"Culled" is the word for it!
"I dont give a fuck your dad is a moron"
Is what it looked like to me.
Man they ruined lara croft big time. /s
Tag me too home slice.
It's basically like being overly drunk without alcohol. They sell it in capsule form too.
Don Lemon was humble, mellow, and not wearing makeup. He didnt even make a face.
What the fuck is happening?
Cocaine AND fentanyl, yikes.
Unhinged hag. Lay off the sauce Mika!
How is this real?
That's how people generally are. Ready to box over bullshit or feelings. It's lack of impulse control.
They must be drunk still.
Spot on. heavy sigh
First 17 seconds.
She wished DJT groped her. Case closed, whore.
Ezra Cohen-Watnick? Dont know the stuff, just the name.
Just poking fun at obama fren, no animosity towards you.
When you're a dirty lying kenyan commie, but you never did your homework and were in a hurry to overthrow your target government.
Speedy trial, death penalty.
Maybe can just tip them over...
Oh man that's good. 😂
Hey Mike, cut your dick off about it.