DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one that I know even cares about her. No one even talks about her. Everyone supports Trump. This is in the most liberal location in SC, however there are actually very few liberals. We still show ID to vote, so tougher to cheat here, except for the machines. If the election machines aren't corrupted, Trump will win in a landslide.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they are almost there. It isn't the Mossad, the CIA, MI6, KGB/FSB, GRK....it is all of them. I believe the international spy community is a big part of the cabal. Not every member, but the field agents all got together and figured out that they should have the power to work together to accumulate wealth and power. Once the cabal saw the potential, they were recruited. They help control political and corporate figures via their tradecraft. The blackmail leverage is how they keep and control the non-cabal members. They are also the FEDEX and UPS of the cabal, their unique trade allows them to covertly transport all kinds of contraband to any place in the world. Their black site prisons allow them to incarcerate anyone that gains information that they shouldn't and their wet boys are the stick when carrots don't work. The very nature of their trade is covert and they are shielded from almost every prying eye of any world government. They took over key roles in journalism to cover their tracks until the cabal consolidated the media ownership into a few corporations that are run by their members. This may have started as disillusioned spies that decided to carve out wealth for themselves, but it was quickly recognized for the powerful tool that it is by the cabal and they signed on. This is my take on how it happened and where it stands today. The reason this was hidden from the rank and file of all their agencies is that compartmentalisation allows it to be hidden effectively. The boys at the very top are in on it and no one else has the "clearance" to see their Ops reports. Black budgets are funded by illegal trade and hidden from IG or accounting. They took over these agencies from within, while keeping 95% of the agency personnel completely in the dark. This all may have started with a few rogue agents from around the world, but it was taken to the big league when the cabal realized their usefulness and grew it into a massive international tool for power and control.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

The comments are full of wisdom, tolerance and understanding. It is shown by the complete lack of knowledge of any large organization with thousands of employees. As a 30+ year member of the DoD, I have a bit of insight to how government agencies operate. Having served with and gotten to know a very small handful of FBI agents while in Iraq, I honestly can say that they are good men and patriots that serve in a law enforcement capacity. I have very little doubt that the majority are good and decent. Not perfect by any stretch, but for the most part good. The same goes for the majority of soldiers, sailors and Marines. The military had had some very shady things done in the past, however we don't call for the disbandment of the military. Law enforcement agencies have had terrible corruptions of the law and horrible acts committed by members throughout the decades, yet we don't jump on the band wagon of "defund the police". Everyone thinks that it should be oozing whistleblowers, do people not understand what compartmentalisation is? You don't whistleblow without hard evidence and proof. When these guys are running black ops, do you all believe there is proof lying around for any normal agent or support staff member to find or even to ever see? The corruption is hiding behind classified doors and the rank and file don't even know who all the bad actors are. This isn't high school people, it doesn't work like that. The majority of FBI agents aren't in DC, and some don't ever serve in DC. The biggest cities are prized locations for the ambitious, but not all agents are ambitious, many just want to do a job that they love and have no interest in management. The lack of knowledge of how reality is and works is shocking. The fact that it is coming from folks here is unbelievable. If anyone should know that things are not as simple as they appear on the surface, it should be us. We might as well disband the USA because we have this cabal here. We must all be in on it, otherwise there would be millions of whistleblowers. Can you see how ignorant this is?

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember to use logic and reason when approached with any "expert" opinion. If this were truly of importance, they wouldn't let a single "immigrant" or tourist into the country without getting all these "super important" shots. The fact that none of the "immigrants" pouring over the borders are being required to quarantine, vaccinate, or even to be tested for any disease or infection is all the evidence you need to know that this is 100% not an issue nor is it even a concern with anyone that is healthy. The same was true of the covid vax, not required for any illegal alien, just every citizen. Isn't that weird? I didn't start this as and anti-vaxxer. I just never wanted any experimental medicines. I am now firlmy anti-vax and will not change my mind. Although a funny thought just occurred to me...if you wanted to eradicate and neutralize all freedom loving people that thinks for themselves, how would you do it? Introduce covid, vax everyone you could and then poison some to create a tidal wave of people that stop believing in vaccines. Only the truly stupid and compliant would still go along with the vaccines, even after you leak facts and "whistle blowers". These are the sheep you want to keep. You then introduce another "vaccine" that is actually designed to protect from a weaponized illness. All the sheep will readily accept the new shot, but all those that are "awake" to the scam will refuse. The bio weapon would have to have a very high kill rate and spread as rapidly as possible. The sheep will feel vindicated and reinforce their blind obedience and the vast majority of "anti-vaxxers" will be sick and dying. The media that remains will demonize any anti-vaxxers and you now have an army that will kill, persecute and call for the eradication of the remainder. They already tested the ability of the sheep to lose all humanity in the covid phase, this would cement the blind obedience. This is just a thought, just looking at different angles of possibility. This would require controlled opposition of all our "heroes" and be the most elaborate scam ever. I don't think it would be possible to coordinate this large of a scam, but it is an elegant scenario that would make a great book or movie.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

