I posted this earlier today - I think you're right and so does this guy
Secondary source available?
I've just spent some time reviewing all the images and I can't see this (very occluded section at all)
I wouldn't say the GA has prompted it (have been 'awake' for a loooong time already) but this past year I lost 30lbs and got myself gym fit, fitter than I have ever been in my life.
I've got a lot closer to God/the Universe, put myself together after losing many friends over the years to indoctrination despite my best efforts, built my future which I hope will allow for much greater freedom and a greater ability to positively influence others once mass-awakening begins.
Something similar happened to me a few weeks back at a local barbers, the irony is I went in for a beard trim as well as a haircut. I asked them how the hell do they trim a beard behind the mask? Frankly I found it hilarious and was just laughing my ass off in their face at their idiocy. I just went to another place a little down the way to another barbers where they didn't give a fuck, y'know, like men do.
These people are stupid.
I'm just going to put it out there and say that there is a big difference between a jet engine that's under minimal levels of thrust, enough to just taxi at walking speed and another one which is stationary with engine thrust at much higher levels specifically for the purposes of jet-washing a car over.
Very informative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8O1VW-DKAo
These are annual deltas of what Q posted on the same date in previous years. Deltas were also used by Q ahead of POTUS tweets, yes. Nevertheless, it's interesting (to me at least).
God bless.