My apologies, I sometimes cannot resist snarking on grammar and I always experience anguish because I was petty. Between auto correct and such things mistakes habben - to all of us.
People forget but our Earth is a very old and dynamic habitat. It is very much alive, it is still evolving or changing, always changing. The magnetic poles are shifting, as always, and in time will even swap polarities- it happens about every 2-3 hundred thousand years is a current Scientific Wild Azz Guess.
The more we actually learn about Earth we realize we know so little.
Battery enablers.
Yeah Deep State has to Deep State don't it.
That is treason, trying to act against the Constitution, when done by elected officials, is treason. Treason is difficult to prove usually -'To prove treason, the prosecution has to have either a confession or two witnesses who testify to the same overt act by the defendant.'
We all see the elected official doing that overt act, 'Shall not be infringed' is obviously being bypassed by the act of the elected official.
Treason it is then.
Do not use chinese spy tools, for that matter don't ever use any of that type of media.
china runs different tiktok rulez, here they allow anything because that's one way to warp kids and such things. In china it's a different set of rulez - they control different folks with different strokes.
Never use that shiite.
'Our', c'mon fella or fellette, our.
Learn to do simple searches at least, it is easier than posting up in here and asking damn fool questions.
Not sure I believe that. Gay has historically meant happy, care-free, light-hearted, merry.
The last couple decades queers have tried to co-opt the word so as to hide the fact of their queerness, moving the goal-posts so they can force their presence into Society. The fact 'you' would honestly claim to not understand the difference proves their psyop and propaganda and terrorism works.
Fred Flintstone and Company used to be described as having a gay old time, that was not a reference to queer perversions and Evil shiite.
The end of the 19th century in America was known as the gay old 90s- that was not a reference to queernesses and perversions and grooming and shiite.
Do not allow the Enemy to infiltrate Society by using their terms, their agenda is to render queer as normal, to conditinSociety to allow queers in schools and drag shows for kids and ... all that. Don't let the Enemy move those goal posts on you, redefining everything until nothing makes sense.
Force them to face reality; they are not gay they are queer.
Two genders two scoops two.... well we'll see about that I reckon.
`You're asking what, exactly? The difference between 'gay', which is 'happy, carefree' and the word 'queer', which means 'unnatural, homosexual'?
A queer conservative? He's lying about something, he cannot be both a queer and conservative.
You used the term 'gay', but you DID mean queer, correct? Why do you try to hide the fact of his queerness by using 'gay'?
I doubt it, and how would you know if something happened? I don't mean weather related, stuff like a relay failure or computer glitch can trip you, a bad instrumentation reading from a RTD on the turbine or some such, happens every day
But ok, they are out to get you.....
Charles does what Charles is told.
Merry Christmas.
Yep. Our grid here in Texas is basically isolated from the larger national grid, we connect or used to in only two places. So we can 'kinda' manage our own situation, and the best thing is we can be buffered from national grid emergencies.
But even here we allowed chinese wind and solar farms to operate on the grid, and even be counted as 'X' percent of available power. This is a false thing- wind and solar will never be available in emergency, they should never be counted as available power for the grid.
America needs more nukular, gas turbine, coal and geothermal type plants. We need more spinning reserve, wind and solar cannot pump out the current on a cold wintry night. But if we had 1 turbine sitting idle and were running the others with all the boilers up we could bring another turbine online in less than 20 minutes, add another 120 megawatts.
And because we actually performed all our maintenances our stuff ran, the most efficient plant I worked with was older gas turbine tech, but being older tech we had everything we needed to keep them running smoothly. We were more reliable than most of the newer engines, many of them had teething troubles and couldn't be online with our efficiency.
But you gotta do your maintenances, in States where that isn't a priority power can be kinda sketchy. ERCOT liked to keep one of our turbines in reserve, they knew we could spin right up whereas the newer ones might be balky.
There can be a multitude of reasons why demand cannot be met. During storms facilities can go down too, any number of possible failures affect their ability to run.
If you run gas plants you need gas and water, if water isn't available you can't run. If a switch fails because it's frozen you can't get your power out, if gas supplies are poor you can't run.
If demand exceeds your spinning capacity you need to cut back, rolling blackouts can prevent total collapses so they will do that. Most places have plans in place, heavy industry is supposed to cut back first and then they'll roll blackouts here and there. That way no one is without power very long.
Sometimes it is simple red tape and government foolishness which causes blackouts, sometimes it's poor planning, equipment failures, operator error (that happens a lot), trees on lines, ice on lines, strong winds even.
We had turkey vultures shut us down several times, someone shot a hog with a bow but didn't kill it and it ran off under one of our lines to die, vultures were sitting on our lines as they took turns eating the hog. Their wings shorted us out, tripped off 138000 volt circuits. We couldn't chase the birds away because they are protected...we ended up having to rerun our lines, spaced them out so the damn birds couldn't reach across and short them. Those freaking birds cost millions of dollars...
A lot of legit reasons why power might trip off or not be available, it is usually a tangible reason ho, not just because some manager is a richardhead.
Correct, millions of us are already gone, thanks fauci!!