All this concern over fines for "Hate" speech. It isn't that, it is about scams over text. I am sure you have all seen them. The big question is if they are scanning our text messages or if they are targeting scam artists via reported texts. This many be a serious topic or it may be a big fat nothing burger. Maybe a bit of digging is called for. Logic says that this is a BS take on the announcement of fines for scam artists. It doesn't appear to say anything at all about Hate speech. If it did, there would have to be a defined hate speech agreement in Tmobiles user agreement.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is the standard dosing for long term use. It is off label prescribed for RA and Lupus because of its natural anti-inflammatory effects.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Quinine is the natural form of HCQ. This is easily available in a supplement form and can be ordered from any number of reputable supplement and vitamins producers. It is preferable to HCQ because of the inactive complementary components of the natural bark and leaves of the cinchona Officianalis tree. Chloroquine was the synthesized version that had such bad side effects that they adjusted it to hydroxy chloroquine to mitigate some of the dangerous side effects, however any dosage over 1500mg per day has the potential for severe side effects up to and including death. I personally stick to the natural versions and ivermectin, along with zinc and vitamins D and E.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

For those that have any sympathy left for these types of people, remember that the Nazi party members were all brainwashed too. At a certain point, you should have a moment of clarity to realize that you are a villain. If you never have that moment, you were never good or innocent to begin with, your soul was sold well before the indoctrination started.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

The power of the system is practically overwhelming. Anyone can be demonized, charges and evidence fabricated and spun to look like full guilt. It is amazing how this has become the monstrosity that it is. Any single one of us could be railroaded out of existence. The reality of this is devastating when it sinks in. Heroes and villains created out of thin air for the entertainment of the masses. God help us all.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not anything against him personally, his speaking style irritates me a little. Not sure if it is his cadence or his vocal frequency. I just have every sensitive ears and certain frequencies irritate me, but also some speech patterns. I prefer to read his content rather than hear it. It is a weird personal issue for me and does not reflect on him in any way. People with exagerated ese sounds, like a lisp also bug me after a bit. I'm just a bit weird.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are some folks you just can't fool. Not sure why some of us are so skeptical and can see through some of their BS. I have been fooled by some things, but not as many as a lot of other folks. I wonder what exactly is the difference. If we figure this out, maybe it would be useful in waking others.

DextertheCat 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have to admit, I thought he was simply another crook in politics. He very well may have been, but the crime he was accused of is simply ridiculous If this is the best they could blackmail him with, instead of a real crime, perhaps he was an upright man after all. It is time for us to dig and vindicate his name and give him the due respect that he very well may have deserved

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

STEM education as a primary focus is a very good thing. If you look into the post WWII Japan and post Korean War of South Korea, their governments focused on supporting STEM education. There is a focus on National history, which I firmly believe is an important educational topic, however the majority of focus is on the harder sciences. If ever there was a more poignant display of what it takes to make a country a success, one need look no further than Japan and Korea. Both of these countries evolved in a shockingly short period of time from third world agrarian societies with incredible poverty, to scientific and economic powerhouses. A huge part of MAGA is to rebuild the core of success and meritocracy that makes the potential of all those who seek it possible. The fact that some people succeed and some people fail, should have nothing to do with family name or money, but principally on work ethic, talent and moral fiber. The question of where Musk lands on what color hat he wears is extremely debatable, however I choose to reserve judgment until the credits roll.

DextertheCat 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was not aware of Bob Woodward's background. Most of this stuff is known, but to have it spelled out clearly and concisely is incredible. Tucker is not my favorite speaker, but he seems to be clearly able to spell things out to normies. Share with friends and family far and wide. Wake up the masses and vindicate Nixon's name.

