by Restore
EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was a Freudian slip.

by Restore
EndHumanTrafficking2 4 points ago +4 / -0

I call them vax-worshippers.

Because that's what they are. They're a cult.

EndHumanTrafficking2 11 points ago +12 / -1

Jimmy Kimmel isn't a patriot. He hates America.

And he laughed at the sexualization of an underage actress. He's not being used as a scapegoat. He's being belatedly held accountable for his actions.

EndHumanTrafficking2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, too many people were pointing out that they claimed it was racist to call it, correctly, the China virus or Wuhan virus, yet the media had no problems calling it the India variant.

So they had to come up with the 'delta variant' name to cover up the fact that it had nothing to do with racism, and they are simply CCP puppets.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

To illustrate your point, in the UK there have been 117 deaths from the delta variant in 4.7 months, i.e. 24.89 per month, or less than one death per day.

5 people die from traffic accidents every day in the UK, so you're over 5 times more likely to be killed by a traffic accident than the delta variant.

by BQnita
EndHumanTrafficking2 3 points ago +3 / -0

President Trump supporters love America. Democrats hate America.

Of course it's going to be partisan!

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been scrolling though the subreddit upvoting the bad reactions and downvoting the good reactions, to give greater visibility to the dangers of the vaccine.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +2 / -0

To use the official CDC data, 99.96% chance of recovery for 20-50 year olds.

And that's before you factor in the inflated figures where 95% of 'WuFlu deaths' actually had 3.8 other comorbidities. On top of that, the overwhelming majority of the 0.04% who didn't recover had critically low vitamin D levels, i.e. just get plenty of sun and take vitamin D supplements.

Finally, studies and real life data show that Ivermectin reduces the death rate by between 80-97%, which is massively more effective than the vaccine's effectiveness.

EndHumanTrafficking2 2 points ago +7 / -5

You've proposed a theory that the Deep State posted the Q. How can that be the truth? Do you have proof that the Deep State posted the Q? No? Then it's the truth. Stop posting insane rubbish.

EndHumanTrafficking2 4 points ago +4 / -0

In 18 months the most a virus could mutate is 0.3%, so what they are calling new 'variants' are actually virtually no different from the original WuFlu virus.

Basically, I'm just using their own propaganda against them. Whatever your opinion on variants, according to the NHS data, vaccinated people who test positive for the virus are 6.4 times more likely to die than unvaccinated people.

EndHumanTrafficking2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Use their own propaganda against them.

According to the statistics in the report, the India variant is 10-20 times less dangerous than the original WuFlu. That is their official data.

The India variant which they are trying to get people scared of, is actually less deadly than the seasonal flu (for unvaccinated people).

EndHumanTrafficking2 4 points ago +4 / -0

A report published by the NHS (the UK's national socialized healthcare service) confirms that those who are fully vaccinated are 6.4 times more likely to die from the India variant compared to those who haven't had the vaccine (based on official emergency care attendance figures).

Here are the statistics:

Out of 35,521 India variant cases where the patient was unvaccinated, 34 died (a 0.1% death rate):
34 / 35,521 x 100 = 0.1%

Out of 4,087 India variant cases where the patient was fully vaccinated (received both doses), 26 died (a 0.64% death rate):
26 / 4,087 x 100 = 0.64%

Tl;dr Those who got the vaccine have a death rate 6.4 times higher from the India variant compared to those who didn't get the vaccine (based on official emergency care attendance figures).

The statistics are taken from the NHS report, and you can read the full report by clicking the pdf link at the bottom of this article:

EndHumanTrafficking2 16 points ago +16 / -0

During the Nuremberg trials, even the media was prosecuted and put to death for lying to the public.

The mass-murdering bosses at Fox who covered up cheap safe effective medicines would do well to remember that.

EndHumanTrafficking2 1 point ago +1 / -0

God blessed the Israelites when they followed his word. God led the Israelites into captivity when they rejected him.

EndHumanTrafficking2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Q doesn't use the fake media term Q Anon. Q specifically stated there is no Q Anon. There is only Q.

Do your research before posting again.

EndHumanTrafficking2 19 points ago +19 / -0

Side effects of the vaccine/untested experimental messenger RNA delivery system may include 'short illnesses'.

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