by lethak
El-Duderino 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not just the double agent hypothesis applies here, but Putin really tried hard to bring Russia into a peaceful and friendly relationship with the west, but was rejected. One of his first acts as president was trying to join NATO, but was rejected. He tried the join the EU, but was rejected. He was one of the first world leaders to call George W Bush during 9/11 and said Russia is a friend of the USA, he even went so far as to say he would allow US troops on Russian soil and offered to help fight terrorism together. His involvement with the WEF might be a part of his effort to make Russia friendly to the west.

El-Duderino 2 points ago +2 / -0

They claim the masks work in the other direction - to protext others and not the person wearing it. But he clearly doesnt believe they work in that direction either. If he believed they worked he also wouldnt have sat down next to someone not wearing one.

El-Duderino 1 point ago +1 / -0

You might want to look up the definition of the word evidence. An assertion is not evidence.

El-Duderino 1 point ago +2 / -1

Exactly. Aside from Q claiming it, there is no evidence that Jones is Mossad. None whatsoever. Even this ridiculous graphic only implies it by showing that Jones turned on Trump after criticizing israel. In reality Jones turned on him for praising the vaccine and demonizing the unvaccinated, and Jones has been foreshadowing this for several months. Every time Trump praised vaccines, Jones cringed and explicitly said that he still likes Trump but if Trump keeps praising the vaccines that he will change his mind about Trump. This graphic is the usual garbage that gets posted here - walls of text with red underlines pretending to br some kind of bombshell but in realitythere is absolutely nothing there.

El-Duderino -2 points ago +1 / -3

It's not worth reading. Complete nonsense. Go ahead and read it to see for yourself.

El-Duderino -1 points ago +1 / -2

The idea that Jones is Mossad is one of the most retarded theories of all. He talks way too much shit about Israel to be mossad. It's just something people repeat with no evidence.

by BQnita
El-Duderino 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's interesting that Francis would send an email to Fauci to order a media hitjob. Not to a media insider, or a media organization, but to Fauci. Clearly Fauci is colluding with the media

El-Duderino 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's diamonds. Original meme said "keep gambling", and the blue stuff is diamonds

El-Duderino 0 points ago +1 / -1

It couldn't be more obvious that it was the cabal

El-Duderino 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really fucking hope that in time, ALL will truly be well. This is like a nightmare you can't wake up from, but we must have faith and believe that in the end, we will win. God bless.

El-Duderino 5 points ago +6 / -1

I dunno why but the "I'm french" part made me lol

Great comment. Totally agree with your analysis.

El-Duderino 6 points ago +7 / -1

Yeah they will still blame the unvaxxed. They generally think the unvaxxed are the reason the virus still exists. They said the same about masks, which is astronomically stupid.

El-Duderino 0 points ago +1 / -1

Honestly it feels like many of the smart people have left months ago, many posts I see are so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. I am suspicious of those just as much as I am suspicious of the doomer posts.

El-Duderino 0 points ago +6 / -6

Just an eager faggot looking for karma? "I certainly wasn't trying to spread misinformation". That's why you knee-jerk posted it without checking anything? Get fucked bro

El-Duderino 7 points ago +8 / -1

I absolutely cannot believe the footage and news coming out of Australia. What a shit hole. This is not a civilized country. It is downright embarrassing what is happening there, and so infuriating. God help the Australian people who can still see the truth of what is happening.

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