I have to disagree. Pillow guy showed that Trump actually won in a landslide in 2020. This post seems to support the narrative that Trump actually lost in 2020 and that he would be losing now in 2024 if Elon didn't buy X.
Trump would win in a landslide either way.
that's my biggest fear.
The clinic wanted me to get a covid vaccine and the flu vaccine. I found the covid vaccine is not required. i wouldn't get it in any case.
I'm wondering if those vaccines are not even mandatory but are "recommended" like Covid.
I found this "All tourists visiting India need to get vaccinated for hepatitis A, tetanus and typhoid. In addition, you will need to take malaria tablets to prevent getting infected on your holiday. Depending on what you are planning to do during your holiday, you may need to consider additional vaccinations."
I got all those vaccinations a long time ago.
I already got my VISA to enter India without proving any vaccinations. Maybe I"m good to go already? I just found this:
"The Consulate of India does not require any mandatory vaccinations for travelers to obtain a visa to India.
Yellow Fever vaccination is required only if the traveler is arriving from a country with risk of yellow fever. This does not include the US.
Please refer to the site below for health advisories for US Citizens traveling to India"
thanks for the link. Someone provided a link to additional information. Looks like the flu vaccine does NOT come from fetal cell lines.
Vaccines that are developed from the cell lines of aborted fetal tissue include:
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, the rubella component Chickenpox, also called varicella vaccine Hepatitis A The Imovax® vaccine for rabies Janssen vaccine for COVID-19 (Johnson & Johnson product)
I"m at peace on the moral side now. Just insecure from the safety end.
Yes to both comments. Here is what ChatGPT says: "Sealed indictments are typically issued against individual defendants, and they typically involve a single person being charged with a specific criminal offense. In most cases, each sealed indictment corresponds to one defendant. However, there can be exceptions in certain complex cases, such as conspiracy cases, where multiple individuals may be charged together in a single indictment. But generally, sealed indictments are filed against individual defendants, with one indictment per person."
According to the book "The Hidden Hand. The Secret Government" which written in 1925, John Wilkes Booth was Jewish.
I've found all history books written in 1930s and earlier claim that 85% to 90% of the Bolsheviks were Jewish. All sources now claim they were 10%.
EXACTLY! I remember Glenn Beck talking about deep fakes back in 2016 and I thought he was crazy. I remember arguing "even if they can make the videos, they'll never be able to make the voices." Wow, we've moved fast in that technology.
I have a college degree in Bible studies, and I agree, there is nothing more embarrassing than the lazy unthoughtful response of "The Bible said it, I believe it, and that settles it." This mentality is a reason why the younger generation is abandoning Biblical view point in droves.
I'll bet 99% of those with such as a simplistic view have no idea on what year the books of the new testament were canonized, who in particular selected the books of the New Testament, which books were received with opposition and why, which books of the New Testament were considered and were rejected.
I also read and studied the Bible many times and I wish I could down vote that comment a thousand times.
I didn't realize this was still in production.
Lots of good memories of watching this show back in the 70s I admit.