I am not sure why the image flipped itself over. I loaded a right side up image! What exactly do "voter turn out teams" do and how much are they paid? Who should I report this to?
I also want to clarify that if you do the stone flush, you won't need to do the enemas (at least in close time proximity to the flush; you may want to do enemas in the future to keep from getting too much backed up). All the epsom salt in the stone flush gives you diarrhea, so the flush takes care of the old poop build-up. It's killing two birds with one stone (flush!). ;)
The "first one being the stone flush" (from comment above)? Yes, I have done a stone flush. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be in terms of discomfort.
Or, if by the "first one" was ileitis, that is treated with an antibiotic.
Another possible cause is Ileitis, which the AMA says only animals get, not humans... but humans are animals, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqHzu_wGAjI
And, another tool that natural health people advocate is enemas. The average person has something like 14 lbs of poop backed up in their digestive system. Sometimes the reason why you are uncomfortable is because of the back up, and helping your body eliminate the back up leads to everything moving down the digestive tract better. It's another one of those "no harm in trying" kinds of things. I'd do one a day every day until no more old poop comes out (which can take a week or more!).
I would suggest doing a stone flush since it is possible that what is causing your issues is too much bilirubin in your system. According to natural healing type people, a stone flush a good thing to do in general to maintain good overall health, so it's one of those things that you have nothing to lose by trying it.
Eat a zero fat breakfast and lunch. Stop eating and drinking at 2:00 pm. At 6:00 pm, drink a Tablespoon of epsom salt dissolved in 3/4 cup of water. Do this again at 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm. At 10:00 pm, drink 1/2 cup grapefruit juice mixed with 1/2 cup olive oil. Go straight to bed. The next morning, if you wake up at 6:00 or later, drink a Tablespoon of epsom salt dissolved in 3/4 cup of water. If you wake up before 6:00 am, wait until 6:00 to drink the concoction. Do another round of epsom salt 2 hours after the first dose. 2 hours after that, eat a high fat food (ie brie cheese, ice cream, cheesecake, etc) to trigger your body to release bile.
The stones will start coming out in the morning. When stones pass, it is obvious as they are bright green and float. I am going to wager a bet that you see hundreds.
Thank you so much for this! I recently found out that The Wayback Machine has been compromised for a while, and literally a couple days after I found that out, it was top news that The Wayback Machine had been hacked and altered. I needed this!
I tried playing offense via statutory law and found out the system is rigged. That is why I switched to common law.
I have not gotten the book you referenced. There are quite a lot of common law groups out there, and most of them have material. I've gleaned information from a lot of sources (in no particular order):
https://web.archive.org/web/20230307002227/http://citizensoftheamericanconstitution.net/ (their site is down now -- thank God for the Wayback Machine)
https://web.archive.org/web/20230127011828/https://www.affidavitwarriors.com/index.php/notice-to-vacate/ (another one that is down now, but still available on the WayBack Machine)
https://web.archive.org/web/20230225004134/https://generic22.americanstatenationals.net/learn-more/ (another one that is down now, but still available on the WayBack Machine)
https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org (these are the people getting ready to sue to bring back common law courts)
There are more, but this is a good start. One of these sources will have the type of information that you are looking for.
There are two types of law, common law (AKA constitutional law or law of the land) and statutory aw (AKA corporate law or maritime law; the law that we typically see used.
Are you looking for more information on the common law approach to dealing with your local government or do you want more info on the statutory law/navigating the bureaucracy? How you go about doing things is very different with each type of law.
What state are you in? Many states are grossly violating the bond laws. In CA, they stopped issuing bonds when Reagan was governor. When I addressed the lack of bonds to the various state government agencies, they all basically ignored me and refused to acknowledge that bonds are a thing.
Thank you for the suggestions. I'll reach out to them.
Since this thread talked about multiple things, I am not sure which "these" you are asking about.
If you are asking about the Common Law stuff, here is the Step 3 that was served at the end of September: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2931
If you are asking about how to report government corruption to authorities, this is the info I have. Though, since I haven't seen any results from any of the reports I've made, I am dubious that anything happens with them. But hey, maybe all the reports will be picked up again when Trump is in office: https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2909
I know it can be hard to find info on my site, so if you are looking for anything else, let me know and I will find you the correct link.
🙄 Of course we'll make it hard for you to vote early!
I've been fighting government corruption at California's income tax agency for years. They had told me they kept "losing" my payments and "losing" the disputes that I filed saying that I didn't owe late fees, penalties in interest for "paying late." (I had paid on time and the penalties were never removed because they "never got" my notices). I sued them in court and, thanks to the records the tax agencies had to turn over, it was clear that these were never "mistakes." It was a legit embezzlement and racketeering scheme to falsely impose penalties, and they covered up the scheme by violating my taxpayer right to dispute by "misfiling" the dispute notices.
This is a legit concern, but there are several ways to remove toxins that will prevent the liver from being overwhelmed.
