I was wondering what was going on that they would have to pull Jimmy out of the freezer.
My first question. Who's running?
10 feet and double mask?
I was really curious about this because, in my eyes, this issue came out of nowhere. The idea of Musk and Rama picking this hill to die on? Doesn't make sense, far too visible. Distraction?
Didn't this happen 4-5 yrs ago? In the same place?
If the Capitol Police are going to be traumatized by a Granny with a flag, maybe they shouldn't be Capitol Police.....just sayin'.
What about the other 35 sexes? Don't they get spanked too?
Translation....We're finally doing sh*t we should have done 5 years ago.
Not surprising. Behar's cackle could raise the dead.
I was curious why these drones/UAP's were flying over American airspace only. "Aliens"? I didn't think so at all.
What? The WHITE girl? I was certain they'd name one of the WNBA hood-rats.
That's what threw us, there is no connection to the Clintons.
Soo, white invaders bad, muslim invaders good. Got it.
Wherever Trump sits is the "power seat".
Maybe. But every night would get exhausting after a while.
That doesn't sound ominous at all./sarc
And here I was thinking that Obumboy wasn't sleeping because Big Mike was rolling over and hate f***ing him every night.
Life without freedom is NOT safe.
Less stupidity in the gene pool....WINNING!!
You can try, but they will probably ban you for life within minutes of posting. You know, champions of censorship and all.
As a proud Canadian, I can, with all honesty, declare...KICK HIS ASS PETE!!
That would have leftie (and some on the right) heads exploding....big time, lol.
I'm waiting for the Volkswagon add with a VW Beetle identifying as a Jag.
They say that like it's a bad thing.
Probably took Ivermectin too.