They'll kick your door in kid!!
Just watched part of 'Santa Claus Conquers the Martians', another classic.
Spoiler alert.... the Martians don't know Santa can magically shrink to fit through chimneys.
Merry Christmas.
I'm kinda hard about this really, my Wife doesn't like it but.... I have basically excluded leftists and others who refuse to THINK for themselves from my Life. Some folks who are Trump supporters are included there - they habitually vote for the repub thinking that is all that matters, for instance. They took the poison even tho they know the flu shot never works. They watch football and baseball. They don't think voter fraud is the monster it is.
So I avoid them like the plague. We have a small business- I don't hire them. We do thorough background investigations and before we hire I will know a lot about 'you' - no leftists or other weak-minded sorts get in, in fact my Wife says she will not hire another female because too many of them operate from Fee-Fees instead of logic and reason.
My Life Experiences lead me to understand she is correct there....
I wish them all a Merry Christmas hoping they'll get it but I don't want them near me.
Yeah. There has always been a certain amount of apathy among conservatives, they hope for more but expect less and it wears on the Soul.
But yeah, people don't have the energy to fight off insanity and corruptions constantly while dealing with daily life. As my Lovely Wife reminds me, we cannot expect to defeat Evil until the return of Christ.
A lot of 'normies' are more awake than we might think, but are not ever going to understand or truly participate in this revival. They know biden is corrupt, that government kis corrupt, that hillary did treason and queers shouldn't be in our schools and there are only two genders and open borders is insane.... They know green energy policies are lies, they know the government is corrupt in most every way.
They see we have no Rule of Law, and so the only recourse is the Second Amendment. So many people are resigned - the day will come but we are in o hurry to fight.
You think Ron is pushing a substitute for Trump? Everyone can be bought threatened or controlled, even Trump. Like the poisonous vaccines he touts, or the Jan 6th political prisoners he set up, or the CRs he signed after saying he would not. Or with the bump stock thing or allowing BLM to riot and commit terrorisms.
You're saying Lindell thinks Ron is pushing Trump aside and so Lindell is hurling shiite at Ron? Makes no sense, makes Trump look bad, makes Lindell look nutz.
Yeah I don't understand why 'people' are insisting on creating war with Ron. There should be no fight here...
At this point Lindell is hurting Trump with this. Ron is probably America's best governor and has done wonderful work - why is Lindell inventing crap?
They should leave Ron alone and let him be governor, this makes no sense unless it is Deep State acting through Lindell.
No snow here in the woods of East Texas, just ridiculous cold. Being in the woods the howling wind does interrupt power some, comes right back on tho.
I noticed a fella up the road had his water sprinkler head mounted on a tripod and it was set to 'fog'. He's making snow, ice really but it looks like snow. I'm trying to work up the gumption to go try it with my sprinkler...gotta drag out my insulated overalls and boots.
26 degrees here, in the wind it has to fee-fee like about 10 or less, the wind is up and down currently but strong.
Merry Christmas Y'all.
Many of us will never accept digital currency.
Because if you start life as a guy nothing screams queer as much as synchronized swimming, yeah.
we'll be a little warmer by then, we don't usually get much below the 50s or 40s down here. But North Texas sits right tere almost on the north pole, nothing between Amarillo and the North Pole except a barb wire fence.
We shouldn't have any snow by then...
Merry Christmas.
We lost a water line out to the boat dock, power was out for about two days straight then sporadically. But we have a generator and are very experienced at surviving storms of all kinds.
A neighbor has a 2 story house and didn't turn his water off, didn't let faucets drip, when we lost power he was asleep and when he woke he had busted pipes upstairs.
He didn't know until it thawed and he flooded his whole house, it was about 90 thousand to fix and he did it on the cheap. He's from Chicago, moved down here to escape the cold.....
We even told him to turn his water off and drain his lines, but nope.
Good luck, and MERRY CHRISTMAS.
I'm in Texas, just about without exception everyone who froze or died in that Texas storm you mention died from utter stupidity. For example, one hispanic non-English speaking family who lost power in their trailer home let their child play in the snow. They had no way to dry him off and warm him up, the child died.... but ask me and Imma say the parents killed him. I mean, damn.
We're expecting the Artic front after the Canadian front and that comes after the Pacific front. Here on the Texas Gulf coast outside Houston I fully expect to be in the teens Thursday night/Friday morning, may be below freezing until Saturday. Most of America likely will be cold and miserable, and there will be power problems, absolutely.
We expect heavy winds with that, so we will see outages for a certainty. Mother Nature will cause problems, but what I also expect is more false flag infrastructure attacks, gas pipelines or something say, because Traitor joe the Pedo wants his damn winter of Death.
So, everyone's mileage will vary. A 'lot' of people are gonna suffer between now and next week, depending on where you are, how you are situated and what your government does to you. We 'think' we are prepared to ride out a week of stupid cold with no power, I hope everyone is.
But in reality people will die, yeah. Darwin is gonna be Right There waiting for some of us.
Merry Christmas.
Well..... maybe they're scamming, if a person has the poison they just give them a placebo and save money.
Redneck humor can be bad, very very bad...