Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, "press gangs." The old-fashioned British way of getting soldiers and sailors when you needed them.

Vicious brutes were paid to hang out in the pubs, wait until the young men were drunk, and then drag them off to a ship where the lads would wake up later being miles out to sea. Sounds like the Ukes have been doing the same thing.

Cuetardian 11 points ago +11 / -0

Zelensky was told to wreck the deal.

These sociopaths thought that Trump would be forced to back down in order to keep his promise of ending the war in Ukraine. Then they could all gloat over how they'd finally owned Trump and what a "loser" he was. They'd enjoy the fumes from that for months.

Trump called their bluff. Not only did he refuse to take a bad deal - one that involved no ceasefire and required him to badmouth Putin - he threw the little goblin out into the street with no lunch.

Now they're scrambling to salvage something from the wreckage, but it's actually turning out well for them. Now they're all gigantic victims again of big meanie Trump and the USA, which they love; and the spectre of WWIII looms large just like Trump said it would.

They'd all love nothing better than WWIII.

Trump & Vance absolutely did the right thing. But it reminds the rest of us that these sociopathic monsters will stop at NOTHING to get what they want.

They don't want peace.

They don't want reason.

They want power and control.

They hate Trump the way a vampire hates sunlight because he's in the way of their power and control.

Don't ever think for a moment that they won't start WWIII to get back at all of us. They'd like nothing better than to do that.

Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cannot imagine what's going on behind the scenes right now, with threats made and attempted deals being offered. Hope we find out someday.

I noticed there's an "r" missing in "He loves this County."

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

The pedophile king still sits on the throne, actively dismantling his country and selling it off to the muslims. I'd like to see him marched out first.

Cuetardian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think this is about protecting those on the lists in any way.

I think it's about trying to figure out how to break it to the masses of normal decent people out there - the "normies" - without having them outright reject what they're hearing, refuse to believe it, and honestly believe WE are the bad guys and crazy ones to say that human slavery, torture, and cannibalism of both adults and children is going on among those who run/rule our nations.

Especially when those who will be accused are going to be trusted, lifelong authority figures, such as their own U.S. Senators and the British Royal Family - just to name two. And never mind naming long-time beloved movie/tv stars like Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey.

If you're on this board, you've seen this on a smaller scale every single day. Every one of us knows very well how freaked out people get if you even hint at something like this, or dare to mention Q. They will instantly reject that story and instantly reject YOU for daring to go there.

These are people who know very well, even on a subconscious level, that their worldview would be utterly shattered if something like this was true even on a small scale - never mind on a worldwide scale like we're trying to tell them.

They will freak out, shut down, and turn against the messengers - even when those messengers are their own blood family.

That's the concern here. We cannot have the normies actively turn against the Trump admin when it's just getting off the ground and making tremendous progress, and we cannot have them turning against their families and friends on a nationwide scale and disrupting families even more than they are now.

Some things need a sledgehammer. Some things need a very delicate, careful touch. It's important to know the difference.

I don't know what the answer is, exactly. I would just say all of us here should be prepared to help those around us cope with the news when it starts coming out and be supportive of the messengers - especially Bondi, Trump, and anyone else who are tasked with making the public understand and trying to see that justice is done.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Serious answer: They are crying and screaming because their worldview is being shattered.

They're getting evidence that people they trusted were really just a pack of criminals trying to use them, and they're resisting that idea - some of them will resist it to the last.

That's because not only is that a terrifying thought, they HATE admitting they were wrong.

Our job is to help them if we can - never forgetting that a lot of them wished us dead for refusing the vax, of course.

Cuetardian 16 points ago +16 / -0

This is why we haven't seen Miss Thing for a while, or even Mr. Thing. Too many people have caught on and Gutfeld's joke (hilarious) is going to be the final nail in the coffin.

R.I.P. Joan Rivers.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

that's good, except it should be "hanged" by the neck.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suspect hacking and some kind of "poison pill" to make the information unusable, but of course I don't know for sure.

Cuetardian 6 points ago +6 / -0

Remember how Kirk and Spock used to drive evil computers insane by using logic against them? 4chan probably did something like that.

Cuetardian 6 points ago +6 / -0

My question is what are they doing with all the harvested organs? There is NOT that many organ transplants going on!

Probably something to do with why so many super-rich and elite humans seem to have exceptionally long life spans and are almost never said to have cancer.

Cuetardian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Notice that RFK jr. always wears the narrow tie - it was the style in the 1960s when his father and his uncle were in office.

Cuetardian 10 points ago +10 / -0

Star Wars was deliberately trashed because it was such a cultural icon. It was just one more thing to be bent and twisted along the road of destroying the formerly heroic American culture.

This might be a bit of a new hope for you: At the "Star Wars Land" in Disneyland in California, called Galaxy's Edge, there are indications that they may actually bring in a Luke Skywalker character. This short video was released a few days ago:


Cuetardian 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know who else rather famously said, "You'll See?"

A couple of time travelers named Bill & Ted.

It may have no connection, but I've always remembered that. It's at about 2:40 in this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FbYcu5NhtQ

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure most of us here are not into death cults. I'm just trying to figure out what the answer might be to dealing with them.

p.s. Christianity is not a death cult, if that's what you mean.

Cuetardian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any psychologist/psychiatrist will tell you this:

When a woman shaves her head and otherwise destroys her appearance, it is almost always a reaction to sexual abuse and/or from being pushed into being promiscuous. That can begin to feel like abuse even if it technically is not (consent given, etc.)

If you think the answer is just "stop being promiscuous," you have no idea how nasty some men can get when there are no decent men around to hear it.

You have no idea how they will bully these girls with threats to ignore and abandon them if they don't stop being a frigid bitch and start acting normal and sleep with him.

Everybody laughs at these women for being complete lunatics, but they are in serious pain and are actually in great danger of suicide once they start behaving like this.

It really isn't funny.

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