DextertheCat 4 points ago +4 / -0

People need to realize that any government agency of any type is filled with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of drones that know virtually nothing of any importance. Whenever I hear that someone knows someone that belongs to some agency, they always believe that these people have some real insider knowledge. The fact is that all agencies are filled with mid intellect personnel that know virtually nothing beyond their very limited role/function. The clandestine agencies are worse. Everything is compartmentalized where knowledge is power. The ambitious seek, but knowledge beyond your particular tasking is forbidden and a scrutinized indicator of possible espionage. The vast majority of insider "knowledge" is planted gossip to control the narrative. Leaks occur and it is a weapon used to spread false information. The more questionable the program, the fewer people that are read into the program. Even these programs are compartmentalized where only the highest need to know is aware of the entire program, and it is common that the highest echelons of power are not aware of the entire scope of the program, as a way for plausible deniability.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

It certainly seems that anything that is free becomes corrupted relatively quickly. I think the big question is how.

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. Just tried to edit that page. It states that it is protected against vandalism, but in reality it is protecting the lies and misinformation

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

In and of the themselves Wikipedia is actually a great concept. Free knowledge should be the rule, not the exception. The fact that anyone can edit it is a double edged sword. I am not sure about how weird and tyrannical the actual content holders are, but perhaps I will correct the wiki page on Dr. Bhakdi and see if it gets kicked.

by skytlrh
DextertheCat 5 points ago +5 / -0

With cash money in your pocket, nothing can be done to stop you from spending your money the way you see fit. Does this have any real value, yes and no. If someone accepts it as a unit of barter, then it has value. If you walk into a store and refused your form of payment, then no. When you walk into a store and they say that they do not accept cash, they are in violation of the law. Our money is imprinted with a statement, "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" when I find a store that does not accept cash, I refuse their business. I will now publicize their refusal of legal tender. I am fairly certain that a legal case could also be made against them. The adoption of Apple Pay, Google Pay and credit card transactions opens up a door to your service denying you a transaction. This was the case when credit card companies were stealth denying firearm related purchases. Imagine what misuse that these digital transactions can be manipulated to deny. Sometimes, having an option is all that prevents abuse Keeping hard currency is an obvious solution to prevent abuse. Any removal of choice is bound to be an argument worth hearing and considered. This isn't just about denying you access, it is also about building a profile of you. This allows habits and personality to be analyzed and utilized to manipulate your decisions and persuade you to make subconscious decisions. It can also be used to mark you for reprogramming or label you as a non-conformist or even as a threat. Minimize your digital exposure and protect your identity and habits. It isn't quite a threat to your life, but it has the potential to.

DextertheCat 3 points ago +3 / -0

A trip down memory lane. We have all discussed and seen the testimony of fearless experts that were deplatformed, canceled, derided and openly mocked. Some have even paid with their lives. Professor Bhakdi has stood fast and sounded the alarm from the beginning. His status as a world renowned microbiology professor, PHD, and leader of his discipline make it far more difficult to dismiss him.

A bio for him illustrates the highlights of his life and accomplishments


And the inevitable smear campaign: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucharit_Bhakdi

DextertheCat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything needed for a peace loving life is inside you. Worrying about the things you have no power over is a despair so deep that it dims your eyes to the beauty and wonderment that is this life. This life is wonderful and a blessing among all blessings. The hardship, pain and suffering is far better than to feel nothing at all. Without the depths of despair, you could never experience the heights of joy. Regardless of what this life brings you, the way that you respond to it is what is important. If we all died tomorrow, it is not an end, it is simply a new beginning. What we do in the here and now will affect what happens next. Follow what is right in your heart and do what is best to bring you to peace and contentment. There is good and evil in the world, seek the good and rebuff the evil. It is the easiest path to happiness. The path is not the same for everyone, so do not follow another's path, find your own. My path may be very different from yours, but in the end we are simply seeking to find peace, each of us in our own way and in our own understanding of what peace is. We all have a finite amount of time to live this life, relish the experience of it and find peace while you are still alive. There is no need to wait until death for peace, it can be found even in life because it is inside you.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had another one, but I didn't archive it. It has been 404'd out of existence. Some of the leading professors and top biologists were extremely cautious about this modified RNA business, but they were deplatformed and suppressed. We had to search for their testimonies and expert opinions. They paraded out middle of the road "experts" to tout the safety and efficacy. I guess the giants of the field could not be bought or threatened.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was around for the Anthrax Vax. Wasn't falling for it then and definitely not falling for it now. They can keep their medicine and sell it to the uninformed. After all this has been coming out, anyone that continues to patronize western medicine has got it coming. Go back to the medicine with thousands of years of proven efficacy, not evening commercials sponsored by corporate businesses.

DextertheCat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Burning the elites at the stake would contribute to "Global Warming", I must insist we tie them to chairs and see if they float in water. It is the only climate conscious decision that is acceptable.

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