How many gay pedo bars could there possibly be? This clown should be easy to find? :)
Two things:
We definitely have a mod problem on this board. Look at the low energy schlong wag in this thread about "Well, I'd normally remove this..." Then, look at another mod post something super high energy. Wish the high energy mods would clean house. Sooner the better.
Not voting is fucking stupid. VOTE. Plain and simple.
now THIS is a high energy post.
No, we don't know that. People can, do, and consistently fuck up.
You were asleep when the FBI was specifically targeting Catholics.
Antarctica sauce?
maybe there should be
2/5 = 25th 3 years ago/3 hours ago yeah, a stretch
Only asshole was your Dad for not pulling out. Or was it your Mom's client?
Not soon enough.
Get our fag at the FBI to go arrest this bitch.
First day on the job, eh?
Are you stupid or just dumb?
Pure fire - nice job!
Baghdad Bob told me the Iraqis were winning - it must've been true.
propaganda much?
Cool story, bro.
um...because most people aren't retarded I'd guess.
Found Alex "Sandy Hook" Jones.
Wow...not funny.
Now do this with Vax pseudo-science.