DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha please don't confuse my words as asserting that everyone can be changed. Just highlighting a need in the community for this season in time. Clearly there are issues of irreconcilable differences where more drastic things happen. :)

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0


DaesDaemar 5 points ago +5 / -0

A masterful educator/reformer will meet a person where they are at and bring them along for the ride. I'm not saying you or anyone else has to do such a thing, but I hope we all agree someone who is willing and able to do so is highly appreciated and encouraged. No excuses, no laziness, no intolerance.. but patience and determination like an ocean removing a mountain.

DaesDaemar 6 points ago +6 / -0

It seems to me that Elon has moved much more to the right (or at least center) compared to Soros and friends since those days. I think he's woken up, but I could see some deference to Soros in the fact he helped out (probably for a nice return on investment) but Elon seems to much a lone wolf to be a puppet for Soros. Who knows though. Interesting find.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely. I was mainly venting (in several posts) about some of my frustration with this community about seemingly honest people asking questions and seeing people here refuse to provide sources, explanations, etc. The more effective this community is at explaining their findings at an 8th grade level, the more quickly the world will catch on to these things. Secondarily, it will also cull out the less reliably sourced theories from all the highly provable things people need to know.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've offended you, my apologies. Hopefully you recognize the importance in the next phase of this movement, where it actually changes the world by educating the masses. Have a good one.

DaesDaemar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm raising the issue that we have so much information that people seem to refuse to prove and share to normies because they get frustrated and don't have the patience to do so. It's unrealistic for everyone to have to go back and decode every post like the veterans did. That part is important but the foundation is laid. More items is important but not critical. What is critical is to have more people understand this is about truth and justice, not some weird cult about bigfoot or whatever. It needs to be able to be explained in a patient and logically supported manner. Like a classroom teacher teaching kids about multiplication.

DaesDaemar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Preach. We need more teachers who have patience to teach the next generation. People who don't expect everyone to start from scratch and learn how they learned. Sometimes these teachers will come from patient decoders who share.

DaesDaemar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Most people have always been that way. It's because they have busy lives and don't care enough to spend time researching. They want to find an authoritative news source they can trust and learn from them. But when you fail to prove you're an authoritative news source, they'll ignore you. This is why we have teachers in school, and people aren't re-discovering multiplication and calculus for ourselves. Society passes on what they have learned to the next generations, and don't expect them to learn everything from scratch.

DaesDaemar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't believe I'm giving any support for the MSM, but one thing they do well is explain things to regular people. Sure they do this in a deceptive and misleading manner much of the time, but people don't go away thinking "that guy's an arrogant lazy prick who won't explain what they mean."

DaesDaemar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also a little lazy itself. If people don't want to show the work to their math problem that's fine, but you can't expect people to accept it as fact.

DaesDaemar 4 points ago +4 / -0

So all normies are pigs? Who is interested in teaching the masses what you all have learned in a rational, easily understood way? Or does everyone need to be a decoding autist starting at ground zero in order to understand things? It seems to me that we need people to bridge the gap and have some patience.

DaesDaemar 6 points ago +6 / -0

It sounds to me that your job is over. The foundation of this movement is laid. It's time to build the walls and build the rest of the house by teaching others, sharing easily understood concepts and EDUCATING the masses. You clearly aren't interested in that. You want to decode and hang out in the deep part of the pool with other veterans and feel good about yourselves. Well congratulations on your part in laying the foundation. Please recognize we don't need to train up more people who do nothing but decode. We need interpreters now. If you decline that role, then that's your choice. Please don't expect normies to do all the work you have done. The work has been done. We need teachers to share it.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

the desire to dominate and consume is a hallmark of femininity when masculinity is weak.

One thing I've observed about a lot of women is that they will do whatever needs to happen in order for something they deem important to get done. So they may be disgusted by their man in their life but they will suck it up and do things they don't want to in order to ensure it gets done. The downside of that burden is they get bitter, withold, and basically lose interest and respect in their man. But when men step up and take over those responsibilities, they relax, are more feminine, fun-loving and generally mellow out. The problem is, we have generations of men who haven't been taught how to be the leader of their family.

DaesDaemar 3 points ago +3 / -0

It may not be, but it is their God-Given role to [] try.

Are you referring to the curse in Genesis 3:16? "And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you." Their role isn't "to try" it's to reject the consistent temptation to do so.

Just as men have to struggle against the curse "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life." ie, having a constant battle to provide food and shelter.

DaesDaemar 9 points ago +9 / -0

Fathers who are leaders in their marriage, their family, and in their neighborhood is a huge key to this part. Aggressive feminism has emasculated men and given them permission to play Peter Pan. I say this loving women, and cherishing their God-given role in the family and world. It's just simply not to dominate over their husband.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just wanted to remind everyone that this stuff is moving mainstream very quickly, and new people come here every day. FWIW, fren.

DaesDaemar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Calling people "hell-bound meat golems" doesn't deter people from thinking you're a weirdo. It's important to be seen as a credible person if you're trying to affect the normies.

DaesDaemar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone got them thinking that way, and often it came from abuse. I say no-quarter (as far as justice) for those who have hurt children, but it should also be considered a mental illness and not celebrated on the streets.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because they're mentally ill. Not saying they shouldn't pay for any acts they have done.

DaesDaemar 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't have an answer to your question, but wanted to comment that I believe this is part of a general population wake-up/response to corruption where the taking down of these bad actors will very likely have a bonus of lots of profit for the masses who are collectively exposing them and driving them into the rocky shores. It may not have direct Q connections (idk), but I have heard of this as a multi-stranded rope and GME is part of it. Posting this for the sake of any passers-by who haven't paid attention to GME.

DaesDaemar 1 point ago +2 / -1

I also think it is a kindness to say that, something that would help them, instead of just being cruel.

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