That is the whole point. How do any of us know if this post is true or not?
If it is true, then we can be sorry and try to help.
If it is fake, then a lot of people fell for it... because they are not very bright. Step one is to determine if it is true, or not. If you can't figure that out for yourself, you have learned nothing from Q at all.
45,000 are permanently dead from the vax.
As opposed to temporarily dead? I did not know that was an option.
Also, those numbers are only a fraction of the true totals, which are much higher. Big pharma, corrupt politicians and government officials are guilty of mass murder bordering on genocide.
Why? This is part of their DS plans to take over and rule the world. The US stands in the way of their plans and must be destroyed. Big pharma, corrupt politicians and government officials are part of the DS or are controlled by the DS. They took vaccines that are supposed to be beneficial and made them toxic instead. They and they alone are responsible for that.
Everyone else is simply behaving as if things are how they are supposed to be (medicines being good for you) rather than how they turned out due to the actions of the DS.
Agreed. Very good follow up point. I don't know why it is so difficult for many people here to understand this.
Excellent post OP, and a very good thread overall.
Keep in mind that the treatments such as Ivermectin and HCQ also help the people that got the injections to recover. The effects of the injections are not permanent (which is one of the reasons why they are pushing "booster" injections). The injections are toxic, and deadly to some... but they are voluntary and we are at war with the DS - who is currently in control of our federal government. There will be some casualties.
I noticed long ago that doctors in the US are not interested in finding the root cause of an illness and curing the patient - they simply identify the illness and prescribe a drug to lessen the symptoms.
Curing patients would negatively impact their profits. Now, as much as possible, I research my own treatments and/or cures. I don't bother going to my doctor much at all anymore.
The fact that the injections are harmful is the opposite of what they were supposed to be. Vaccines are supposed to be a good thing, giving people immunity to diseases.
He sped up the process with operation warp speed so we were not locked down for years, which was the original DS plan. Now you idiots act like President Trump is the one that made the harmful injections himself. Did he? Is he now a scientist in addition to everything else?
He supports the injections because they are supposed to be a good thing - a medicine that helps people. Who is to blame if the injections are not beneficial, and are instead toxic?
The short answer is that President Trump is not to blame for that. Focus on who IS to blame instead... and also learn to think for yourselves. Blindly following a leader is what sheeple do.
Stupid people are free to say whatever stupid shit they want to say. The rest of us that are not bat-shit crazy are then free to ignore them.
In my view, that twat is no different from the homeless bum you see having an animated conversation with an invisible friend... except she was in front of a microphone at the time.
Those of us that have managed to free ourselves from the matrix of lies have very little in common with those that are still trapped in the matrix. Red pills don't work on them - they have developed a long lasting natural immunity to all facts and logic that contradict their programming.
All we can do is disengage, and quietly wait for the precipice that will eventually force them to wake up. Definitely no fun for them when it does happen. Just as a heads up, at that point gloating would be considered bad form...
Agreed. My guess is that this is the "shot heard around the world". It's the only thing that can wake up the sheeple once and for all... the sheeple have not only been brainwashed by the MSM and their education, they have been deliberately raised to be weak and dependent on others.
The realization that their government is NOT going to "take care" of them like surrogate parents, but instead are actively trying to kill a sizeable percentage of them should be enough to wake them up. Big tech censoring the truth, the MSM and medical profession spreading lies round out the picture.
Our government, the MSM propagandists, big tech and the medical profession are all the enemy of the people. They will not be able to walk down the street (without an angry mob trying to kill them). We must be getting closer to the precipice.
Without a Zinc ionophore (Quercetin, HCQ, Ivermectin, etc.) the zinc did not do much good, since it cannot get inside the cells where the virus is replicating. Your immune system fought off the virus on its own, which is true for most people. 99.8% survival with no treatments.
The best single thing anyone can do is insure adequate levels of vitamin D in their bloodstream. Vitamin D is necessary for much of a person's immune system to be fully functional.
Ivermectin fights the virus, and the Zinc helps out, so that people can usually get over the virus infection in a day (still a good idea to complete the whole 5 day protocol though). For people who's immune systems are not fully functional, this help is very beneficial.
Interesting factoid. Ivermectin binds to the spike protein.
Ivermectin is the cure for the chinese virus (bio-weapon). 100% effective when used in the first stage of an infection, and still very effective when used in the middle stage. Nothing helps much during the late stage though.
Ivermectin may also help negate the damage being done by the spike proteins among those that got the injections, so they can heal naturally afterward... while it looks promising, it still needs to be proven.
Ivermectin is extremely safe, and dirt cheap. Probably a good idea to give it a try. I have a decent supply on hand already, along with Zinc, Quercetin, vitamins C and D, etc. (the FLCCC Alliance MASK+ protocol).
The points are all good, except the last one.
We don't know if transmission of spike proteins is a thing yet. Direct contact (skin-to-skin) maybe... but not airborne. Anyone that has so many spike proteins in their lungs that they are exhaling them would have serious health problems of their own. They would not be out walking around at that point.
Also, airborne transmission would only account for very small amounts of the spike protein. They are an inert toxin - unlike a virus, they do not replicate themselves. Micro-doses of the spike protein are not good for you, but would cause minimal harm to others.
The plan calls for a "precipice" to wake up all the sheeple. It has to be severe enough that they cannot simply go back to being docile zombies once it is over.
We would not experience such a precipice under President Trump, and the sheeple would continue to sleepwalk their way through life... eventually getting us right back to the situation we are in now.
This war is intended to fix the root causes for most of the problems in the country and the world (the DS) for the long term going forward, rather than a short term bandaid-type fix.
This is just a more subtle version of posts urging unspecified "others" to stage an armed revolution "before it is too late"... too subtle for most people on the site to figure out for themselves though.