..they see the future
Biden speech about made in america ... lol... they gave him a deal
Viruses are not what most people think they are.
Look up exosomes. The whole virology field is pure crookery based of thr misunderstanding that viruses are pathogens when in fact they are endogeneous rna messages ....
Sars cov 1 did huge pathogenic priming. Same thing here. Will be blamed on covid. Lockdowns phase 2. We re at the turning point. Fauxci and co only pretending it's easying so that when vaccinated people dying faster or more start impacting the stats it's muh new variant...
Dha. Blue.light. only know cannabinoid receptors trigger cancerous cells apoptosis.
Melatonin comes.from.tryptophan. as well as serotonin.
Maybe dha is the link in there. the eye retina.and gets burned.on blue light?
That distant. Our.environment is.100% responsible. Vaccines included
FROM 28th to 1st of FEB. Remember those dates.
99.99% of people will not understand how important that comment is.
They key to good health is the immune system.
Pretty much anything that damages it, from vaccines, to lack of sleep, will make you sick
medical pede here.
Parasites are a key.
all zinc ionophores work wonders on cancer. Quercetin, ivermectin, HCQ or quinine
quercetin and quinine have a natural source you can get in health stores.
all research into quercetin and ivermectin and HCQ obviously, has been massively suppressed. doctors and professorts who thought they'd be heroes have been all told they're crooks.
Parasites are key and the immune system is even more important.
Why do vaccines seem to correlate with increase disease risk? Are vaccines pure?
Who is corvelva labs in italy? What did they find when they analysed 3 vaccines?
Why did Italy stop mandatory vaccination? Why did they reverse it? What happened to Mateo Salvini who allowed it? Did he cross the one line he shouldnt have crossed?
Guys, health)care) is the key. Once you free people from sickness, it's over.
It's a giant money making / killing machine. It's sad to see,
In control of looking glass device which can run future scenarios...
You have mthfr gene from European ancestry. Stop vaccinating your kids. aspie medical pro here. Im serious.
And chelate toxins.naturally since mthfr means your body suck at detoxing.toxicity from vaccines.
Do your research
Water is the key. Structured Water. You know. But most people don't. It's why praying or blessing food does have an impact. We are mostly vibrations of matter. How we think impacts how we vibrate which impacts the world.
documentary called hacking america explained that very well. Check it out
Internet has revolutionised info about health. Like vaccines or "viruses"
Bullish for crypto thats for sure...
I have on a very expensive system a big panic on the 11th of feb. You re right. They ll double down and the whole thing will go systemic.