If I still had mod privileges, I would sticky this.
Isn't it funny that there are hard nuts to crack on both sides?
Mockingbird Media runs deep. Kool Aid comes in all different colors.
Now every fucking time I bring this shit up, I got some jackass saying the same shit - pure conjecture. No proof.
Q says follow the money. This alone points to something wrong.
- Did someone donate a small amount to a fund raiser or charity where Jordan benefited?
- Could the initial amount Google donated be submitted in a smaller amount to make you come to your exact conclusion?
Why aren't you asking these types of questions, instead of totally submerging yourself in cognitive dissonance?
You can sit here and think up a million "chess moves" for people you like. I got the proof, you got your feefees.
Everyone should lock their doors, period.
It take 2 seconds and deters an intruder. If it doesn't, that's hard evidence for breaking and entering.
But, again, people are retarded. "It won't happen to me, huck-yuck."
Ohio isn't voting until they get rid of the electronic voting machines.
For days though?
I've been saying this a long time on this forum - Jim Jordan is a double agent.
Here's Tucker grilling Jim on taking campaign money from Google: https://youtu.be/pgzE1UBBs8Q
Here's the proof: https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/C00428623/candidate-recipients/2018
"If Google gives me a few thousand dollars check, God bless them."
No, fuck off Jordan. They were his 2nd biggest contributer in 2018, giving him $10,000 and thats what hes hiding in that Tucker interview.
That's why he sat on his ass in legislation, but made a dog and pony show for TV when he questioned the Google CEO. He's a typical Ohio Republican piece of shit.
More importantly, who's funding him now?
Oh look, its Credit Union National Assn. 4th biggest contributer at $6k https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/jim-jordan/contributors?cid=N00027894&cycle=2022&type=I
And it looks like they primarily fund Democrats. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/recipients?id=D000000136&cycle=2022
Wonder what else he has in store for us.
I bet you money this guy has a connection to Les Wexner and Epstein.
His silence doesn't surprise me.
He started Paypal. This is all part of the plan.
Follow. The. Money.
What's up with this article from 2018 anyways?
What a lack of Christian compassion.
We talk a lot of shit here in America about Canada, but you have to admit, they whooped our ass when it came to the trucker protests.
Ours was abysmal.
A retruth maintains plausible deniability. It's not an affirmative statement in any direction.
Q tells us to follow the money. Never forget this.
Dig and find his masonic connections. There's a reason Jeb Bush thinks he's great.
Bookmarked. Thank you, sir.
They are the trannies. Why do you think a trannie movent was necessary in the first place?
To normalize the Cabal's next step - transhumans.
Yea, this is a really legit sticky.
Twitter has a bigger role to play. See my posts.
Oof. I wouldn't call everyone on this list trustworthy.
I still like you, bro. 👍
it's lame of you to try to dodge your implied agreement
You implied it though...🤨
I never "clapped like a trained seal"
I never said you did.
It sure is funny watching you get butthurt though. I always thought of you as pretty based.
I'm well aware of the strings you pulled.
: sigh :
I stand by my words. Report me if you're that gay.
Usually when someone makes these claims, its best to dig on the usual pizzagate topics.
I think a lot of people here owe me an apology:
I even took hits from other mods for speaking up.