On snap! I mentioned New Jersey. Oh well, it's been fun, y'all... See ya laterz!
We could do something similar: "Death, or New Jersey?!"
Make Greenland Green Again! MGGA!
I agree, an enterprising pepe could probably come up with 10 more ways to leave your... I mean, 10 moar ways Dick Cheney can kill you.. I have a few extra pics saved up...
Flush twice it's a long way to DC. Kek!
I started investing in brass, copper, and lead since the late '80s. Come in nice small trade-able (or fire-able) packages, can put 20 or so in a box and put in your pocket, have never gone down in real-value, and very useful in SHTF emergencies.
Gold and Silver aren't nearly as precious to me, right now.
It'll be like he was never even here...
Alas, I was only the 16th updoot to this...
I have some older pictures & memes saved in my screensaver folder, and every now and then an older one I've forgotten about scrolls past and makes me chuckle.
Enjoy, frens!
LOL, great clip!
"Half, Eddie!" LOL - great comedy line!
As for Disney going bankrupt, it cannot happen fast enough for my tastes...
I miss '80s music. I think I maybe had high school in the best possible decade. Oh how our school dances rocked!
After about 3 cups of this wonderful stuff in the morning, I could probably handle about 7Gs, not gonna lie!
No, more like a heavy tea - especially with cream and sugar. Kek!
Great comment! Updooted!
"Sic Semper tyrannis!"
They were going to try to destroy The Constitution...
No, I doubt she has ever brought anything of note to the table.
https://youtu.be/7aqVpE-6Zds?t=1136 Complete and utter bull snarf!
go to the sawed-off barrel part at about 18:55 in - sorry, I'm calling bullshit! Might spread faster, and reduce accuracy (or improve it, if you measure in minute-of-barn-door) but longer barrels improve velocity, not restrict it....
If I sincerely believe DJT won 2020, was I a subversive in voting for his third consecutive term in 2024? Asking for at least one fren....
Negative 4? Not sure where you were going with this, fren. Maths are hard.
de dash don't be silent! 45dash47!
Hat tip to brave patriot daughter L-A, otherwise asserted by her angry mother as Le-dash-A, de dash don't be silent!
stole his son. I lost a nephew to this same shit...
Rope and Change! Seems like a catchy slogan...