Dr8nDaSwamp 2 points ago +2 / -0

WTH is going on in here? The poster has INCREDIBLY PREVALENT INFORMATION on a Q post during unprecedented times we are in, a vaccine with proven next level nefarious qualities and pretty much all 50 plus comments are not making the POSSIBLE connection? I'm surprised to see this here in GAW. I admit I'm with most commenters here and agree might be a nothing burger, but the coincidence is uncanny to the Q post. Let me ask this, if NOT this vaccine, then what? Seems like it has the most legs to date for this Q post.

Dr8nDaSwamp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look, I get everyone is disappointed and even embarrassed yourselves telling truth but nothing happened. But it doesn't matter. The truth is STILL the truth, and it needs to be said, and boldly. Why? Because it's real, and will never go away, despite how ever long it takes to prove it. Which, it's already being proved now, it's just that Main Snake Media, public enemy #1 is hiding and continues with their brainwashing. The original poster is correct. If the internet goes down, we need to share why it went down. Dare people to watch OAN, they will wake up. No matter what, even if it ends up going kinetic, God forbid, but the left has already gone kinetic. What will remain, is the truth. You may be right with all that's not gone to plan yet, but it will eventually. Truth has a way of coming out on top. Be encouraged. Stand for truth, boldly.

Dr8nDaSwamp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly THIS👆👆 Main Snake Media is THE enemy of We The People, and I think is the reason the plan seems to have changed somewhere . I think their complete blackout was unexpected. Truth has been completely hidden and replaced with pure lies. There is zero truth to be found on MSM except the likes of Tucker, but even he failed us until recently. Even then, the normies dont watch him, so back to MSM, the normies will never hear any truth again. They could actually decertify many states and simply not show anything. Just keep on with business as usual. That's exactly what they've been doing, and continue to do. What can change that? DJT's election fraud EO could have fixed it, because they are guilty of participating in the fraud, but yet here we are. If the truth could get to the blind normies, the power of accusing us as being domestic terrorists for peaceful marching would be removed. The Cabals greatest power right now is the MSM. Edit. Look what twatter just did today removing all the audit feeds. This is their plan, to silence all of it. That's what they all just met about. It will get even worse than this too. Sen. Wendy knows, she gets it, she said today she fully expects to be removed. So, what will we do? Imo, en mass we should be protesting ALL MSM. Another idea Is MAGA could get 100's if not thousands of those LED advertisement trucks to drive around with simple truths plastered all over them and direct people to a MAGA truth type website.

Dr8nDaSwamp 2 points ago +2 / -0

For those is hot climates and in need of alternative grid down AC ideas check out practicalpreppers.com He also has tons of YT videos, he goes by the handle engineer775.

Dr8nDaSwamp 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I too would like to know the answer to the posters question. Who would be in power if those top 3 are out? Does anyone know? Could this possibly be part of the plan somehow? This seems like it could possibly be a big deal?

Dr8nDaSwamp 4 points ago +4 / -0

Omg I can't believe this. If this isnt a line in the sand I don't know what else to date could top it. Well, you know, other than the coup we are under. This needs to go viral among alternative sources. Haven't seen this anywhere else. Need to shine light on it. Spread far and wide.

Dr8nDaSwamp 1 point ago +1 / -0

If that's true then how does that jive with Trumps latest rally when he said "white house, all small letters"?

Dr8nDaSwamp 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's hard for me to ignore it when Trump himself says things like "white house, all small letters" Why would he make a point to say that if not to cause hopium towards the Republic theory?

Dr8nDaSwamp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump has been saying since he took office that the MSM is totally corrupt and the biggest threat to the country.

Dr8nDaSwamp 2 points ago +2 / -0

I also remember Trump activated something inside DC that opened up money flow to FEMA for longterm use, which at the time lots were wondering why he would do that. Also he declared emergencies in several States at the same time, again, opening up monies. Some at the time said the declarations seemed odd. Maybe it was to fund the IA?

Dr8nDaSwamp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I also remember seeing the pics of Patriot Missiles in DC during the NG and fences being put up. But there were also Patriot Missiles shown up in the Blueridge Mountains overlooking Atlanta. I thought there is no way that can be real, but multiple locals at the time were posting the pics. At the exact same time, Monkeywerx was talking about the K-Club missile systems in the shipping containers spread out all across America and on ships. Then CodemonkeyZ on his Telegram channel suggested recently that Atlanta was basically being held ransom under threat of those K-Clubs. This would definitely explain Kemp's turning against Trump unexpectedly. Also remember his daughters boyfriends car was blown to smithereens, I think he was also Kelly Loefflers assistant. All of this to say, I believe Trump's original plan was thwarted last minute by threat of attack by the K-Clubs, probably not just Atlanta. I think he had to switch it all up last minute. Probably had to let pervert sniffer, or appear to let him win, to give the white hats time to find and disable the threats. Also I remember there were and possibly still are four complete carrier strike groups off of both coasts, 2 east and 2 west.

