I go by what I actually hear someone say and he did say that he thought that President Trump was reckless and irresponsible saying there was voter fraud and that he won in a landslide. Trump did win in a landslide and there IS evidence of voter fraud. The court system is just corrupt and won’t look at the evidence
For those of us who do not have Twitter any more, can these post be converted so all can see?
I cannot load it. It says Error when I go to the site.
I wish I could produce it but I saw a post where they were telling hospitals to throw away their vaccines.
History shows us that wearing masks long term cause bacterial Pneumonia. Remember your past. 1918 Spanish Flu
How about this theory. Maybe they thought that the car driving by was Biden. Otherwise, why would you turn your back on a passing car.
When these speakers do an interview, you need to grab our attention first. What are you going to tell us? It the subject relevant to what is happening right now? I stopped listening the first minute.
I have this to say. If you want to study law, DO NOT GO TO MERCER. They will indoctrinate you. I have met very few HONEST Lawyers.
This bill proposal needs a DOWN vote!
That is awesome but I know there are so many more.
Have you ever wrestled or tried to subdue someone on drugs? Probably not. Go wrestle a bull and then tell me all about what a police officer should do. Until then SSSSHHHHH!!!
I will pray everyday for her and the rest to be rescued. May God save those who are still alive and rescue them from this evil. Protect those who may fall victim to these evil people. Cover these children with the blood of Christ and hide them from these evil people. ????????
Is MJ really dead? Lately I have discovered things that now make me question everything I thought I knew as truth.
That should prove to everyone that politicians are corrupt with Greed!! True Americans are the ones to Make America Great!!!
That does not make Trump with them
If YouTube thinks by taking down the video there is no evidence, they are sadly mistaken. THEY HAVE IT ALL!
This man needs to be arrested for threatening to take the children. He is a threat.
Do not get on Fakebook all day today (Friday) until Saturday. Spread the news
This needs to be made clear to the Libs that Trump did not bring these people in. You know they are going to use rhetoric to make this all Trump. Libs love to turn everything around.
HOLLYWEIRD has already failed!!
Trump will hopefully be pulling the licenses of ALL the FAKE NEWS MSM for spreading LIES which makes them a clear and present danger to NATIONAL SECURITY!! Let’s pray endlessly for our President. He is facing so much Evilness.
These mask wearing advocate idiots obviously have no clue what the irreparable damage the masks do to their respiratory system.