This is like the Fox interview where a republican (Giuliani ? Not sure Anymore) stated McCain was a friend, almost like a dog. The comparison reminded me of “every dog has its day”.. that video was scrubbed or is less likely buried somewhere.
Remember reading that the “official” HCQ studies were rigged with 2400 mg, a guaranteed deadly first 24 hour loading dose, and people in the trial died. I’m sure it was not administered at the first signs and symptoms w Azithromycin and Zinc, as was recommended by Dr Zelenko.
False, you gimp.
Battle after battle. But you know what, the war is not over.
I’m open to hearing everyone, including people who have risked everything (their careers). I also take things with a grain of salt, let’s not forget we have the deep state and CIA, media, all infiltrating all communications, surely even on this site. My initial thoughts were that they needed lockdowns and didn’t like the vaccines that Trump fought for us to have and yes, also to take. If they were dangerous, Trump would have known it and said something, secondly, the trusted medical community, namely, conservatives (family) I know who are doctors would have rang the alarm bells, and none that I know have. Sorry, but a small percentage of side effects (sadly even death) amongst hundreds of millions of doses does not equate to a “bioweapon”
Therefore, I have to base it on what I can see. The facts are I know several people that have died from Covid and none that have died from the vax, this is out of hundreds of people I know. I also know some people who have suffered health issues after the vax (heart issues) neuropathy & Bell’s palsy, but most of the adverse events were severe for mRNA type shots (moderns, etc) after the second shot and faded after time.
I do believe a lot of good people work in science. I don’t think that they have a hidden agenda or are using a “bio weapon”. We are too connected on a global scale to not see these atrocities if they were actually happening then we’d see it around us, we wouldn’t have to dig. If this is a bio weapon, then why the hell is it taking so long to kill people, it’s a terrible one if that’s the premise of your argument!
I don’t believe that was the goal, but then again I know that humanity is good, and I have faith, and although the evil exists and seems powerful, my God is greater, and I have faith that we are protected. We must act and question and these debates are necessary and healthy, but we must use FACTS not emotions or be careful not to take sound bytes or cross-sections of data and only present negative data but not the full data...should be based on a large sample size (hundreds of millions of doses).
Snowden is clown op
I know many people that have had the vax, not one single death. If it’s so deadly, how come not one person I know knows someone who died from the jab? I know several that died from Covid- so there’s that.
Yes there are deaths and side affects from the vaccines, and YES there are death and side affects from China virus. Now ask yourselves this, which is greater ? I think the virus has greater deaths, respectfully.
However, My kids are NOT getting vaccinated. They don’t need to take any risk of AE since Covid doesn’t affect them.
My parents are vaccinated and I feel like they’re much safer than before, too many comorbidities to list.
I hate masks and vaccines for children, unless they’re immunocompromised or have high risk factors. Leave our kids alone!
Also, I don’t buy the bullshit “ we don’t know the long term effects of Covid on children”.
I heard an Infectious disease doc say we need the vax to hit a certain threshold so we don’t get variants. Otherwise a stronger variant may emerge.
Guys please use common sense. A lot of people on here using only emotion and not facts. Thousands of scientists didn’t collude to create a eugenics program (vax) and we not have a single whistleblower.
The vaccines have side affects but they prevent serious Covid and death from Covid. Obese people, and with other risk factors, elderly should all get it.
2002-NOT AWAKEN but shaken after 9/11.. the disinformation campaign was too great and overwhelming to fully awaken.
2012- I switched parties from Obama dem to a Romney voter. I credit Bill O’Reilly & Fox News. This was a half-awakening, I was no longer a zombie, but I didn’t realize the uniparty design of RINO’s purposefully there to entrap us in a divisive state.
2015- AWAKENED! Trump did it for me. Then Q helped me as well as soon as the posts started to bypass the media to give us an alternate viewpoint.
2021- AWAKENED but disenfranchised. Justice seems like a slow process and the criminals grow bolder. We must fight. With our words, our vote, our power to unite and reveal truth. Light is our true superpower. May God bless us all!
I agree with most of what you say, however if there was a 5 year lockdown plan, why wouldn’t white hats aka Trump specifically call it out?
I think there’s a lot of truth mixed with a lot of hype in this entire situation, which may be normal considering it was on a global scale.
The flu does kill too, but this virus has killed with better precision esp early on when docs were treating bi-lateral pneumonia further complicating is wayyyyyy more tranmissiable than the flu is, so even a low death rate can cause millions of death on a near 10B person planet.
Look I know there’s a lot of bad players out there, the truth will come out for sure, but I just don’t buy the hype that thousands of people are in on it without any whistleblowers if this truly is a means to control population. As stated it’s also very inefficient. There are worse bioweapons. If the end goal is population reduction, this didn’t do it. I think it was an accidental release from a lab or potentially nefarious release by CCP to remove Trump. Not sure b/c facts are lacking proving CCP did this on purpose..
