Darwyn 7 points ago +7 / -0

Every morning. They should wake it up with the anthem every morning. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. SMH...

Darwyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm too grossed out to give out any awards thanks.


Darwyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was about to post this. Best take I've seen on the redactions so far. Total mad lads.

Darwyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

We should start sending mores code messages in redacted blocks or use other fairly tame codes in redacted blocks just to mess with them. Make them spend time decoding it all to see if we are really plotting shit.

Better yet Rick Role them in redacted mores.

Darwyn 12 points ago +12 / -0

Its like the deep state stepped out from behind the curtain and boldly yelled "We're the deep state and we are in charge. Sit down and shut up elected officials."

Darwyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

My first thought was now do big mike. Someone needs to troll through a bunch of old pics and see what they find.

Darwyn 9 points ago +9 / -0

For the record guys that is not how you get arrested when you are on a live broadcast. You put your hands up on the back/top of your head and tell them to come arrest you(ON CAMERA). You want the whole fucking world to see who arrested you. Walking off camera like that and being super cooperative was stupid. I'm not saying resist. I'm simply saying sitting their and making them work for the arrest works in your favor because everyone will see who took you.

I'm not saying be ugly about it. A simple "If you want to arrest me. I'm right here." will do. Contrary to popular belief there is a limit to the orders police can give you and you have to follow. I would not feel safe standing up and moving towards an armed police officer the way he did. The LEO might see the mic or my cell phone etc as a gun and fucking shoot me dead.

So yeah, I'm just going to sit here with my hands in clear view and you do what you gotta do, on camera, where everyone can see it.

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kek. I started reading and thought damn did they really give us the whole thing UN-redacted. Then I got about half way through it turned into nothing but blackness. I feel totally robbed. Bait and switch... :(

None of this makes any sense. The one person on the whole fucking planet that has the unrestrained power to say... hey CIA agent that's super duper tippy- top secret... I EXPOSE THEE... is POTUS. By default anything he took with him is declassified. He can do whatever he likes. The markings mean NOTHING.

This is a total joke and I'm over it.

Darwyn 7 points ago +7 / -0

KEK! Let's hope they shoot like storm-troopers.

Darwyn 1 point ago +2 / -1

Assuming it wasn't that once in a decade true crazy person and really was a false flag it would have been run by the CIA and they probibly picked it because they want to stress the border patrol even more than they already are. Can you think of a better way to throw them off balance than to murder some of their children??? Degrading the border patrols ability to defend us is the cabal's top priority beyond the DC/Trump crap. All their operations depend on a porous border.

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tend to believe that like all these elitist snobbish over educated morons he believes that things will be different because he's in charge and he's better than those idiots from way back when blah blah. Its the wasn't real Socialism syndrome on steroids. He's better than us and those people in the past. He can get it right.

That is their fatal flaw... they TRULY believe they have no flaws.

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

This means that the police either donโ€™t want to find the person whoโ€™s responsible for this or they try to protect him!

If they want to they can force the VPN company to release the identity or the IP address using a warrant!

I've been a UNIX/Network admin sense before the term internet was even invented by Al Gore. Trust me when I say that isn't how this works. The person who wrote this is clueless. Most legit(non-CIA/Mossad owned and run) VPN companies have the log files on their servers set to recycle ever few minutes. What this means is the line of text in a log file that says COMCAST Cable modem IP x.x.x.x is VPN server IP@PORT y.y.y.y:34063 is deleted after 5-10 min maybe even after 10 seconds.

They only keep shit like that long enough to use it internally to stop DOS attacks or people that are abusing their system like running 50 computers off one account meant to have 5 on it. They delete it on purpose. When they get that government subpoena(not warrant) a week or more later their reply is the truth... all logs that would indicate who this person was have been deleted. Sorry, we can't give you what we don't have.

There is no law that says these companies have to keep that information. The police know this which is why they rarely send subpoenas to VPN companies because its a huge waste of time. Its also why systems like this often do not allow VPN IPs to connect in the first place. You shouldn't be allowed to even place a 911 call from an anonymous source. If you have a real emergency turn the VPN off and then call. The ONLY reason to call 911 from a VPN is to make a false report and/or to report a real crime YOU were involved in.

PS - Knowing this, calling in this way shows the person doing this has a level of expertise and knowledge above and beyond your average Joe-blow. There are plenty of computer guys like me that could pull this off but I'm sure the CIA/cabal has plenty of technical people who could do this with almost no effort. Just say'n. The likelihood this was a professional rather than a prankster is increased because of the sophistication of how they did it.

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have to accumulate victim points somehow. Although I suspect they won't like how this particular plan turns out.

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

You still didn't answer my question. You made a claim. Show me some proof of your claim.

the fact that we have been told that Putin and Trump were working together to crush the deepstate in Ukraine

We've been told??? By who? By Q? I keep seeing people allude to this idea and now I'm wondering how it got started... where it came from? Where did this idea that the war is all part of the plan come from? Put up or shut up. I shouldn't need to research anything and neither should you. If its true you should be able to show me a Q post of a Trump Truth etc etc that at least hints at it. Instead nothing. I think you need to reevaluate my friend.

Darwyn 14 points ago +14 / -0

Beat me to it. How can you steal something left behind by the owner?

This just proves that when a corrupt FBI agent whispers in your ear "take the deal for a few years or we will make sure you do 50"... you take the deal.

Darwyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was my first question. Does he even know/remember what happened to the last batch of French elitists that pulled this type of BS??? Pretty clear he has no clue.

Darwyn 0 points ago +1 / -1

the fact that we have been told that Putin and Trump were working together to crush the deepstate in Ukraine

Who told you this? Can you tell me the Q post that says this? Seriously. How did this become accepted common knowledge?

