He should be awarded the sole broadcasting rights to Nuremberg 2.0 for his selfless and courageous patriotism.
This is very interesting! Shit your pants then eat shit and repeat commies!
I'm hoping it'll be trumps face that pops up on my screen. My fellow patriots it's time we all stand together and take back what's ours. Will be wild(for real this time)
I remember the demi Moore nude pregnant bodypaint issue as a 14yo pede. Just saying
Don't know why the latest wh clown would have any sensitive documents on camera, but my nefarious guess would be that's the Vax batch map, color coded for the mortality phases.
This is Alex Jones prophetic power, reading between the lines.
That option is indefinitely reserved
Giving up your guns is gay as fuck.
Seems like only cia untouchables would be this brazen
What optics? If they're going to be arrested the safest way and the lowest chance for escapes would be at an island party like this. Think Roger stone arrest for bad optics. I'd rather have a scud missile or something.
Has anyone heard the method of suicide for any of these officers? I just assume gunshot.
Nothing seems very hot in centigrade
They're going through your saved data too, just in case you might share something they deem anti regime.
What he really said was that all elections up to and including 2020 General have been bungled and mishandled as well to the degree it seems normal. That's the Corp of his argument best I can tell.
They tried threatening us with misdemeanor here in nv if we call for audits. Typical shade balls neglect to mention the fine print. It's only applicable if you submit more than one affidavit for the same offense. Scumbags are trying their damndest to intimidate us, what do we say to scumbags? Not today.
That's fucking brazen
Could someone at least have them state a fake answer for the record? Any journalist anywhere?
I never really bought the jfk aspect, but I rule nothing out, especially at the reassurance of rolling stone
Interesting. Was it a federal bust?
Be a shame if a based sheriff took the opportunity to make some arrests while this freedom suppression seminar took place.
I was only lamenting that I felt nothing for someone I used to really admire. I think you misconstrued my intent. Seeing them as victims of the machine does nothing for my disillusionment with the industry. Good news is that the tech to make entertainment is cheap and ubiquitous and the gatekeepers of Hollywood are nothing more than an impediment.
They must teleport now, explains all the clone phenomenon. Bill gates licensed the molecular reintegration software.
Teaming up with bolsonero is good