Dr8nDaSwamp 3 points ago +3 / -0

A little off subject but your comment just reminded me of a write up Monkeywerx did, you can find it on his website, about how why the dems are in such a hurry to make DC a State. His theory is that DC is broke, broker than broke, and if they can swindle it so that DC gains Statehood, they will then somehow have access to the land in America and a lot of other things would happen that I dont remember atm. I'm definitely not doing his article any justice, you should check it out for yourself. I thought it was a good read. It offered a perspective I've not seen anywhere else yet.

Dr8nDaSwamp 2 points ago +2 / -0

All of the above are great comments and ideas. However Trump does seem to be pretty agitated with the media right now. Not sure how military has control of it. Unless as stated above its misdirection. And he's suing big tech, which I found odd BC the election fraud EO definitely has Big tech included it. Why haven't they been found to be complicit in the fraud and shut down already? Or, is his lawsuit going to prove the fraud and then the EO kicks in for them? Hmmm, just thought of this! He sure was quick to jump on the very limited AZ reveal meeting results. Those were very limited results, the big stuff is yet to come according to Dr. Frank. But even with that, I think they advanced the release of that info even in its partial incomplete state to get the first domino to fall. The moment it went public, Wendy called for Electors to be recalled, and Trump was right behind her agreeing with her, saying "why wait". This indicates to me that the public becoming aware has more to do with the big plan than we think. Or, it's as simple as he's in a hurry to get the certifications reversed to hurry up saving our country. Great movie, kinda want to skip ahead to the end though. It's hard watching all the damage being done.

Dr8nDaSwamp 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what's the difference in him invoking the Insurrection act and having the election EO activate? Wouldn't the EO or possibly the EO's just activate automatically without any kind of an announcement? If so we wouldn't even know, the public I mean. Can anyone explain the difference please?

Dr8nDaSwamp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well someone is authorizing the military to ship illegals on military assets from the border all across the Country. First Monkeywerx caught them through tracking the flights, then last week I read somewhere (can't remember source but maybe bookmarked it) someone admitting it to be true. At the same time Monkeywerx also saying confirmed white hats have been incredibly busy with Gitmo traffic, but he thinks the uptick is related to several human trafficking arrests, the flights coincided with news reports of big busts in certain cities. So it does seem as though there really are two militaries right now. And then there's Trump's last rally where he said that comment about the military and the "white house" in "all small letters" Craziest movie I've ever seen.

Dr8nDaSwamp 1 point ago +1 / -0

She needs an exorcism.

Dr8nDaSwamp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which comments, to the YouTube video? Over 3k comments there, do not see you there.

Dr8nDaSwamp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn I'm going to miss their wings. They are actually really good, and 3 or 4 times the size of PPJ's wings. This CRT is some really sick twisted lies. Absolutely astounding how fast they have taken over our country. All these parents showing up to the school board meetings opposing CRT, some are now being arrested for no just cause. Saw yesterday two private school students were EXPELLED bc their moms spoke up at a meeting opposing CRT!

Dr8nDaSwamp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why, especially after all this time of not joining another platform, would he finally join one, the week or so before he is rumored to release his long awaited for own platform?

Dr8nDaSwamp 2 points ago +4 / -2

AH! I did not see his post. I did a search for Ingersolllockwood.com and Barron Trump and did not see anything. Should i delete this post? This subject should be stickied imo. Don't care who's gets seen, it just needs to be seen! Can a mod advise me please, thanks.

Dr8nDaSwamp 5 points ago +6 / -1

If you click the pause icons throughout the website they do different things. One of them has a patriotic sing followed by Trump talking and then a song called The Best Is Yet To Come. The Reading room is full of stuff So much here! Upcoming Unreleased Manuscripts

Blood Thirsty Monsters, Or, Beastly Bedtime Stories 2024, Or, The First President of New America Secrets of the Loquacious Luciferins Travails of Time Travelers in Twenty Thirty

Dr8nDaSwamp 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is an interview of a CVS Pharmacist saying they are paid $6,500 a week to shut up and give the jab. Found on Brighteon.com on the Health Rangers channel. As for mind control, MK Ultra is a real thing. And that's an old technology by today's standards. I can only imagine what they have these days. Definitely agree the level of blindness to mankind's survival instincts towards what is happening is clearly not normal. Even IF it's about money, knowingly giving the jab SHOULD go against common sense protection of your fellow species. Like when you come upon a car accident and see someone stuck or about to be burned. Everyone usually acts INSTINCTIVELY to try and help, no matter who you are. That seems to be being dumbed down somehow.

Dr8nDaSwamp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Curious on your thoughts about XRP (Ripple)? I keep seeing how once their lawsuit is over they are supposed to go yuge? When I saw that lady who used to have something to do with I think designing US currency (don't remember name) join Ripple a bunch if YouTube videos started saying XRP will eventually take over Btc as the big dog? I really dont know a lot about the crypto stuff, but its current like .79

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