Charmark20 7 points ago +7 / -0

I watched all 4 major news channels on election night and i saw the numbers FOR Trump actually FALL on their boards, as biden's increased, which IS Impossible. I can not be the only person that knows this.

Charmark20 7 points ago +7 / -0

Insurrection against the liberal/communist COUP that fixed the 2020 election? Good, this needs to be in a Federal court, so the Obvious evidence can be put on the record, and the Real Traitors can be NAMED.

Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

In our failed system of Laws, she (and many others in many states) is either guilty of Treason by helping Fix the 2020 election, or Not (maybe just stupidity). These absurdly vague charges do not get to the causes and the criminals that Paid them to do it.

Charmark20 13 points ago +13 / -0

The heads of any US. Law enforcement should all be called to answer some real questions. 1. Are the names of the gang members that are actually Doing the shooting in Chicago/NY and LA. called 'gun owners' and are they ALL on your list? 2. What is the actual purpose of a list of honest citizens for Law enforcement? 3 (my favorite) Chicago+gun control=762 murders every year, Explain?

Charmark20 1 point ago +1 / -0

The stupidity of liberal/communism is amusing. They would 'flee' the only Free country left on this planet, to Where? Make no mistake, when this 'invasion' is crushed (about a month) there WILL BE a New Wall built to keep these cowards from returning.

Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

All criminals/politicians hate the Grand Jury, because they can hear ANY evidence and are hard to infiltrate by the criminal element/lawyers/MSM. SEAT the Grand Jury in every state where obvious fraud fixed the 2020 election.

Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the 60s they told us that in case of nuclear attack (FIRE) to hide under our wooden desk. Same people.

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

The deep state politicians both left and right, that have run (ruined) the USA for years are now like a football team that is behind 60 to 3 in the 4th qr. They know they are defeated by the TRUMP party but they are still making 'mean' noises trying to pretend The People are still asleep.

Charmark20 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course it is not simple, but it is also very obvious when 'They' are trying to destroy Rights and freedom and that Is black and white, not grey. I am never for censorship because i want to know what 'they' are thinking.

Charmark20 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. And 'ONE subject' is more important, to stop them from Hiding billions and making backdoor laws.

Charmark20 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone please read the warning on every box of masks, to these stupid morons.

Charmark20 4 points ago +4 / -0

Jan. 6 was ALL Pelosi's doing. Whatever Barr is doing, i believe the end result is to get this to a Federal Grand Jury, so NO ONE (MSM) can cover it up.

Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

Although i agree with you, and i believe most people are about 5% left or right of center, i do not think that is what Cab93 was saying. 'Freedom' from RULERS/communists has nothing to do with religion. That is why the US. has the separation of church and state. "Us vs. Them" is exactly what the liberal/communists ARE doing Now so it is being forced on Us.

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is sad that liberal PC makes a 'law' needed and NO ONE has the common sense or balls to say 'NO!!, men will never be women simply because they are insane'.

Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember Outer Limits but did not watch them over and over for 50 years like i did TZ.

Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good. Seat the Grand Jury and get the actual Proof of the liberal/communist COUP on the record.

Charmark20 5 points ago +5 / -0

'Getting'? I have seen every Twilight Zone and i can not think of anything Serling did to compare (crazy) to the last 3 years.

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

Outstanding idea but I am sorry, One should be enough. They ALL KNOW when they vote for or approve a law that is unconstitutional, and if they do not they need to be made an example. OR, we will soon Not BE The United States of America.

Charmark20 5 points ago +5 / -0

The liberal/communist party is officially 'Idiocracy'.

Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

He should take a box of masks when he speaks and show them the warning on every box that Proves the masks do Not stop a virus. Read it to a sheep and watch his face.

Charmark20 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am sorry but 'not our friend' is misleading. MSM is the public enemy #1 to any Free people.

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their 'democracy' means Cal. and NY City want to Rule the entire country by shear numbers. Luckily Our Republic of States was designed to stop that BS.

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