Carrotz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fani’s daughter was arrested for driving with a suspended license in Fayette County GA. Her license was suspended a second time for driving with a previously suspended licence. Apparently, Fayette didn’t care that her mom was a Fulton County DA. Makes you wonder how many times it also may have happened in Fulton County but she was let go because her mother was DA,doesn’t it?. The daughter must think she is above the law too..


Carrotz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hadn’t thought about an option like that. I don’t think there are any Amish or Mennonite communities near us but I will look into it.

It’s pretty ridiculous that I have to worry about the medical community but this particular massive medical chain were aggressively forcing their Covid protocols on their patients and staff. I don’t trust them.


Carrotz 15 points ago +15 / -0

Just cancelled a dr appt because they wouldn’t let me amend the affiliate hospital’s paperwork that required me to grant the hospital medical network a multitude of my rights and another of their documents that demanded rights to my data. I don’t need to go to the hospital, I just need to see the doctor. The hospital documents were not the normal HIPAA and Right to Treat. They were way longer than any other version that I’ve seen.

Don’t know what I’m going to do since that medical organization has a stranglehold in my area. I may have to take a ‘medical vacation’ just to see a dr. who is not owned by these corporate overlords

Carrotz 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read the newspapers at this Library of Congress archive site.


The Beta version is easier to read but a little buggy still.


There are so many digital resources there, even tho it is the government. Great for researching your family, if you have a unique last name. Newspapers go back to the 1700s.

Carrotz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Colorado brags on their sunny days but they fail to mention that many of those sunny days are accompanied by very cold temperatures. It’s usually very sunny when the temperatures are -10.

And they love to say that ‘the snow melts the next day’ but only when it snows in April and May.

Expect snow from October to May. The earliest snow we experienced was Sept and the latest was the weekend before Memorial Day.

It is beautiful for a few months in summer…

Carrotz 12 points ago +12 / -0

Georgia uses Dominion machines.

You enter your vote on the touch screen of the Dominion machine, print it out, then walk it over to the Dominion scanner. You are supposed to verify your vote is correct on the printed ballot BUT YOU CAN’T! The scanner reads the QR code only, not the printed text. It is ILLEGAL to have your phone out in a polling place. I can’t read a QR code without scanning it with my phone so I can’t verify my vote on the printed copy.

The only paper ballots are mail-in ballots. The poll workers are not allowed to give you a paper ballot at the polling place