What the hell is going on???
I like how it looks like a Q...
Well, I guess we all gotta do what Kramer did---keep your own blood in your freezer.
I'm more interested in that "TRUTH" building in the background...
So covid literally causes butt-hurt. Honk fucking honk.
I think Missouri pondered a bill like this, I remember reading it around the same time the other gun bill passed.
That is an interesting read. Also, very intriguing how it is intertwined with the JFK assassination. Reading this post makes me want to read this book again, good thing I already own it.
Learn the rules so you can break them like a pro.
That and communism...lots of communism...
First thing I noticed. See, they always knew it was bullshit!!!
Laurel Canyon.
What a fuckin shitshow.
Special place in hell...
What, no Biden???? Come on, man!
Pics or it didn't happen!!! Reeeee!!!!! Kek.
Frogs who know can't sleep...
This needs to be on a t-shirt right meow.
Astronaut meme.
There's a bulge...
Geography checks out.
Have you read the posts? Like, all of them? I've been hip to Q since day one. I was already voraciously researching all kinds of shit when Q first appeared. I found the posts to be compelling from the start cuz I already knew about everything Q brought up.
Lawyers never ask a question that they don't already know the answer to. Just sayin'.
Guessing "just die" was #2 on the list.