Datasinc 8 points ago +8 / -0

Terrorists that don't want their cell phones tracked. Pagers Don't have microphones and can't be pinged.

Datasinc 5 points ago +5 / -0

You can still easily be tracked with any type of cellular phone via Tower pinging.

The spying thing is another matter entirely. You can use lineage OS on a compatible Android phone to strip out all the Google background stuff and run a basic clean OS but there's still likely hardware backdoors built into every piece of hardware out there.

Datasinc 23 points ago +23 / -0

Well these weren't out of the box pagers. They were certainly modified with a little bit of explosives added in them and a special triggering device.

Modern pagers only use one AA or AAA battery And there's not a lot you can do to make those explode typically (unless the batteries that came with these devices had explosives in them)

This would be the general type of device they received

This was a well-planned and precisely executed operation that's passed out pagers that were completely functional that likely triggered explosives upon a special signal received.

The same signal was sent out to all of them at the same time. Most of the explosions happened at the same time with some later explosions from devices that were outside of signal range or perhaps malfunctioned.

Found a video of them exploding. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/30487383/hezbollah-fighters-injured-walkie-talkies-explode/

Also this guy's giving some pretty good coverage and details of what went on directly from Israel https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5m0XXTjTbgs

Edit: here's some video footage from inside a Lebanon hospital of the aftermath and it's everything you thought it would be https://www.instagram.com/reel/DABvfPvysfc/?igsh=MXFwMnAzZ2VpMHdpcw==

I guess when God asks for 100 foreskins He didn't specify he needed them in one piece lol

Datasinc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry but no, these pagers would have used either one AA or AAA battery.

These pagers were likely intercepted and modified beforehand with explosives added inside and a special triggering mechanism to maintain regular functionality until a certain signal was sent to trigger them all simultaneously.

Datasinc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pagers typically use one removable AA or AAA battery with a 2 to 3 months battery life.

These were certainly intercepted and some type of explosive like c4 added along with special circuitry to maintain the regular pager functionality until a certain a signal/code was sent.

Datasinc 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not like this, no.

These pagers were either manufactured for or intercepted by IDF / mossad and modified specifically for this with added explosives and a special board to trigger these all at once while still maintaining regular functionality. (Think about it, you would need these thousands of pagers to be passed out and put into use and be functional and not just blow up the first time somebody turned it on and received a message. If the first few blew up the rest would get thrown away)

Your phone doesn't have c4 in it.

Could your phone be back door to make the battery overheat/catch fire? Almost certainly.

These pagers didn't Just catch fire... They exploded. Pagers usually use one AA or AAA battery That usually lasts for 1 to 3 months depending on usage.

Found a video of one exploding https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/30487383/hezbollah-fighters-injured-walkie-talkies-explode/

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

The tweet has timestamps and a date.

Datasinc 4 points ago +4 / -0

He was trying to recruit for Ukraine, and for Taiwan.

No.... That's what he SAID he was recruiting for.

How do you legally recruit domestic terrorists? The same dumbasses that would consider themselves tough guys for money would do the same job locally would they not?

Think logically.

Datasinc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Much more likely just recruiting domestic terrorists likely working with spooks / Feds.

Domestic terrorist recruiting

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

The shooter from today.

Datasinc 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm implying this guy will probably die of mysterious circumstances in custody sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Datasinc 5 points ago +5 / -0

Epstein was taken alive

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

If a church organizes / structures itself properly it can take all the political stances it wants with no tax repercussions from the government whatsoever.

But no, they are weak and cowards that have become dependent on X amount of dollars coming in a month to pay their salaries, AV team, fog machines, live streaming and more.

Once a church gets hooked on that big eva money wagon they don't typically come off. The money will ALWAYS affect the message and what should be food for only God's sheep is made palatable for goats.

Datasinc 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, many are just weak, cowardly pussies that are more worried about losing tithers and offending church members or stirring up controversy than they are about preaching something more difficult truths and positions within Christianity that conflict with what's currently popular with the culture today.

These the same pastors and preachers that closed their doors or had mask mandates during COVID.

There's a difference between a shepherd that won't stand up to wolves and a wolf that claims to be a shepherd.

Datasinc 3 points ago +3 / -0


This logically can only be one of three things:

Number one: Biden is senile and someone handed them that hat right before he was boarding the plane and he's too stupid to realize that carrying it is a bad joke and somehow his handlers missed it

Possibility number two.... Biden or someone in his immediate circle hates Kamala Harris enough to put him in these situations to make them look bad for essentially running a coup against The Biden family

Possibility number three... We are watching a movie. Biden has either been replaced or is a controlled asset. This is a publicly displayed demolition of the Democratic Party and the deep state in a way that sometimes uses humor and ridiculousness to not only wake people up but also because the people running this operation like to have fun and just like the writers of the Babylon bee, know that other people are getting a kick out of it even though it pisses off the left.

I'm solidly in that third camp. Everyday gets more entertaining and more ridiculous. I literally see Babylon bee and the onion stories come to life like The white hats running this operation are like "Oh hey that's hilarious let's do that!"

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a real video. The only thing we don't know exactly is what the hat says.

It's a red hat with white lettering on the front.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Guys, you're being to myopic if you are arguing WHY they are killing pets and small animals.

Hunger. Voodoo. Fun. It doesn't matter for our purpose. (Red pilling)

First lets look at the basic premise...

*Is eating small animals And what We consider pets part of Haitian culture? (like it is in many countries)

Yes. It is.

Would refugees from those countries suddenly stop following their cultural norms in the moment they are settled into the US even if there's an abundant supply nearby?

Not likely.

Do people that are anti-immigration have an interest in villanizing immigrants?

Admittedly some would.

But do people that are very liberally pro immigration have an interest in protecting their position and denying outrageous crimes and actions of immigrants?


Are there multiple accounts of Haitians doing this over the years and especially recently from multiple sources?


What matters is that they are doing it first and foremost. Do not get hung up on the reason. In fact avoid the reason when you're talking to the NPCs / sheep.

**The left love animals more than they love unborn children. Some of them love cats more than they love people. **

Just stick to the easy to prove points that they can't deny. Allow those splinters to go into their mind and do the rest of the work. This will get through where many other things would not. No one that owns a pet wants to think about their pet getting killed much less eaten by some foreigner the government is paying to be there. Full stop.

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