CrowRezNeck 4 points ago +4 / -0


CrowRezNeck 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what happened to Sir Maplethorpe anyways?
Does he still have a show on another platform? Thanks in advance for any info

CrowRezNeck 4 points ago +4 / -0

He has his RANK pinned on his collar. Looks like 2 or 3 stripes. So maybe an E4 or E5.

CrowRezNeck 1 point ago +1 / -0

What was the date he said that? Just asking so we can track it. Thanks

CrowRezNeck 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pass me the popcorn and refill my hopium cup. This could get interesting.

CrowRezNeck 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yo....Diversity Hired General "STFU"

CrowRezNeck 2 points ago +2 / -0

🥂 Looking forward to that toast!

CrowRezNeck 4 points ago +4 / -0

"50 Years in the Church of Rome" By Charles Chiniquy Set in the mid to late 1880s.... This book is abridged from the 1886 edition published in London. It is the page turning autobiography of one Charles Chiniquy who was born in Quebec and raised as a Roman Catholic. He became a priest and served as such for 25 or so years. Everywhere he served (various parishes, a hospital, a monastary, Canada, U.S., etc...) he found SIGNIFICANT corruption in Romanism. Ninety plus percent of the priests and bishops were constantly drunk, sleeping with women, involved in sexual affairs with their own close relatives, involved in theft, simony, and all sorts of evil behaviors. Some even murdered others. Chiniquy fought with these bishops and others over the purity of the "church" until eventually he figured out that the Roman Catholic church was not the church of Jesus Christ. At that point, he resigned with most of his congregation (of thousands) from Romanism to form their own independent church. Later, they joined the Presbyterians. In the 1850s, Chiniquy hired Abraham Lincoln to defend him against some corrupt priests and bishops. Lincoln helped him win the day twice. The book claims to prove that the Jesuits were behind the initiation of the U.S. Civil War and Lincoln's assasination. After reading Chiniquy's work, even skeptics may believe that he is probably correct about this or at the very least that they (the Jesuits) contributed significantly to the Civil War and to Lincoln's demise. Protestants and Catholics alike should read this work. It is excellent.

CrowRezNeck 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thank you for sharing this it is very encouraging. Where can I find the Master and Commander article? Do you (or any frens) have a link for it? Thank you.

by 27745
CrowRezNeck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mrs. Penguin from Batman. Danny Devito would be proud.