ColludingWithAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is siege warfare. Whatever it is that they want/need comes in on those roads that are blocked. Truddy and the rest of the clowns will need to leave the state to get their fix of whatever it is that is usually transported on those roads.

ColludingWithAmerica 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why are you conflating the regular man with the cabal that Christ was routinely putting his thumb in their eyes? Regular man did not put Christ to death the Cabal did. All the state actors responsible were not common men.

ColludingWithAmerica 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey Weirdos in here that keep pushing the hippy Christ bullshit, read the Bible. He doesn’t let up or show compassion to those evil fucks. He was murdered by them because he kept exposing how evil they were through ridicule, mocking, and yes violence. Read the parables as many times as it takes until you realize why they wanted him dead.

ColludingWithAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’d be at 20 years last year if I stayed in. Did my initial 8 and I’m grateful I’m done. I hope for the best for you brother.

ColludingWithAmerica 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly it needs to be two fold Hire back those willing to trust their government again or grant them honorable discharges instead of that general/dishonorable discharge bullshit they pulled.

ColludingWithAmerica 6 points ago +6 / -0

The trucker movement is a psyop, not in the bad way. Remember how we got noriega to capitulate? We played death metal on full blast for days.

ColludingWithAmerica 10 points ago +10 / -0

One of many reasons the ccp will fail … they are logistically retarded.

ColludingWithAmerica 0 points ago +1 / -1

That’s absurd. That argument would imply no one could enforce justice.

Why do people like you always try to reduce an argument to something so absurd? Did I say I’m the judge, jury, and executioner? Also why would it fucking matter? Are our laws not enforceable because no one is allowed to judge evil and wrong doing? Do you even understand the implications of your argument?

Christ routinely condemns evil … how is there only one verse that proclaims the fruits of evil require death? Penitent people understand and are forgiven because they understand and attempt contrition for their acts. I.e. most of us Christian sinners repent. Those that willfully do evil do not. Those that commit the unpardonable sin do not. God makes it clear that there are people that will perish for their deeds and that it is better for them to suffer punishment in this world than at his hands in the next.

I’m sorry but use a search engine or read your Bible. If you’re going to attempt to pull me to the mat then I expect you not to profess things you don’t know or understand. The gospels are four real easy books to read that are chalked full of Christ’s condemnations for evil doers.

ColludingWithAmerica 0 points ago +1 / -1

Idk if I agree. Christ was killed for a culmination of several events of him mocking, insulting, condemning, outright cursing, and beating up the synagogue of satan.

A lot of his parables were outright directed at those corrupting the faith. He recommended death to those who would harm children … I really don’t see how we just ignore these teachings. Christ wasn’t a pacifist, he routinely fought against evil through words and actions and some of those things were violent or would encourage violence against evil doers. Hence why they crucified him. Also notice how the cabal has been pushing no death penalty for the wicked amongst their media platforms, most prominently in their comic books. I wonder why that is and if that matches up with Christ’s teachings? Almost as if they are perverting our faith into being a religion of eunuchs.

Christ made it clear throughout all of that that we do not misdirect our ire on the innocent. The man whose ear was healed by Christ. His compassion for the tax collector and prostitutes. There are crimes we commit against ourselves and those that we unknowingly commit against others. Those are not Christ’s enemies. Those that willingly commit and encourage evil are and he makes it abundantly clear that they are better to suffer punishment here than in the afterlife.

Also our anger towards unrighteousness and evil deeds comes directly from God and poured into our souls. We have an outright revulsion to evil when we are in God’s grace. The saints routinely talk about our duty to remove/condemn/execute evil doers. We cannot have one without the other. Faith without works is dead.

ColludingWithAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s easy. Christ specifically told pedos to fucking kill themselves. Millstone around neck meet ocean.

ColludingWithAmerica 2 points ago +2 / -0


Seems that it’s only ordinary income if issued as compensation… not a lawyer and not a financial grand poopa

ColludingWithAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can try poorly,

Sort of like an option except issued by the company instead of between investors. You buy in at a lower price and can exercise it at a time of your choosing to get your regular shares for the price of the warrant.


This link is better at explaining it than me.

ColludingWithAmerica 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same but that’s life. Maybe dwacu / dwac+ however it’s listed

ColludingWithAmerica 10 points ago +10 / -0

Then them blowing their wad on the 2020 steal was the nail in the coffin … I’m intrigued if this was indeed the strategy. Spend them dry on several fronts.

ColludingWithAmerica 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just realized Trump owns his dumb ass via being a majority shareholder in Discovery. This is absolutely hilarious.

ColludingWithAmerica 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess I’m ootl on cfvi and phun. Would mind filling me in?

Cursory search shows cfvi may own rumble? No idea how phun factors in.

ColludingWithAmerica 10 points ago +10 / -0

I figured special forces would be the ones to make the headlines. Very hard to discharge a several million dollar weapon that is of typically well above average intelligence.

ColludingWithAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is there a tl:dr for us paste eating smooth brains?

Bookmarking to watch later regardless.

ColludingWithAmerica 11 points ago +11 / -0

50/50 leaning liberal, has been the biggest fucking lie of our lifetime

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