You bet RANGE! AND, the government has FAILED to fully control and enforce these band-use and power regulations. FCC has turned over the monitoring and enforcement to city and county governments. And, if you wouldn't say it in public, why on Earth would you say it on the FREE AIRWAVES?!?!
I hope Neil Young will remember... Southern Man don't need him around, ANYHOW!!!
As a FORMER NM resident, it is understood that this is just another step backwards in a backward state. NM Guard are a high-strung joke, weekend warriors, someone-else-will-do-it attitudes. BRING IN THE REAL MILITARY AND PUT THE WHOLE FUCKING PLACE ON SUPERVISED PROBATION!!!
Never vaxed. Kicked it a mere week before the "outbreak" and recovering again now. And in my experience of all the sicknesses, none are the same. The craziest part is how easily the unsuspecting public seem to abandon this knowledge!
And there are 5 more databases that mirror every government in the world...
Way back when commiefornia decided that STUPID isn't WRONG, the only thing remaining was RIGHTS, thereby negating any hope for NATURAL SELECTION!!!
Good assumption but just scratching the surface. All those 5G nodes popping up any and everywhere are NOT providing YOU with any "service". They are pinged with an esn every time one passes by, effectively tracking your every movement. Couple that with digital currency and they know everything, inch by inch, penny by penny...
Natural born warrior right here!
School ended early today for the CHRISTMAS break in my district so...
*raging against the same machine they're cashing in on. Posers :/
Tell HIM that, ASSPIE
Consumes oxygen. My friend, Carl, used propane to heat his camper and died. :/
Yes, my bad. Johnny Come Lately, here...
On Thanksgiving Day, I threw out an audio call just watching my modulation on ch28 and got a reply. From 3000mi away. It never hurts to just push the button and start talking. Make some noise and 73's!
Check's in the MAIL! 73's
My mother was born a teacher and taught all 3 of us in 4th grade. As retirement drew closer, she discovered that teaching had taken a back seat to BABYSITTING!!!
Take me, Oh Lord, as wholly thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service. Abide with me and let all my work be wrought in Thee. Amen
Hehe psyop? Would... you like to play a game? (sinister laughter)
No doubt! That place is DUG THE FUCK IN! Residential streets fenced off, like it's NOT part of the neighborhood anymore. Small concrete buildings dot the surrounding hill, probably vents for the subterranean world. There's tunnels all over LA and surrounding.
That's like a mile and a half from the Getty Superfortress...
Lol! They've got some work to do...