Where are your facts that mRNA vaccines are for pop control ? Please provide proof, otherwise you belong on a Reddit sub known as Wall Street bets, where speculation runs rampant.
Honestly though, what the hell are you talking about: population control? The mRNA vaccines are why you can go back to work and not wear a mask. A friend is a doctor in Italy and has seen first hand the deaths Covid caused in elderly. I highly doubt tens of thousands of scientists would keep such an evil secret of “population control”, plus it’s highly inefficient!! Poisoning the water would seem quicker, no? What about weapons, aren’t there a plethora nukes many gov’ts have at their disposal?
People are over-reacting to too many Netflix liberal-twisted cinema. This isn’t sci-fi, this is real life. I’m sorry I went off like that but that needed a smack down reality check.
Bravo for saying this. A lot of folks proclaim 9K deaths omitting they are in hundreds of millions of doses, but you point out something important. Critical thinking.
Some will die of natural causes. My aunt has bells palsy after receiving the jab, but out of everyone I know no one died or had a serious AE. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. We lost a cousin to Covid, he was 60 and also has other conditions, but it was early on before they really knew how to treat it. I think he and others like him would be alive today if they were vaccinated.
I don’t like speculation that the vax death may be up to 100K. I don’t buy speculation, I buy facts. I understand many on here are completely anti-pharma and anti-vax, but we have to kind of stick to the specific Covid 19 vaccine debate without bias. Harvard study of 1% reported vax AES, I doubt that refers to severe or death. Believe me I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t report their wife or child or father died after a Covid jab. Who wouldn’t report that? Anyone can report. Ok? Please use data not feelings, otherwise you’d be in the wrong camp. The liberal camp is a different website ;)
I didn’t even see this while watching it yesterday. I did comment in another post how amazing the italian players were, as the enthusiastically sang their anthem in unison arm in arm.
Hmm, I don’t know what to make of this. Actually, I don’t mind a quick kneel before start of game, just don’t shit on the flag. Really don’t shit on any flag, it’s disrespectful, this is actually a small improvement Wokeness is so stupid. Imagine many players also kneeling to cave to the mob, I doubt they all feel that every thing is racist.
Look at Italy in the Euro cup final vs England. They were all connected arms to shoulders and belting out the Italian National Anthem. Is Italy perfect? No, they know that but they choose to be proud and show unity, unlike our moronic overpaid athletes who choose to protest, divide us and anger us. We should look to Italy as an example of national pride. Sad that they are leading us in this arena, nonetheless we are a great country with a great proud majority of us who recognize that.
Really excellent points about the exaggerated Covid deaths and PCR tests, and hospitalized patients producing revenue. It’s all sickening to me. MSM is absolutely complicit in constant lies.
The injury liability I can understand. No one would release a cure or vax for a pandemic If they can be sued. The scale is too big, it would be a risk too great. The government should be held liable for any and all approvals if proven to be detrimental.
But please explain the purpose of the vaccines then if this was all a lie. Could it be possible that this was a really harsh flu? (my uncle who is a doctor in north Italy near Milan can attest to the deaths)...
Wrong! I respect your thinking though because it was a good analogy, HOWEVER, there WERE countless people who raised red flags for the election, whereas the only people griping about vaccines are outsiders. Find the insider if this your quest. That’s all I’m saying otherwise it makes us look stupid. And I know the deep state would 100% impregnate only our side with these crazy ideas for the purposes of making us look bad. I don’t think all the ideas are crazy, but the one in particular is the death count. If you vax 500 Million people and a couple of thousand die that’s not a number that should be separated. Those data points need to be put together to shed light on ALL the facts. The more I come on here the more I feel like I’m losing the argument w vax, and jeez I hope I’m right, b/c if there’s a conspiracy to kill us all this is highly inefficient.
Anyone can enter these adverse events?
Also, 9K deaths out of hundreds of millions of doses?
The 1% Harvard study sounds interesting, but I’d be willing to bet it was for adverse reactions not severe or death. Everyone I know who took the jab is fine. 2nd dose lays you out but typically it’s not crazy. I have yet to hear of a med that has zero side effects. No one I know died of the vax, but I know several that died of Covid, some were otherwise healthy.
I think Flynn is a patriot and I think he’s pointing out his opinion and that’s totally fine. But is Flynn a doctor?
Plenty of conservative Trump loving doctors out there. I don’t on know a single doctor that didn’t get the vaccine. But I have asked one I trust if it’s possible some of the theories on population control, and in particular he replied you’d have an issue covering up the lie- several thousands of people involved in the development of the vaccines, with millions of dollars eyes on them, wouldn’t they raise a red flag?
