Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with you!

Unfortunately, most people have a mortgage, and all mortgage companies require insurance. The only way to evade insurance is with a free and clear property.

Of course, the mortgage system is another bankster scam that is worthy of a while thread unto itself.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only way the NWO works is if everyone lives in a SMART city. The goal of fires in rural areas is to get insurance companies to refuse to cover rural homes so people are forced into cities. The goal of fires in cities is to rebuild it as a SMART city.

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

What you described is the way the system is supposed works. But the system has been corrupted and does not work like it is supposed to.

Not taking an oath is a 3-year prison sentence. Treason of Oath is much more severe, up to death. This is why they don't oaths.

Christine_grab 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am hoping to inspire others to do their own legislators. There are clear instructions on my site and samples to copy (obviously, some modifications will be needed in different states, but at least they know what to look for in searching laws)

Christine_grab 4 points ago +4 / -0

I talked about this at the end of the podcast. If our system worked like it was supposed to, the sheriff would immediately arrest each one of the people without oaths and the State Attorney General would prosecute. But our system is corrupt, and all these corrupt people protect one another. It is infuriating.

That is why I think the only real remedy we have is public humiliation. We need an army of people to march into Wiener's office and the other offices and demand that they sign and oath or resign. Then each one of them post the videos to social media. Then everyone will see that these people are intentionally refusing to promise to uphold the law. And hopefully they will also understand that the people letting them get away with it are corrupt, too!!!!

Christine_grab 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wiener is DESPICABLE. It is currently only a misdemeanor to sext traffic children. State Senator Groves tried to pass a bill to make it a felony. Scott Wiener sat on the preliminary committee, which refused to allow the bill to move forward unless it was altered to sex trafficking children 15 and under was a felony, that trafficking 16 and 17 year olds could stay a misdemeanor. And that is just a recent example. The things that he's pushed over the years are to protect pedophiles, stop parents from protecting kids from pedophiles, eroding parental rights, etc are SHOCKING. He is evil incarnate.

Edit to add a link about the bill: https://www.kcra.com/article/california-sb-1414-passes-changes-made-groves/60515287

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. My jaw dropped when they admitted that:

  1. they make sure white people don't find out about job openings

  2. Even though ethnicity and gender identity aren't on the application, thanks to data mining, the state already know this info about each of the applicants.

Christine_grab 24 points ago +24 / -0

I wish I could give you more than one upvote. This issue needs more attention!!!!

As a prosecutor, she went after "low hanging fruit" -- prosecuting petty crimes like kids missing too many days of school, against people unequipped to defend themselves -- and protected true criminals.

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