Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone needs to understand these exact same actions are taken regularly by local DA's and Police all over the country and not just in liberal shit-holes. No one does anything about it because the people who are SUPPOSED to deal with it is the FBI/DOJ. Our legal system is utterly broken and in need of a major overhaul top to bottom. If you believe differently you are an ignorant fool.

I'll explain the root of the problem. A lawyer, say a DA, does something that is clearly immoral if nor illegal... WHO punishes him/her 99% of the time??? The bar. Only lawyers are allowed to punish other lawyers. Us little peons without law degrees are too stupid to understand the intricacies of the law so we aren't allowed to judge lawyers.

What is the saying... to know who rules over you ask who you can't criticize... switch it up a little. To know who rules over you ask who you aren't allowed to judge/punish? Lawyers. Lawyers rule over us. You can criticize them and that just gets you unperson-ed online etc... but you aren't allowed to actually punish them unless the powers that be say its okay.

Now go look up who in congress is a lawyer. Kamala... lawyer. HRC/Bill... lawyers. 90% of the DOJ/FBI dip-shits harassing Trump... lawyers. Trump!... not a lawyer. MTG... not a lawyer. Boebert... not a lawyer. I could go on but you get the picture.

Darwyn 7 points ago +7 / -0


Darwyn 6 points ago +6 / -0

Some of the newer fertilizers have shit in them that I wouldn't give to my worst enemy. Worse, with some of this crap that big corporations use in industrial farming we don't actually even know what's in it.

My grandfather died of prostate cancer. He farmed for most of his 80 years of life. Why is it that almost no one else in the whole family(20-30 people) has died of cancer but the one person with the most exposure did? Hmmmm...

Darwyn 7 points ago +8 / -1

I'm obviously not an Amish expert but its pretty clear that they aren't using Monsanto seed and hard core industrial fertilizers like a corn farmer in Nebraska might use. No matter which way you look at it their exposure is less than the average American. Hell, just the lack of constant car exhaust probibly improves their health overall.

Darwyn 19 points ago +20 / -1

Its also because they aren't handling chemicals and fertilizers etc. Every day people come into contact with chemicals like detergents or aerosolized particles from the construction site next door to their office that an Amish person doesn't come in contact with at all.

Darwyn 6 points ago +6 / -0

If his dick was out of his pants far enough that she was able to cut it off then she was probibly in the right. I'm assuming this all happened in front of the daughter. Seriously, you know how hard it is to cut off a mans soft penis through clothing??? But if its hard and out for everyone to see then its easy as hell.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Section 1. The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.


Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

WRONG! Jan 20th is when POTUS and VP change office. All these loser members of congress like Cheney will be gone on January 3rd.

Section 1. The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.


Darwyn 18 points ago +18 / -0

Excellent job. Mock them until they cry. Then mock their crying. From now on they are not "transgender"... they are wearing "womanface".

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been paying attention to the actual fight in Ukraine and the simple truth is Russia's ability to fight has stalled. The Russians put far too many resources into talking those two big eastern cities and then HIMARS blew up all their remaining ammo reserves in theater. The two sides are now pretty even in their ability to fight. This means its going to be a long drawn out shit-show... a never ending slog of death and stupidity. The cabal doesn't want to draw attention to the fact that they set the stage for it to be a drawn out death march so they moved on to other things.

Let's face it they already tapped out the funding they can throw at it and then received their share as kickbacks. They will circle back around in a few months and ask for more money. I bet they pass that new funding bill in late December right before the new GOP led congress is seated in January. One last gulp at the tax trough before its taken away from them.

To be clear when I say set the stage... they sent Ukraine like a dozen HIMARs systems. Just enough to blow up some Russian supply depots and command bases deep behind the front line. If they'd sent 50-100 of them Russia would be losing badly right now. They don't want Russia to lose... they just don't want them to win. If Russia starts clearly losing then Putin will do something stupid. The CIA is currently managing the decline of both Russia and Ukraine. The worse off they both are the more vulnerable they are the more corrupt stupid bullshit the cabal can accomplish later on when things settle down.

In the cabals thinking the more they fight the better. They can make money supplying Ukraine and can weaken Russia in the process. Putin played right into the cabals hands if you asked me. When he didn't win in the first 2-3 weeks he lost. Even if he takes the whole entirety of Ukraine after another year long slog he still loses. His army will be a smoking wreck. He will be weak and vulnerable for a decade or more. Not a good place to be. The only reason he won't end up like Saddam/Gaddafi is he has nukes.

