Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

FYI. There is a part of Minneapolis/twin cities area that is heavily populated with Somalians. We call that area Little Mogadishu as a slur.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, and my understanding is that being the world's reserve currency allows this. Without being the reserve currency, wheelbarrows of dollars for a handful of groceries comes to mind.

Propose an alternative.

I'm not being snarky, I am genuinely curious. How would you do this? What would it take to move the mindset away from this paradigm.

Dee68 2 points ago +4 / -2

Really? Have you taken a look at our national debt? We are living beyond our means.

Every spending bill passed does not have a corresponding tax $ coming in to cover it.

And this isn't just by a little, the national debt is 14 digits according to the Massie interview. We totally are living beyond our means.

The things that you state - Large land mass, resource rich, innovation, US based companies, jobs, etc. All true.

We should not be where we are. We could get out of this (I believe) - however, we would need to shift massively to do so. Our thinking up until now is spend and spend more.

According to Massie, even congress is apathetic about it.

Dee68 10 points ago +10 / -0

I believe so. It is also what allows us (Americans) to live well beyond our means through exporting our debt to other countries. That stops if we are no longer the world's reserve currency.

The way I understand the situation is that our way of life will drastically change should this come to pass. Mortgages, car loans, personal credit cards - we are a debt based society.

Hopefully most on this site have been eradicating their debt as much as possible these past few years as part of their prepping.

Consider the shock and behavior shift it would take to move back to one where if you didn't have the money, you would do without until you did because the credit just is not available.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Women running around with men they are not married to is the shame I was referencing. Not the criminal actions.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Given the none of the women share a last name of the men, does this mean that they are prostitutes in the operation?

These women have brought shame upon their husbands (if married) or fathers/brothers (leader of the household). Unless, those men (husbands/fathers/brothers) are involved as well. Why aren't their pictures posted, too?

Culturally, something is missing.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seriously, someone's belief and trust in God is not qualified by them believing that a societal collapse is not going to happen.

Trusting in God is not dependent on such trivial matters. It means that no matter what happens, God has you and you will be ok - either on earth or in heaven.

And to be perfectly clear, when I write about God, I am confessing that I am a sinner, in need of a savior, and that savior is Jesus Christ, who died as payment for my sins and rose victorious from the grave. He ascended into heaven.

Trump did not do that. The Q plan did not do that.

Societies do collapse. People are killed in the process.

Will it come down to my neighbor shooting me in the head for what is in my pantry? IDK. God has me no matter what.

Using someone's trust in God as a billy club to effectively state "I trust in God, therefore a societal collapse will not happen and if you think a societal collapse WILL happen, you don't trust God" is total b.s.

And to be upfront, I downvoted you.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is an outstanding series. I can not believe that it has not gotten more traction on this site. It is almost like it is being shadow banned.

It shows so many connections. I have seen 1-10.

I searched the site to see if it was listed. Ty.

Dee68 8 points ago +8 / -0

Do you listen to bardsfm? It's happening now. Not in the cities, to think it will be just in the cities misses the boat.

A few days ago there was a descent upon a wildlife refuge in texas by 80+ federal officers to execute the deer. These deer have been bred within the refuge for over 40 years. Armed militia/neighbors stood up against the federal.

Pay attention to Alex Jones (texas, again) - the crap that is happening there is alarming. Whether you love him or are filled with Q-rage for him makes no difference. There is federal overreach. Ted Nugent and Pete Chambers plus other Texans are drawing lines in the sand and are standing with AJ outside his studio.

Patriots on the move from talk to action to protect one another against federal overreach.

They are picking off voices one by one. Trump, Rudy G, Mike Lindell. Bleeding them financially.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

😮 I am glad you found a new dentist.

FYI. I asked about tooth extraction a while back.

I was told that it is much better to keep the tooth as long as possible. Once a tooth is extracted, you have very few options left. The tooth is gone.

After that, the options left become very expensive.

He might have been trying to get you as a repeat client for the more expensive options down the road. I'm thinking shifting teeth due to the extraction....

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0

Here's my understanding.

There are two things that allow us to export our debt which allows us (Americans) to print money without being severely impacted.

One is the fact that the dollar's reserve currency status. Basically, dollars are held by every country in order to exchange goods and services with each other. The dollar is seen as a stable currency. These dollars are stored in financial instruments like 10 year bonds. It would work ok. The us screwed over Russia a few years ago when they took control over what Russia had in investment over the whole Ukraine thing.

The second thing at play is the dollar is just paper backed by nothing -- except the Saudi oil. If Saudi oil can only be purchased in USD, it has value. To any country that want Saudi oil, cough up the USD.

This, if true, will be a huge deal to our way of life as we will no longer be able to export the debt we print. Who would want the dollars?

Edit: this also partially explains the military actions we take around the world. It's all in the name of American hegemony.

