Cheesehead45 1 point ago +1 / -0

For clarity - is it "US Marshalls" or " us Marshalls"? I initiallt read your post thinking you are a member of the US Marshalls, but after further thought I suspect that you mean US Marshall. I was hoping for some inside baseball.

Cheesehead45 3 points ago +3 / -0

They make mighty fine Killdozers!

Cheesehead45 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's sold all over the state here too. My thought is it's too spendy for large scale ag use though. My wife's side of the family has several retired farmers and they only ever used straight cow manure for their fields asfaik.

Cheesehead45 2 points ago +2 / -0

Milorganite is made right here in Milwaukee ( MILwaukee ORGanic NITrogen), but I'm pretty certain it's not used for food crops. Lawns and golf courses are the applications for Milorganite.

Cheesehead45 2 points ago +2 / -0

American farmers spread raw cattle waste on fields all day every day. Living in Wisconsin, I have followed more than my share of manure tankers headed to the fields. It's the circle of life thing. I think it would be safe if proper precautions are taken , but who actually knows wtf Chyna does.

Cheesehead45 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the fed is removed then wouldn't every loan and credit card that charges based on fed interest rate then be effectively set to zero thereby massively lowering borrowers interest rates?

Cheesehead45 5 points ago +5 / -0

I bought 100 lbs of candle wax before last election. Someone asked me how I was going to make candles when electric went out. I responded by telling them I knew some secret tech called fire. The look on his face when he realized was priceless. Some people are just completely clueless!

Cheesehead45 4 points ago +4 / -0

Apparently there is no room for anyone here that's a natural born skeptic? I only believe things to be true if events occur within my personal sensor range. For the abstract to be proven true I need extraordinary proof or a sound logical argument free from fallacies. For whatever reason, I am incapable of taking anything on faith alone.

So, why am I here one might ask. I am here because I am hopeful that Q is real and either extraordinary evidence presents itself or I find an unbreakable argument. Since neither of those two conditions are met in my opinion I continue to lurk hoping that this movie has an ending.

I have seen a lot of "proof" and great arguments offered, but correlation does not equal causation, gematria is fun but it's not science, and some evidence presented over the past several years is just flat out magical thinking and would not support a rational argument. Don't get me wrong there's been some compelling arguments and some great evidence posted here over the years, but I'm not 100 percent sold yet.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I really don't want to "hop back on over to pdw", because this is my favorite board on the interwebs. Also, I imagine there are many more lurkers here who may be just as skeptical, but want to stay informed and hopefully be proven beyond doubt that Q is real!

TLDR: I'm like Fox Mulder I want to believe but I question everything.

Cheesehead45 2 points ago +2 / -0

Better than American journalism

Cheesehead45 5 points ago +6 / -1

Tbh anyone paying taxes is inadvertantly aiding and abetting domestic and foreign enemies. Paying taxes is treason at this point in the republics history.

Cheesehead45 12 points ago +12 / -0

Thankfully, I have type two and I fully healed it by quitting drinking and carbs.

Cheesehead45 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most satellites are within the van Allen belt that shields earth from solar events and cosmic rays.

Cheesehead45 1 point ago +1 / -0

OP, meme would be better if there was proof of which gas prices were where. Viewing this from a normie or lefttard perspective they might think gas is cheaper in commifornia. There's zero frame of reference date/time or place.

Cheesehead45 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who is this speaking? Any other context?

Cheesehead45 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just watched a series on the Magdalene laundry called The Woman in the Wall. It's six episodes and all-around great show. Normally not my type of tv, but this was excellent and I highly recommend the show. It's on paramount plus.

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