For people unaware of the situation, in Southern California, there is a lake called Arrowhead. During a drought a few years ago, the water got very low, so the municipality shut off water to the locals around Arrowhead while allowing Nestle to have unlimited water for free for their Arrowhead brand bottled water. This article was a follow up article with updated info, and the original expose is linked in the article: https://www.desertsun.com/story/news/environment/2018/06/27/forest-service-grants-nestle-new-three-year-water-permit-california/740154002/
I posted this a couple of years ago. It is ridiculously long, but it goes into detail about exactly how teachers use a liberal curriculum to groom children into sex. For example, they are taught never to discriminate. So when the children say they aren't sexually attracted to 40-year olds, the teachers shame them for ageism. Another example: when the kids say they don't feel its morally right to have sex with a teacher, the teacher says that the point of liberalism is to push boundaries to be more expansive -- that we shouldn't let society define what is morally right for us: https://magazine.atavist.com/fault-lines-cleveland-high-school-reseda-los-angeles-core-abuse/
This article was written about one specific high school in Los Angeles. That school has had 3 teachers convicted of pedophelia-related crimes. Four more teachers have been accused in civil suits. Four of the five civil suits have settled out of court, the fifth one is pending (that last suit is against one of the teachers who was already convicted).
It's because the magnetosphere has seriously weakened. This 7-minute video explains the connection with the weakened magnetosphere, CME's from the sun, aurora borealis, and hurricanes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_e8KWnmARY
Edit to add: the first 2-minutes of this video explain the why of what happened last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjEy6keX9g8
There is a guy in California who has dedicated his life for many years now to fighting unlawfully imposed bonds: http://www.bigbadbonds.com/CALBONDS/
Last year, the state of california made a law eliminating the limits on how much people have to pay in property taxes, as long as the extra money went to "greater good" causes, such as infrastructure or subsidized housing or downpayment assistance. This means they can pass bonds like crazy now. Its one of the laws I am trying to have voided since at least 5 of the legislators were working unlawfully without oaths and once those votes are voided, the bill no longer has enough votes to pass (scroll down to the part that says "page 30": https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2931
I am working hard on getting rid of him, including having his legislation voided and his votes voided! https://gwsandiego.net/blog/?p=2931
In CA, they just passed a lot forbidding schools to tell parents what is going on with their kids in terms of sex identity. The schools are also not allowed to punish people who are "instructing" the kids on things like sexuality, gender changing, etc. So basically, schools protecting grooming is now a law
In California, they have already made it so that CPS will take your kid away if you won't let the kid take hormones/cut off body parts. So the groomer convinces your kid to do this behind you back, you object, CPS steps in to "protect" the child.
In order to be a foster parent in CA, you have to agree to support and encourage these kids to take hormones/cut off body parts.
California is also a sanctuary state for trans-gender kids to run away from their parents in other states to live with foster families in CA so they can transition without their parents consent.
These high numbers are all by design.
Absolutely! And their overlords!
Some of the penalties were for refusing to turn over information and for lying and saying that they legally didn't have to turn over the info. I am hoping that now that they know that there are personal consequences for these behaviors, that they will think twice about making up lies to cover their asses. Before they thought they could do whatever they wanted as their employment status protected them. But now they know better.
Here is an interview with Matt Lohmeier that gives background and context. I found the interview fascinating: https://rumble.com/v3oujdm-former-us-space-force-commander-exposes-whats-really-going-on.html.
Here is Matt's YouTube channel: https://rumble.com/search/all?q=matt%20lohmeier
I served the people who were responsible for administering and filing the oaths, so the 2 HR executives, the Secretary of the Senate and Deputy Secretary of the Senate with fees, as well:
"...each would personally incur $11,700,000 each in penalties for violating multiple federal laws in accordance with the Federal Fee Schedule: • Denied Right of Truth in Evidence: $250,000 x 26 employees (per 18 USC 3571) • Conspiracy Against Rights: $200,000 x 26 employees (per 18 USC 241) • Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law: $200,000 x 26 employees (per 18 USC 242) • Total penalty: $11,700,000 each John Nam is fined an additional $200,000 as he signed an oath to a foreign corporation (per USC 219)."
I'm sure they just laughed and threw it away, but I hope they stay up at nights worrying about what they are going to do in December when it's time to sign and file oaths again.... I am hoping that come December, they insist that everyone has an oath and do push back against the people who don't sign.
Thank you so much. You have made my day with your uplifting and encouraging words!
Yes, they are asking for money to pay "voter turn out teams." Merf pointed out it could be paying people to make phone calls or to drive grandma to the polls.... I guess I always thought volunteers did that. I didn't realize people were paid to do these things.
However, O'Keefe did expose that in Minnesota, Somalian migrants were given money to give their ballots to ballot harvesters who would fill out and turn in on their behalf, so I have to wonder if that program has been expanded to include more migrants who are registered...