Exactly my point. Some are just, well, not.
Meek. I never really liked that word.
Signed, A Natural Born Warrior
If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, then baffle them with bullshit...
I'm O- and think I had it early last year (just before shtf). It was the worst I've ever had. Took about a week to start feeling better and definitely got it from the ol lady. She had a "flu" about 4 years ago that just about killed her with pneumonia and clotting in her lungs. She's genetically predisposed to the clotting so their WAS really no thought of connecting the two. But, now with all this shit, methinks she was a guinea pig...
If it walks like bullshit or if it sounds like bullshit or if EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S BULLSHIT, then it's probably bullshit.
There's 10,000+ unemployed comedians and this mf think he's funny...
My favorite all time show! Best quote: "Why'd you run?" "'Cause I'm scared!!!"
Damn, they're all over this one! GOT SOME MORE DOWNVOTES FOR ME TOO?
Ha! Like the guns numbers. There's only a billion guns in the world? America has 46%? Not even going to break that down as it would be truly embarrassing to whom ever imagined that...
Oh look! A Dirty Delete...
Geez, the ONLY way they got to those numbers is all the PATRIOTS watching but can't DOWNVOTE!!! We know where and how their manipulation occurs. NCSWIC!!!
Rigged for RED?
Acting interested but definitely NOT the one they're pushing...
Honest, fast, invisible, it pays the bills...
Gee, Idk. Is educating customers towards proper operation and care of their cars a sustainable business model for a small-town automotive repair shop? Ask me how I worked myself straight out of business...
Yes. And I was referring to just THAT car. That single unit would END the charging cycle life for at least a thousand of those packs
Even though the numbers are wrong, that genny would outlast probably 5 battery packs in that car.
Don't kid yourself.
Plea offerings. He won't take any. Full courtroom optics.
What'll you bet he DOESN'T settle? Still the President that couldn't be bought!
Ima blast this EVERYWHERE!!!
There's the same struggle in the majorities as well. I remember, not long ago, how I couldn't make it between paychecks. The only thing that changes that is HARD WORK AND DETERMINATION FOR YOURSELF! Don't ask me how I did it, I just told you. And the poll switching thing was, in fact, meant to deter the MASSIVE PATRIOTIC VOTING!!! it didn't work...
Years ago, when an old guy told me he thought I was calling on God all wrong while struggling on the job, I started my own "thought police" and I think it worked...