I decided not to be a dick and do zero research myself.


15 post(s) found containing "Putin".

I skimmed these pretty thoroughly and they all seem related to Russia-gate and/or U1. Its pretty clear that Putin understands the Rothschild/banker threat and he and Trump/Q agreed they needed to protect their own people from them. However, I don't see anything that indicates coordination in this war. And I'm back to Putin is using all of this as an excuse to grab land.

Look at the RESULTS. The war didn't even get the cabal out of Ukraine. If anything its made the cabal more powerful. Its made their guy, Zalenski, a fucking war hero. Its allowed the cabal to launder billions in war aid. It has even given them an excuse to purge their political rivals by just labeling them Russian agents.

I'm actually really starting to believe that the cabal WANTED Putin to attack. That this whole thing was in fact a trap for Putin and he leaped into the trap with both feet like a fucking idiot. He's not winning. Both sides are just not losing. Except the Russian military is being MASSIVELY degraded in the process.

Putin is no longer a strong man. A weak little country like Ukraine is giving him no end of trouble. THINK ABOUT IT! Imagine if the USA invaded Iraq in the 2nd Iraq war and after 9 months of fighting the US only had control over 1/3rd of the country. We were taking 100-300 casualties a day. We had lost hundreds of jets and thousands of tanks/APCs etc. Just imagine that.

Putin is the laughing stock of the world right now. If he didn't have nukes he'd already be defeated and dead in a ditch just like Gaddafi or hung like Saddam. NATO(the cabal) would have used this as an excuse to dog pile on him. He would have lasted a month at most.

Darwyn 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'll ask you the same question someone else asked me. You were there? You have on the ground intel?

You know who you sound like to me... Hitler before he invaded Austria. Same excuse, different war.

Don't even get me started on why all those Russian speaking people are there to begin with. Hint Stalin forcibly placed them there.

And even with all that you maybe be right. Everything you said might be true. So instead of figuring out a way to deal with the murders and cleansing going on that was reasonable Putin invaded starting a war that killed 50 times as many people on both sides. Yeah, that's how we solve a problem let's just have everyone die instead.

Let's face it... Putin could give two rats asses about those people. It was all an excuse for a land grab. If Putin cared about the people he would have offered to allow them to come back to Russia where they started to begin with. Nope he'd rather take the territory and keep it. And in the process get 20 times more of those very people killed in the crossfire. It is after all some of the most fertile farm land on the whole fucking planet. Why would anyone want food. That's not worth fighting over at all.

Both sides are evil. You are celebrating one side's evil purely because they put up the appearance of a trail to give it legitimacy. SMH. Wake the fuck up.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you have any idea how many civilians got blown to shit in WW2? Its like you people have idea how war really works. You think its some polite game played by gentlemen to settle a dispute over a woman. Interestingly enough the Russian's were infamous for flattening whole entire German towns with Stalin's Organ. If the civilians hadn't left they didn't give a shit. It was a war.

Two words Hiroshima and Nagasaki... what, you think the civilians just all left before the whole cities were vaporized. I don't see Truman getting tried and executed.

And don't even get me started about all the stupid shit the Russians are doing that end up in dead civilians. But the Azov are according to you the only evil there I guess. Your selective outrage and/or willful ignorance of what's really happening is quite clear.

I'm not saying the Azov guys did or didn't do some fucked up shit. I'm simply telling the truth EVERYONE is doing fucked up shit. Singling out the Azov and murdering them in fake show trials helps nothing. Personally I'd like to see some real trails with real evidence and real justice for the small number of them that really did do evil bullshit. Of course I'd like to see the same for the small number of Russians responsible for atrocities. Instead we get this fake BS Russian propaganda and dip-shits like you who chomp on the bait hook line and sinker.

The craziest part about all this is there are people on this very board that will post about how we picked the wrong side to join in WW2. They will say the Nazi were the good guys fighting the evil Rothschild bankers. But now the Russians aren't the bad guys they are the good guys and the Nazi are evil again?

So which is it? Which propaganda story is true. My bet. Neither.

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll ask again. You were there? You know for a fact they all did all these horrible things you say they did?

The craziest part about all this is there are people on this very board that will post about how we picked the wrong side to join in WW2. They will say the Nazi were the good guys fighting the evil Rothschild bankers. But now the Russians aren't the bad guys they are the good guys and the Nazi are evil again?

So which is it? Which propaganda story is true. My bet. Neither.

Darwyn 6 points ago +6 / -0

When this first came out I was extremely hesitant to even believe it was true. The next day I saw a list breaking down who arrived from what agency and when they arrived. Once I read that list I understood. Apparently that town is a sort of home base/distribution point for tons of border patrol. They all live there.

When you look at the list you realize that the only reason 400 made it on scene is because it drug out so long. Over 200 of the people that arrive 30-40 min into the event were all border patrol agents that lived nearby. In other words 10 min in they heard it was still active, calmly put their gear on and just drive 5 min away to see if they could help.

That whole first 10-15 min there were only like 25-30 officers. I forget that actual number but it seemed perfectly reasonable. When it went on for so long everyone showed up then stood around doing nothing cause that's what cops do. Owe and that list even included like 4 fish and wildlife agents etc. They counted EVERYONE with a gun and badge.

What I'm saying is that 400 number is bullshit. If you create a standoff and it goes on for 10 hours you could make a list of 500 names that showed up easy. It means nothing. The names that count are the 30+ guys that were inside the building. Some for the whole hour.

This aspect of the situation has little to do with it being a false flag or whatever expect that they clearly picked this town BECAUSE it has tons of border patrol living there. If you look carefully several of the victims had a member of border patrol as a parent.

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