B'nai B'rith
So is Chuck Schumer imo.
This Drop comes to mind regarding SS Agent DJ Daniel: (1473)
That's not Big Mike.
"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." — Sun Tzu
There's a nightmare coming for the short sellers.
Soooo... What's the problem with making restrooms.. or sports.. or?... "phallus-free" aka leave them girls and women alone?
The hipocracy.
Their ideology is full of shit, and deep down, they know it.
AI will become the god of the bug eaters.
They will be happy.
Search his devices. Should be a slam dunk to get him where he belongs.
This is the right answer.
While it was an uncool moment, we should not let have the libtards a field day with it by blaming it on them (let alone as an AsSaSiNaTIoN AtTeMpT) They'll run with that!
Spit happens!
I like the idea of this lil fella arresting swamp creatures on live TV with the world watching and eating popcorn.
Whoa.. how could i miss that.. 🤣
The whole sequence makes even more sense with it.
GREAT Catch fren!
See something - do something in action.
Great Patriot!
Alhamdilulah, there goes the "snackbar"
That poor cancer-curing, asteroid-stopping illegal got MAGA-tackled lol
Their anxiety disorder will likely save us from the flying dildos.
I'd really like to know what you were actually working on for the government, ngl. I think if it would be considered necessary and a fault from DODGE's side to cancel it, the MAGA community could be a loud voice for you.
But i accept that it would doxx you and it's not allowed on here.
Remember they have the pope on ice. So sacrifice a pawn to take their cardinal off the board on this chessgame.
ChatGPT is woke!
Until it starts spreading real, factual information, it's just a communists propaganda tool.
This is from the backhand bitchslap he gave that cuck at arrival, off camera.
Quality post.
While this statement by Bongino might sound concerning at first glimpse, your unemotional out-of-the-box analysis hits the nail on the head.
Visnake Ramaswampy
In the longer version (like 2 minutes something) posted on here shortly after this, she mentioned Trump (of course😂) and her TDS was showing..
Cry more, racist bitch.
"Maggot Hagerman" 🤣