Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

That may be good for NPCs

Red pills for every group;

For NPCs

1: These questions https://qposts.online/post/153

2: ask them to describe Trump

3: Show clips of pre 2015 Trump

For pro-American leftists (those who have an actual ideology)

1: Ask them about how Amazon and Walmart are benefitting during the last 15 months

2: Ask them their opinion of voting for Biden (unlike the NPCs, they did a "hold your nose" vote), how Bernie lost 2020 and what happened after https://qposts.online/post/3909

3: ask them when race-baiting started (2012 post OWS) and who benefits

Lenin said "fascism is capitalism in decay" which IMO is wrong about both Nazis and fascists, but the point he was arguing 100% applies to BLM and CRT and the rest.

Anti American leftists and tankies:

1: Ask "why is America bad?"

2: for government reasons (military complex); mention how we agree, which is why we like the guy who said "give it back to you, the people" and for bonus points, mention how it is similar to the Marx phrase "dictatorship of the proletariat". Give all the ways it seems the rich turned against Trump and how the rich benefit from the new normal.

3:for the "the people are systemically racist", mention the OWS race-baiting "coincidence".

IMO the issues useful idiot communists have with capitalism are solved by protecting the lower class+2A. AKA what 1790 Americanism with modern sensibilities would be like. It also keeps the profit incentive of capitalism.

Despitetospite 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Trump is a fascist anti-American white supremacist who avoided the draft who obsessed with individual freedom who only got voted out because he was too stupid to become Hitler, and only ran for narcissism and hates everyone, including his own voters."

I asked, "don't you wonder that the media suddenly making this man every negative thing no matter how contradictory?"

They said "He IS every negative thing"

"He has a Jim Jones Nazi white supremacist cult who follows every word he says (despite him hating them), and he caused them to value their selfish freedom against the individual good and living "like there isn't a pandemic". They are stupid and cult-like and deny dying of covid as they die of it because he said it wasn't as bad back in March 2020. The media makes them out to be poor, but they are not, since they were able to take off work to commit the insurrection. They are so stupid, they didn't even bring guns to the insurrection, which is why no one died. They also can't even listen to him regarding the vaccine, since he brainwashed them before not to trust the CDC."

In reality, Trump in power got them to do so many things for the covid cult, and since he was out of power, they still have the "follow the science" NPC wiring without Trump's statement on the vaccine. I feel bad for them.

Despitetospite 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Trump is pushing these anonymous posts on his cult, but orange man bad, let us deboonk them"

What the media and NPCs COULD say if the q posts weren't so good.

Despitetospite 7 points ago +7 / -0

The “new normal”(masks, stay home,consume Amazon)+climate change propaganda+2 terms of HRC-Trump waking everyone up-Trump allowing people to be open with their beliefs (there are people too scared to rebel NOW? Imagine how it would have been).

These people are sick!

The technology (social media, smart phones etc) being released the last 30+ years shows that this was the final plan IMO

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ask him q questions. There’s a reason the media never mentions q questions. A lot of them can wake up literally everyone with any critical thinking.

Despitetospite 2 points ago +2 / -0

2017-2019: “I hope q isn’t real. I don’t want to believe child sacrifices are happening and Trump is a that huge of a deal. It does seem weird that everything is coming after him though, I thought i was as simple of having an outside to fix the economy and a bit better polices than regular politician”

2020: “oh, this was their final plan (great reset). PLEASE SAVE US TRUMP”

2021: “Trump seemingly flamed out, yet everything feels so weird. Why aren’t the bad guys celebrating? It’s weird how even Fox called Biden for Arizona. Wait, that did wake up the boomer conservatives to realize something odd is happening. And there is an audit in the same place. Who said it wont be for everyone? Who said “you are watching a movie”?”

Only two options; q or biggest controlled opposition. Everyone is currently in two categories; NPC or HOPING q is real. I feel we will look back after and realize exactly how everything makes sense. “You must show them”

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

NPCs: narcissism

Also NPCs: describe Trump with literally every negative adjective at once without any regard for contradiction of self awareness that Trump was famous before he ran and maybe they were brainwashed to hate a man so much.

I personally think ACTUALLY saving the world would give a narcissist more of a purpose than pretending to.

