I hear you and agree.
What concerns me most nowadays is the potentiality that this past 2 years was essentially nothing but training the dog to roll over on command - and little more. So many did and still do to this day. These morons were so happily complicit in their loss of so many God given rights and freedoms, perhaps this gives (((them))) the green light to roll out the next phase, having seen that vast majority of humans were, are and may always be complete fucking imbeciles that will participate in their own enslavement and eventual annihilation...
This IMHO is the primary reason why what we do matters, more than anything else on the planet right now. The future of the human race is at stake. It's funny writing that and realising just how unfunny this fact is. If the normies don't wake up soon and see the world for what it really is, we'll be dragged over the cliff with them.
I reckon you could quadruple that number - we are in every country on the planet and our numbers only continue to grow.
Australia don't trust deep state...
The Chinaman is not the issue...
Lebowski sips on Caucasian, says "That's interesting, man..."
"Free"... apart from all the taxes handed over to then for the billions of doses worldwide.
All your immune systems are belong to us now.
I like this. ☝
It's a tarp. A cheap shitty blue one that:
. Tears at the corners when put under any load whatsoever
. Perishes quickly in the light of the sun
. Is the kind that is bought (usually by dullards) for temporary solutions with zero expectations of it holding up over time
If this LARP blows up any further, I vote this being our official moniker for this psyop beyotch.
With the occasional L added to the end of Romana. Just because...
Great vid pede. Some butt-hurt fee fees incoming for rizl...
This is one of the better written descriptors of what this vid so brilliantly summarised:
It's a good one though... was nice to see it again. I wonder what happened to his career from that day on...
Another playbook: to mention it in context of their pre-qualifier "baseless conspiracy theory", as if this is a fact set in stone, without the need to examine any evidence whatsoever and allow viewers to come to their own decisions in this regard.
The implicit message from them is "Of course it's rubbish, because we just said so..."
Format C:
"End Quote"
The Magic Dirt from Japan may end up being the Rosetta Stone to protect us from many many illnesses by all indicators and reports from peeps here over the past twelve months... no wonder the goblins be trying to memory hole it.
That right there is a gold class tip. Thanks Pede. Adding to the artillery. Got a bottle here already... Add to ammo box.
B,C,D,E,Q10, Zinc, Fish Oil, Echinacea, Magnesium.... And of course decent fresh healthy food in general. I'm NEVER sick. Have felt attacked multiple times in past 2 years: always gone before the sun goes down.
Great post. It will be interesting to hear how the rat bastards respond...
Big (p)Harma be like
[Insert vaxtard loyalty card meme...]
Only 6 more death jabs away from a free donut. Yaaaaaaay!
"World ruled by mysterious shadow elites". TICK.
They Hate us 'cos they Anus.
Find a doctor who'll write you a mask exemption for suffering anxiety (who TF hasn't this past year???).
Print it in cropped A5 with this on the back:
Trim it down and laminate it. Instant Pass - everywhere. Trust me on this. Been working this shit for 6 months now. IT'S THE LAW.
From this:
"While you do not need a medical certificate stating that you have a lawful reason for not wearing a face mask, masks are a very important protection for all of us, and the Chief Health Officer strongly recommends the wearing of masks in key situations as described above."
"If you are stopped by police in a setting where face masks are mandatory, they will ask you to confirm the lawful reason you are not wearing a face mask."
Then tell them, Dan AND the commie traitor Chief Sickness Orificer to eat a steaming hot bowl of dick and just walk away. With a mutherfQn swagger...