You came to the same conclusion as I did. I don't know if there's some commonly accepted or used naming scheme that guides their language but there's a fair bit in there about 'the System', maybe I'm just being melodramatic...
Don't think like that! God can make a way.
I like that, thanks for sharing.
What do you think the likelihood is that we adopt the US constitution (the unadulterated good stuff) when all of this unfolds?
If it's an option maybe go camping for a couple days or something.
It's a tough line that, wanting to help your neighbours but not wanting them to totally rely on you to the point of sabotage.
I don't know if I can offer much help but as for your question about heating solutions, it may be worthwhile to get yourself some good merino wool thermals, this of course doesn't require any energy and is going to make any efforts you make more effective. I concur with u/CarrieDodson17 about trying to get off oxygen if that's possible but I too don't know enough about that sort of thing.
You also want to practice with your generator so that if the time comes you aren't caught off guard.
Bureaucrats also come to mind.
You likely heard about farmers being told to destroy their crops so that they can maintain their government subsidies, not trying to doom but they seem to be attacking every angle. I believe there was also (crude oil maybe) being poured out and wasted.
I bought some NAC from amazon, seemed to go smoothly. This was like 3 months ago or so. I had a look yesterday and I could see the one I purchased was no longer available but it seemed like there were about two other listings.
These bastards need to go. Thanks for sharing.
You were saying...
Disclaimer: I can't 100% verify this like a lot of things I suppose but it's sure as hell suspicious.
Excuse my ignorance but with regards to the blue helmets, do we know exactly what their uniform is currently, does it change, are there a few main scenario dependent uniforms?
I don't spend heaps of time in my local town but I've noticed more road rage and accidents than previous years.
Some guy made a comment and has since deleted it, he was basically saying that since he didn't think she looked like a stereotypical Dutch woman she shouldn't be their representative for this pageant. People responded asking why he had that impression. All I was thinking was that their responses seemed a bit weird as it wasn't hard to see what he was trying to say whether they agree with it or not is irrelevant.
Anyway, this is a huge waste of time, I should have just deleted my comment and moved on.
Basically the only reason I added it was because people jumped down this guys throat and questioned what made him think that and I'm sitting here thinking I can see what he's saying--not that I agree with his view that she should be restricted from the opportunity.
As I said though, I don't care that she's representing the Netherlands, good on her. All it really was, was a curiosity thing and some level of boredom. It got blown way out of proportion when old mate intimated that I'm a racist etc.
I already stated I don't think she shouldn't be allowed to represent the Netherlands so settle down. I can say some of my closest friends have been of ethnicities that vastly differ in appearance to my own, if I were a racist I don't think that would be the case.
I'm not saying she shouldn't be allowed to rep the Netherlands but I did think as soon as I saw her that she looked at least mixed. Lo and behold she states in her little bio thing that her parents are of different ethnicities.
Her surname does look somewhat Jewish but I'm no expert.
Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to side with anyone or anything just adding some info.
It wouldn't surprise me!
Just saying, 'fat lard' is an underrated pejorative.
"You are really dumb, fo' real!"
Yes but just a reminder, many EU countries, Australia and others were not really ready to accept our movement, it was for the most part only a part of the US and a smattering in other places across the world--I think we're close to a widespread perception shift.
Not to mention this all has to line up smoothly with whatever else may be going on in the background.