Open to correction.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

FYI. The film the Pelican Brief stars Julia Roberts. There is a scene toward the end of the movie where Roberts' character goes in to the Gas/Oil Co law office. The scene is shot with a zoomed out view of Roberts.

Totally looks like what Roberts is - a man in drag.

First time I saw it, I knew something was off. I watched it again after seeing Elite Gender Inversion. Julia is a man.

Dee68 15 points ago +15 / -0

The underlying premise of this article is flawed.

It starts out asking "What has the government learned?"

This question presupposes that the government is decent and benevolent. That it just mishandled covid19 and its response.

Embrace the truth. The government is malevolent.

Dee68 12 points ago +12 / -0

And still, I have NEVER met an unvaxxed person who regretted not being vaxxed.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you!!

When I get to teaching this part of American History at our homeschool co-op (Jr and Sr high) I am always looking for additional sources. The textbooks put out just state a single shooter and maybe a token statement about some people don't believe this.

At this point, to educate this way is akin to academic murder. I tell my students this and that I will not teach them what I reasonably know to be a lie.

So, I have gotten to the point where I state that all I can truthfully teach them is that the only thing we can factually state about this event is that JFK went to Dallas, was shot, and died. I will only test them on knowing the date.

Then, I share factual info (not in the book) about Allen Dulles (Versailles treaty for WWI reparations clause, CIA director, fired by JFK, Warren Commission), magic bullet theory (Oliver Stones JFK movie clip - still the best explanation of the theory I've found), Tucker Carlson Fox News 12/22 story clip finding out CIA was involved, etc. I ask them that given all this, do they think the single shooter is still plausible? Beyond this, what do we know for certain? Our president was assassinated and the files pertaining to this still have not been released because of NATIONAL SECURITY?!?! Our president was assassinated! It doesn't seem like the nation is very secure. Does this make ANY sense?

I teach them that it is very likely that in their lifetime they will learn the truth.

I teach my students that I have heard that in the 80s, in France, the students there were taught that a coup took place in the US as JFK was killed. But I have not been able to source this (looking for a textbook), yet, so keep it in the back pocket because it might be made up. I do show the photo of LBJ being sworn in and the senator winking.

Bottomline - I state that America is still worth it, nefarious events took place on 11/22/63, and we have rouge elements running around. Our government is of the people, by the people, for the people. God teaches us in His word that if we say we are without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. This event should neither be surprising nor tolerated.

The students walk away curious with questions, gently red pilled, and still patriotic. As far as I am concerned, I could hope for nothing less. Sometimes just knowing that your government lies to you will inoculate you to the government propaganda. Worked for me - 7 y.o., dad, Gulf of Tonkin.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is starting to hit my church and homeschool circles now. Everything up until now was murky - people we've prayed for before (were on the prayer list) covid who have now died - did the vaxx accelerate death, elderly people, etc. Conservatively, I ruled out a lot. The vaxx "could" have been a factor but then again, maybe not.

Now, I'm praying for a teenager with an aggressive cancer, an older person whose breast cancer that was in remission now suddenly has at least 3 different types of aggressive cancers not expected to survive the year, a home school teacher whose cancer suddenly "showed up".

A few that were big into getting the vaxx still seem fine. Now it's just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Morbid thoughts immediately arise everytime someone dies - were they vaxxed? Did they have a saving relationship with Jesus?

It darkens the soul.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I lump these in with Turbo cancer. Not sure if you are up on this. You can search Turbo cancer or just cancer on this site to start. Turbo was the slang name given to reflect the speed.

Briefly: fast acting cancer, usually presents in stage 4, very little time left. Young people are getting cancers that usually do not show up until much later in life - 20s versus 70s. Can reactivate remission cancers.

Japanese study links it to the vaxx and boosters - confirms anecdotal suspicions. (Site search)

Six in my circle. Other deaths at church as well - have not been close enough to surviving family members to find out how/why without coming across as gossipy, predatory, and not very Christian-like.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, so the vaccine is supposed to help against H1N1.

What is so terrible about getting H1N1?

It sounds like it is a flu birds get and then it can "jump" to humans, right?

Germ theory and transmission improbability aside for the moment, so what? I do not get the fear around this.

Will a human start puking up feathers? Will body parts start to fall off?

Heck, I survived the Covid pandemic without getting vaxxed and Covid19 was touted to be deadly. Are they saying H1N1 is worse than Covid19? If so, specifically, in what way?

I'm calling bs on all of this.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've taken the stance of sending texts to a family group chat I have created. I weed through everything and then only send out the very best.

This is one that I have sent.

They rarely respond.

I no longer care. This is who I am and what I believe. I am not going to tiptoe to not hurt feelings.

Half my family got the vaxx and vaxxed their kids. I used to not send things on vaxx injuries.

Just sent them all an article on turbo cancer.

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