Right there with you but I don’t blame Q. I blame the fools that are allowing this shit to continue. Whoever they are. White hats, patriots or whoever. I fear we are in too deep to recover if the plan SOMEDAY executed.
My best friends 25 yo daughter is so far left there is no hope for her. I’ve known this kids since she was 3. She was first in line to get the shit because she works as a social worker for kids. Had the shit months ago. Last weekend my friend told me that her daughter had a abnormal Pap smear. Dr took a second that came out abnormal too. Best friend is scared to death as the daughter insurance wince cover a biopsy. We are both scared to death for this kid. This shot is evi!
I have fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis, osteo arthritis and something called OPLL. I never smoked as a young person and in fact had negative opinions of pot. No longer. With pot I am able to control my pain and have a life. Idk what Gid thinks about it but he created it. You have to ask yourself why.
Every time I hear him do this or speak about future ejections I get sick to my stomach, get all doomed for days. Frankly, I don’t like it optics or not. If he wants his following to give up on him ok but it just takes away all hope for me. Every time I have to fight my way back to believing in the plan.
Yeah but nobody has a emotional feeling about him