Does this mean he will become a senator alongside schiff?
I would have never guessed!
Nate Dog? I heard he died in his early 40s from degeneracy.
To be fair, they salvaged scrap metal from colonials to make their huts.
They have food and copulation everywhere they look, why wonder about anyth8ng? Beasts.
Sold them to jews.
Does he speak 5.56?
Nice! Whats the u/ for that?
Schumers "wife".
Have you seen his husband?😆🤢
He was ready to explode with cross hormonal rage. Belongs in a padded room with a straight jacket.
This is why children need a father.
Send Q an email already.
I saw 15days somewhere on pwin i think. No sauce though.
Buffalo soldier, record scratch haitian mother fucker.
He needs the Achan treatment from Joshua 7. Cut and dry.
Needs a rope. Enemy combatant. Enemy of the people. Unelected, unaccountable, unrepentant. Direct defiance of representative government is treason. Rope rope rope.
Can you tar and feather and hang someone?
Can't fix them, gotta hang them.
No pension, no benefits, just prison time.
Can he sentence them to death too? That would be nice.
The summit that can seemingly never be reached.
Natural immunity.