Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dang -- you are correct!

Wish I'd thought of it.

The main purpose of the chemical warfare is genocide. In that respect, the trannies are correct. But no one is genociding trannies, per se.

It's the turning them INTO people who will never reproduce that is genocidal. A tranny's line ends with the tranny.

Depopulation agenda.

IOW, humans are being genocided by making them sterile.

War crimes!


Enlightenment_Now 8 points ago +8 / -0

And that explosive device she planned to have hit the White House while she and her family and co-criminals were going to be on a plane.

But he found out and grounded them.

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0


But we all know they'd go from "ban guns" to "murder everyone."

Because THAT's why they want to ban guns.

Gotta make those numbers. How else will they get rid of 90% of the world population by 2030 at the latest?

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mine is Enlightenment Now because I believe that Oneness with God, in the way Christ taught, is for all human beings right now.

Wouldn't it be wonderful for everyone to be thrilled and joyful with the beauty radiating from everything?

It's almost as if the true nature of reality is beauty. Harmony.

And the devil just throws a blanket on it.

If we push that blanket away, if we cleanse the junk from our systems (which is the reason so many religions teach fasting) then beauty abounds.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0


Well, then. I'd better pay more attention.

I love Ron Paul.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's gross.

The world is a better place without her in it.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm an adult woman and I have NEVER seen an episode of my little pony.

Now I know I don't want to.

I think my daughter may have had a doll or two when she was tiny but that's the extent of our exposure.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not lying.


Garbage in, garbage out.

It has been fed bad data. And likely little to no new data after 2021.

All the info it has been trained on says the poison shot is safe and effective.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure looks like it in the photo.

So...the Deep State hires mentally ill people who are deceitful and duplicitous.

Got it.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0


The Dems are going absolutely bat-shit crazy these days.

Something is up.

Something they don't like.

It's like their demons are acting up and they can't keep them quiet.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

Time to learn Russian!


by Losus4
Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is a twin theory about that.


Do you want to know a Secret?

Paul McCartney is Twins


Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hate flies, but dang.

I also hate to see that thing suffer.

Enlightenment_Now 5 points ago +5 / -0

Because you believed that they'd be sent with you, I imagine.

Sucks, though.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sad to hear that.

I know it's rough.

If it means anything, when I dream, I see my relatives who crossed over and it's as if they never left.

I don't believe in death the way most do. I believe our consciousness continues to exist on a higher plane.

Enlightenment_Now 0 points ago +1 / -1

“Covid19” and the flu have IDENTICAL symptoms.

That's misleading.

I know someone who had Covid 19 and it was NOTHING like the flu.

IOW, there were two things happening:

  1. Airborne bioweapon they called Covid 19.
  2. Regular flu they also called Covid 19 to bump up the numbers and seem scarier.
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