DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right on brother, how do I figure out my blood type. I'm 100% unvaxxed.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks I've been looking for something like this. I use the stupid plastic surgical masks and refuse to fully mask because I won't be caught breathing microscopic plaastic fibers. I just nose the bullshit and breathe through my nose, but I need to get away from these plastic masks.

DemonDMT 6 points ago +6 / -0

im fighting brother, lots of unmasked all around now! I see it in the grocery stores atleast 60% of people are unmasked and unafraid!

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

my grampa died too, around 90 years old.. sudden lung cancer. vaccinated.

DemonDMT 7 points ago +7 / -0

I havent taken 12mg ivy in 2 weeks, i got allergies kicking in last night.. i might have to pop one tonight!

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try putting some minerals in your diet, like mixing himalayan sea salt in your drinking water. Also make sure your Vitamin D levels are at around 50 blood saturation, there;s a cheap at home test you can buy on Amazon that will tell you what your level is and start taking Vitamin D3 supplements if you're low. Try chamomile tea to relax your mind, medidation, breathing exercises. Slow your heart rate down. I hate panic attacks.. it could also be from smoking, when I cut smoking they went away from me completely. Also if you're taking supplements, try removing them from your diet, to see if they're the cause of your anxiety.

DemonDMT 4 points ago +4 / -0

"It's lipid nanoparticles with either messenger RNA of Adenoviruses in it, and the reason why I say it's not good is the lipid nanoparticles were known before this was even released to go everywhere in the body, it goes everywhere, in the adrenal glands, the reproductive organs, brain, heart and bone marrow. This is scary stuff, we don't want anything injected going into the brain, that's what we know for sure with the lipid nanoparticles. In fact there have been autopsies on people who have had the vaccines that have shown evidence that it goes up into the brain.

The next grave concern that it contains the genetic material that codes for the spike protein, the spike protein is the dangerous buds or spines on the ball of the virus, the spike protein itself is proven to damage organs, the brain, reproductive organs, the blood vessel cells, cause blood clotting, it causes blood platelets to stick together and causes hematologic abnormalities. The spike protein is pathogenic and we know it was devised and altered in a lab in Wuhan China specifically to make the virus more lethal. The vaccines give us the code for our body to make this lethal protein to act against us, so I think that's very concerning.

Most recently just hitting the wires this week a paper by Marcus Aldén and collogues from Lund University in Sweden; In human hepatic cell lines has demonstrated that in fact the vaccine, the genetic code for the spike protein doesn't just stay in the cytosol in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, in fact it goes into the human nucleus. The belief is that it's a permanent installation into human DNA. This is greatly concerning, that there would be a mosaic of cells now that has the permanent code for a protein devised in the lab in Wuhan China, 70% of Americans have taken this, and if they have the permanent installation of the genetic code, we don't know what that is going to imply. If that survives through cell division and daughter cells receive it, that means the human body could actually produce its own protein against itself and cause chronic disease."

-Dr. Peter MuCullough

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

During the OSHA thing when Biden was coercing private companies to fire unvaccinated, I called a lawyer and asked what his thoughts were if I was fired for not giving them a copy of a vaccine card. He said: "You live in a heavily pro-vaccine area (he's right) the chances of you winning in court is very slim". He basically didn't want to take the case if I was fired, because he's right, this place is run with leftists. Luckily the supreme court shot down OSHA mandate and I remain at work.. but now they're on my balls about keeping my mask on. For awhile here no one said shit to me when I had the mask down under my nose or completely off.. but now the policy is "only vaccinated can go maskless indoors"... now I feel like a fucking Praia on Zoom calls as I'm one of the only few people wearing a mask.. my manager is on my dick constantly about keeping it on, hopefully they ease up and forget about it. I'm not too bummed about it, I wear these large fucking disposable surgeon masks, i get plenty of airflow from the sides... which is my only concern.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

if they force an n95 on me im gone. I can always breathe fresh air through the sides of the stupid surgeon mask. I will literally tell them to fuck themselves, verbally, if they force an N95. Bet on it.

DemonDMT 8 points ago +8 / -0

The shit just got worse here after that where I work. Nobody gave a shit if I wore the mask below my nose or completely off, now that they can push their superiority around the boss and manager are on my ass. Ridiculous fucking shit.

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