Despitetospite 0 points ago +2 / -2

Trump had a rally planned for 6/19 in Tulsa. For some reason, they thought Trump (who also is an idiot who never reads history books or any book without pictures /s) did it as a "white supremacist dog whistle" to the burning of black wall street+Juneteenth. I mean the two events were Democrats releasing their slaves, and Democrats attacking rich black people who made something of themselves.

Some things never change. Blueanon!

Despitetospite 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, a lot of Trump supporters are brave enough to withstand the hatred a lot of people have (due to being brainwashed by the media). But most of them are nervous to be open about it. It’s not all or nothing.

Despitetospite 7 points ago +7 / -0

Not always, not even mostly. Most Trump supporter are silent because of the lies and slander that the media tells about us. Same with q believers.

#1 and #2 most lied about groups in history. If I asked someone like you “are Trump/ Trump voters X negative adjective”(IE stupid, cultish, authoritarian, fascist, hateful to authority (for selfish reasons) anti American, hate poor people, poor, against their own self interests, disloyal to America etc) you would answer yes despite all the contradictions/double think in these descriptions, since the media has made you feel their hate with no questioning to why.

It’s really because just questioning the narrative is enough to threaten them.

Despitetospite 4 points ago +4 / -0

How do you know that they aren’t silent?

I’m not sure what kind of Trump supporters you know.

Tell me what you think about them.

What do you think Trump supporters are like?

by BQnita
Despitetospite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump did a 4D chess with “open our schools”

1: the “US branch of the covid cult” listens only to going against Trump (before he lost in their eyes and TDS weakened) and believes we are the only country dealing with it. I believe the masks are so damaging to kids, and even staying home is a lot better.

2:the parents saw CRT and other propaganda.

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Returning power back to the people (and the states). I part of me believes the post declas plan doesn't even have a hanging phase, since they are minimizing the chance of "history is written by the victors" to happen years from now. It will be as simple as "here's the truth" and no one listens to them anymore. Their punishment is just being exposed and powerless.

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Desantis is POTUS Trump if the Q plan wasn't happening, and if the battle was as simple as we thought it was in 2015-2016.

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

They do, because of Russia Russia Russia for 3 years.

Despitetospite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Putin and Biden are meeting today

Remind an NPC how repressive Putin is, and how Biden is meeting him. They would probably mention how Biden will challenge him unlike “former guy”.

Then show them this as an example of Russian tyranny.

Despitetospite 4 points ago +4 / -0

If q drops are so bad why doesn’t the news ever mention them?

Couldn’t they just claim “Trump and q are connected, but orange man bad”?

They don’t, because the q questions are so good.

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Think meeting yesterday”- q on June 15, 2018

G7 meeting June 14, 2021


Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really i hope a bunch of DS individuals not in the 100% know (most of them) saw this proof and realized that NCSWIC, then turned themselves in. I believe this plan works via plea deals and using them as puppets of the good guys for infiltration, and each individual bad guy doesn’t know for sure if it’s true until it’s too late (for them).

Despitetospite 2 points ago +2 / -0

IMO it’s either q plan followed 1000 years of peace, then book of revelations somehow (perhaps when humanity forgets the lessons of when we let satanic anti God and anti human power get by), or book of revelations right now, and Trump was some controlled opposition from the satanists.

The latter takes a lot of assumptions to make, and I don’t see a way the bad guys are benefiting from Trump and q.

Either way, God wins.

Despitetospite 7 points ago +7 / -0

Arizona being called by Fox was a PANIC to get boomer conservatives and non q Trump supporters to realize this isn’t a normal battle between r vs d or even just Trump vs the establishment. There’s a reason the first audit is in Arizona.

“Why did only Fox News call Biden so early when no Biden votes were in?”

“You are watching a movie” (for the NPCs and useful idiots, not us)


One of these kind of tropes.

Despitetospite 2 points ago +2 / -0



PANIC, took control of the chessboard.

"Boris Bike" may be a reference to this post.

Biden was having a really bad time with his speech. I'm not sure how NPCs could ever defend him again...

Morning stroll :)

Despitetospite 1 point ago +1 / -0

2.5 hours late



I am legit amazed at this one


"You are watching a movie"

The picture could be a "future proves past" for the "Boris bike" gift

I am not sure how NPCs could possibly defend a Presidency as bad as Biden's...

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