If you know you know.... Traitors!
It's the fella who can't remember where he was that day standing right in front of the Texas Book Depository. Noontime, November 22, 1963. Then he drove a few mins down the road and called the Houston FBI office to have an alibi that he was not in Dallas that day. Oh, and later he was forced on President Reagan to be his Vice President.
"Bombshell".....what bomb shell? We already knew that! Cricket fart more like it.
Taking odds on an angry Transformer wanna be. 10 to 1.
But wait there's more.... ....his Social Security checks will still be sent for the next 100 years.
Did I miss it? How many minutes did Canada last?
He should have it planted in Gaza-Largo square.
Just ask Pocahontas Liz to spin up a rain dance for you if you want a weather forecast.
You greatly over estimate government workers. 9 am - 4 pm with no OT and no weekends. Oh and don't forget 2 hour lunch break. So ...yeah......not happening.
JD just described "White Squall." The storm is sudden, powerful and destructive from out of no where.
Time to call DOGE BUSTERS !!!
Without Remorse. ~ Tom Clancy book.
What are they building at the gate?
The NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES!!! Love it!!!
You shouldn't insult Hitler that way! 😁
Dude is looking more Freddy Kruger.
Why would Eric be concerned about his own club?
Soooo....... shouldn't he be around Biden? Trump's not the President. So why was he at Trump's rally.... Front and center of the stage ... And had his shutter speed 1/8000??? Just coincidence I suppose. 🤙
Thank you for fighting and God Bless your and your efforts.
Perfect!!! Another seriously worded letter coming right up! 🙄
Could you make this a downloadable PDF? This is outstanding. Thank you.
Many of us have waited for this drop to happen for years. Is it possible this will be a MASS arrest as the first action? DOGE, Congress, and FBI seem to be dropping A LOT of criminal behavior since the Inauguration.