Every Flat Earth post on GAW gets met with the same resistance Liberals have against us. But each FE post will wake up a few. One day the majority will be awake on GAW, just as we wish it upon the rest of the world they wake up about covid.
We'll probably never know our true history though.
For a community that believes that the world is controlled by Satanists, it really has a hard time accepting that the same Satanists would have an agenda to steer the narrative towards "science" with evolution and space instead of ideas of creation such as Flat earth.
The same way the "mainstream" ostracises the community here of the "awakened" is the same way this community treats the people within our community who are deeper down the rabbit hole. It's funny to me how people take the high ground on being awakened and then do the same shit to others that may have more information that they can't accept. The programming runs deep.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I had found Q a year ago, and came to believe that there must exist some form of good higher power if there can exist satanists.
I only recently watched the lost history of the flat earth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ul0e6lw130) which made a lot of sense. It was mindblowing really and reinforced that there must be a creator for this realm to be as it is.
I understand that I have a lot of research and discovery to do. I wasn't sure how to apply what I had just learnt to my daily life but it seems connecting with the One will be a start by these using these techniques.
Are you familiar with "Relevations of an Elite Family Insider" found https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message161085/pg23? Does what is said here align with your understanding?
It's quite public now what the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are doing to the world. What about other high born families/controllers? Are they also in on the satanism and evil of the world? What role do some of them play?
If past civilisations were more advanced, wouldn't they have had similar or stronger forms of communication in order for information to get around? What is different this time that we are able to avoid yet another great reset and trigger a great awakening?
Is the capability to choose to "go home to heaven" given regardless of how you have lived this life? Standard Christian teachings tell you that you would go to hell if you sinned right?
I had an aunt pass a few weeks ago. It sounds like the "white light" is actually a deception leading to recycling?
So the concept of reincarnation as roughly outlined in religion (even if it is controlled by the cabal) is somewhat true? Our souls will continue to live in this realm through death until we live a life that is good and God allows us to ascend?
Is this actually a sin or tongue in cheek? Is taking external dmt instead of internally activating it via the methods you describe a sin?
What are some ways that you live your life knowing what you do to stay within the path of God? Is it necessary?
Is it still possible for humans to unlock their psi abilities? Has any there been any demonstration of such or any historical instance explained as such?
If the cabal has had control for this long, is the great awakening of the current age anything new? Do you think there have been previous great awakenings? Is this an eternal battle between good and evil?
Not actually a noob as I am a Q believer but been out of the community for a while as I am trying to live my best life (I come and visit now and again). I'm also not American so it's a little harder to be immersed with no fellow "Patriots" to talk to.
Could you hit me with your best recent videos?
Also can't even watch Sound of Freedom in the UK yet :(