People who took the jab to save there jobs, still lose jobs anyway, there are no guarantees.
What's the lesson? Work hard, develop skills and knowledge so you are always employable somewhere else. You might even come out making more money.
I was buying into the whole 4chan meme until it got to "this is also why eggs are cheaper." Thanks for spelling this out. If the 4chan shitposter doesn't understand this basic economics they are wrong about everything else.
They use the PCR test for Measles, they can amp the test up so it looks like an outbreak if they want.
Here I thought she was going to prosecute the mayor, big disappointment.
Ukraine and it's supporters desperately want to destroy Russia and nothing else. Any compromise with Russia is seen as support them.
Ukraine has 3 remaining options: use America's strength to negotiate a peace deal; surrender to Russia and beg for mercy; keep fighting until they are completely annihilated.
Uh oh there goes the government contractors.
We know that part, tell is which organization and which pockets?
"the firm that worked with Jack Smith" wasn't that just the Biden administration?
Does this include the "product placement" ads where the news media endorses them on air?
I scrolled through all the photos of foxy babes and that was not the Hooters I went to. Then I got to the bottom, yeah that's about right. And if their servers are any representation of the food they serve it's a perfect match.
So are we filing this year or ?
He has some great hair, no homo.
Ukraine has become all they evil things they told us Russiaa was, at this point who are we saving them from?
She was more destructive as First Lady and Secretary of State when she sold secrets to China.
Pretty much since I accepted Christ about 20 years ago. God bless you all.
Arrest the managers and HR department, hiring illegals is a crime.
Sieze their property and make them work off the rest in a North Korean labor camp.
They accuse others of what they are doing. Example# 57,437
It's already is over the counter, it's in horse paste and dewormer. What are we asking for, a pill next to the aspirin? We just need someone to make it and put it there.
Couldn't or wouldn't?
And they said Trump wouldn't drain the swamp.
He's going to be suicidal when he finds out about the pee in the pool.
WTF like "I'm terrified to be in my home country, but the summers are so nice."
RFK Jr s also a lifelong Democrat. The party shifted so far left they pushed him out.
I pray that you will ask him what his goals and ambitions are for his future, when he plans to move out and how you can help him.