So I buy none of this nonsense. I believe children shouldn’t have to get it, and healthy adults and elderly are fine to get it.
If you look at history, these viruses can mutate. The plague struck over several periods of time, it wasn’t one and done.
So yeah, I’m going to trust the infectious disease experts, and I’m also going to be grateful to the pharmaceutical companies whose thankless help will be shown in history to have had a positive effect.
Vaccines for mono helped prevent children from getting leukemia. The pharma industry saved countless lives by mass producing penicillin. Also, people don’t remember what life was like with severe allergies... patriots, some of your children will go into medicine and research and will continue to help eradicate diseases and make life better.
Do I think pharma is corrupt? yes absolutely, but show me a single billion dollar industry that is not and I have a bridge to sell you....
Didn’t a message by Q say it was to let them know we would retaliate? (I took that to mean any assassination attempt by [them] would be met with equal or greater retaliatory force. Anyone else?
The first 50 Twitter comments are all in support of her tweet, whereas the next 500 are mostly against her tweet. ? Is Twitter purposely manipulating the comments and letting liberal election fraud supporters’ comments rise to the top?
We need to call them out every time.
To clarify it’s weird that people need money or a donut to receive a vaccine- but it’s not weird if that’s what it takes to get her immunity. Otherwise we’ll be knee deep in variants ala Spanish flu.. we don’t need any more drama, getting back to normal now BECAUSE of vaccines not in spite of grateful not resentful. China should pick up the tab for the globe FYI... also, you can be a patriot and have an opinion, that is the essence of our republic. Don’t be intolerant of mine, even if it challenges or calls out opposing views. Intolerance is a liberal mantra...
Nothing weird in my opinion. If the vaccine works then there needs to be a certain threshold for immunity, correct ?
Now if you want to argue that the shot is nefarious or “killing” people or “microchipping” lol.. then present your case, along w your opinion. To date I have only seen opinion after opinion, and no science.
Think of all the people you know (yes all!) now think how many died of Covid vs died of the vaccine. Ready?
For me that number is 3 Covid deaths (age range 40-65) vs 0 (vax). So for me, if those people were vaccinated they’d still be here, unfortunately 2 died before the vaccine approval and the other died in South America b/c they had limited access (and sadly he was a physician ).
So tell me again. Are we going to be fools or use real data. Use the actual data in your life. If you know 10000 people, how many died of Covid vs died of vaccine.
Thank you.
Also I don’t feel children should wear masks or be vaccinated. Adults yes children no. Have an awesome day?
Any pharmaceutical stock that they are shorting ? Just curious.... how do you identify this (since I am not a finance person)?
If we want to scrutinize something that was shown to be safe and continues to be safe when hundreds of millions of people are doing just fine after vaccination, when we must use the same level of satirical cynicism for every morsel of food that enters our body, every medicine we consume, every breath we take, etc. People really think they can say such stupid things without being questioned- eg. the comments about microchips are absurd. Your phone already does that.
Please find a new group or leave the patriot /Trump party. Only leftists are sheep who believe anything they read or see without any evidence, just pure emotion.
Stop this garbage. Now it’s daily. You will never be vindicated, you shills who spew this junk don’t have science or stats on your side. If 1 in 10,000,000 die of a severe side effect, that doesn’t mean anything is dangerous. Unless you start to show me real numbers, all of this is just a stupid game.
This is absolute bullshit. This is a nugget of the turd kind not the golden kind. Please use facts to back this garbage up.
Trump called it the right way, they are SAFE.
Either JnJ or Astra shills b/c their vaxxes are actually doing what you all claim, even then the numbers are so low, I wouldn’t consider them unsafe either.
I am 100% with Trump on the vaccine. Period. End of story.
Remember, the following people will always be against the mRNA vaccines IMO and THEY WILL hire SHILLs when $billions are at stake :
Deep State/Cabal - losing control of “lockdowns”. Greater lockdown = greater media consumption= greater control
Chinese/Russian vax makers- global competition -JnJ -makers of mediocre vax -AstraZ -makers of mediocre vax
Wallstreet trolls who have stock in the above or trying to tank their target stocks (think gamestop, same applies for pharma).. they are trying now but will fail. Pfizer flat? Record year for company... $26B in vax sales alone, great growth without vax, yet options show people betting against ? Reconcile.
People who believe anything they read from anywhere -holistic doctors who are anti pharma and are too jaded to admit simple truths such as how pharmaceutical-scaled penicillin production literally saved tens of millions worldwide.
In 2099, I think it’s safe to assume population at least doubles and we get double the death rate accordingly.