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember... we are fighting our own leaders. This is a revolution not a war.

by gamepwn
Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

We just haven't hit a true flashpoint yet. I thought for sure the Jan 6th arrests would set people off but they still aren't in enough pain. It only affects 1,000 people. Its too hard to realize you might end up one of those people being abused by the system.

When it goes far and wide... when they start strait up robbing people in masse... when the IRC/gun confiscation raids start happening every other day or even 2-3 times a day there will be videos etc. Word will spread quickly and a people will just react.

The other way it happens is they go after the wrong person for the wrong reason and cult of personality kicks in. IE they arrest Trump.

But you're right when it escalates... when there is some sort of battle the feds lose and people move on to attacking DC itself it will become a flash mob hundreds of thousands maybe millions strong. There are like 10-20k police in DC. It won't take much and they will all run away.

by gamepwn
Darwyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. When you see that shit happen to someone else two towns over in a video your friend shows you... then you and your brother and your friend and his cousin and that cousins best friends etc all get together and make a plan. Pretty soon there's 900 of you. Its like a sewing circle but with guns.

That's what happened at Bundy. Those videos of the 50 agents down in the gully hiding behind SUVs while the ranchers are up on that bridge behind concrete with the high ground are hilarious. There is one video that is close up at the fence where you can just barely hear bits of the convo between the one officer that walked forward to talk. The officer postures a little like he's in charge. Finally someone just get in his face and says you need to leave before someone ends up dead. They argue for like 90 seconds and he walks back to the trucks... 2 min later they drive away.

Feds are SUPER cocky until they are outnumbered 5 v 1. Then like any bully they suddenly become very reasonable or a coward. There are WAY more of us than them. They can't arrest all of us. There are literally not enough cells.

The best part about all this is it will only happen like this in rural conservative areas. These new IRS agents will run wild in large liberal leaning cities. They will steal all those rich liberals money. You know, the same ones that have been voting in these lunatics for decades. If you live in one of these places you better get out now.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

They still have a web page but I couldn't find a store finder thingy. They did have a link to become an affiliate... shrug. They only one I knew of still around in Tucker GA is gone. At least I'm pretty sure its gone and has been for a long time.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Possible. It won't work, but sure I'd believe that.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

All I did was check to see if they still had a web page. I haven't been in one in like a decade or more. They're dead enough that I wasn't sure. So I decided to play it safe in my wording. :)

Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

SCO was great up until the late 90s when they were bought out and decided to ditch their old version because it was too hard to upgrade it and bought a monstrosity that barely worked. At the time I wasn't really tracking what SCO was doing and assumed it was still a great OS. I took a job working with it and the biggest problem was that it's network drivers were just utter shit. We were doing Y2K upgrades and the OS itself was the problem. I tried to convince them to let me use FreeBSD and of course they wouldn't.

That's why you don't hear about SCO any more. They imploded. By Y2K their products were junk. I saw it first hand. With Linux and FreeBSD out there and free with no licenses etc there just wasn't a market for it any more.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not even saying she will win the primary. I'm just saying she might try that route.

Darwyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kek. My dad build a TV from a kit he bought. By the time I was old enough to do anything real tubes were fading away, but I remember them. Somewhere around here I still have his card punch though.

by gamepwn
Darwyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

They do care about being stolen from and murdered. Its is inevitable that people will form tribes. Its our basic nature going back thousands of years.

Darwyn 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ironically my dad who is sort of old school like that poopooed JD when I asked him what happened to his old riding lawnmower and why the new one wasn't a JD. I think some people are starting to figure out JD doesn't have their best interests at heart. Pretty sure the only reason his tractor is JD is because its older and he repairs it.

Darwyn 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah, this is why Radio Shack is dying. Back in the 80s we lived in Radio Shack. My dad was always making us help him fix something and he made us learn those stupid color codes for resisters etc.

Darwyn 8 points ago +8 / -0

WTF. I guarantee me and my dad could fix a fucking Linux anything better than some technician who went to a class and knows nothing about computers. I have 30 fucking years playing with BSDi, HP-UX, SCO, FreeBSD, and Linux systems. Hell my very first computer was SCO Xenix. Linux didn't even fucking exist. Guess who gave it to me? My dad.

I'm headed down to the farm when I move so I guess I'll run into this bullshit soon enough.

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