Daxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Very bold, perhaps arrogant, to suggest to a complete stranger that they need saving from some unspecified peril and that you or your agency is best-placed to provide that unspecified help.

Time is short of what? You talk in riddles, colleague.

Just what I expect from Deep Church.

Help yourself and have a nice day.

Daxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, noes ... (h)e's put you in charge of dispensing (h)is wrath.

I guess I picked on the wrong zealot 😜

Daxx -3 points ago +1 / -4

A character in a book written by human scribes (in Hebrew, I understand).

You offer not one example of illogicality, just a spray of ...... nothing.

( "It's illogical because it is and everyone knows it" ) ?

I'll take the downvotes as slings and arrows. Thanks!

Daxx -8 points ago +2 / -10

Is this censorship?

I have a direct relationship with God and no relationship with Jesus or any other human-constructed intermediary.

I have no religion, New Age or otherwise.

Awakening involves accepting some unpleasant truths ... unpleasant, only at first, perhaps.

Daxx 5 points ago +5 / -0

The text without footnotes has approximately 1,675 words which would take an average reader 6½ minutes to read ... and it's more like a newspaper opinion editorial than a legal text 🤓

Daxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Clearly shows you know how many pages there are ... not much else.

Those who read just the Summary on Page 2 will have enough reason to disagree.

Daxx 2 points ago +2 / -0


It's A GNU/Linux thing but there are Windows and Mac versions.

GNU Image Manipulation Program

Free Photoshop -- perhaps not as sleek but very capable.

Daxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's one that just happened to fall out of gimp:


Daxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

An example of inline code highlighting using single backticks

^ Above ^

An example of `inline code` highlighting using single backticks
Daxx 7 points ago +7 / -0

u / #q259

(no spaces)


Daxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can see an image thumbnail on the front page to the left of the thread title but, here inside the thread, I can't see an image or any link to it.

Context link needed?

Daxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had a look through those. I'm happy with the term you used "backed by" and it's often suggested. However, there's an overriding problem in that discussion. Central banks or even private companies would want to implement their own centralised blockchain which would be open to the kinds of manipulation that (decentralised) Bitcoin is protected from.

I hope you can see that, if you own 20 crypto-rubles, the bank could rewrite their private blockchain (no expensive mining involved) and say all your BTC belong to someone else. You have to trust them not to do that. BTC is "trustless". You don't need to trust anyone. Now, once you've had your Bitcoin confiscated, how would it help you that it's backed by gold or not?

The Seeking Alpha article is mainly concerned with pegging the value of fiat to gold, which is fine. It stops the central banks from "printing money" unless they have the metal to back it up. The mention of Bitcoin is incidental and could be used to lend more legitimacy to the plan.

By the way, look out for articles about precious metals and see how infrequently (never) anyone suggests that they would have more confidence in gold if it was backed by Bitcoin ;)) I mean what happens when vast gold deposits are acquired through asteroid mining ? Its value nose-dives :))

Daxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Pet-rock projectionist. Lost cause.

I have gold, silver and diversity.

But some people like bars to rub against their thighs. You know who you are.

So easily dispossessed.

Daxx 1 point ago +4 / -3

The no-coiners word for Bitcoin facts?

At least you're backing the MSM / central banker's POV. I wonder if maybe your alarm bells are defective, as well as your etiquette.

Daxx 1 point ago +3 / -2

Apart from it being unnecessary, you can't back BTC with gold because who would be the curator of the gold? You can't integrate physical metal with the blockchain, trustlessly. Forget it!

Daxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no paywall if you register and then ignore the nagging to subscribe. They publish a lot of articles, so there can be a lot of email notifications unless you adjust your preferences.

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