ErikaLives 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eventually. Most of the population will probably have to die first though. 🙄

ErikaLives 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once the economy crashes that's going to be their proposed solution. The Federal Reserve has been working on it for years. It's pretty much the end of freedom. So, while the current situation sucks, at least we are still free. The economic collapse will be the end of freedom in America.

ErikaLives 18 points ago +18 / -0

It's Covid season already?!?! I still have my monkeypox decorations up.

ErikaLives 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the thing the Air Force did was to run a sockpuppet army to manipulate social media. They are the ones who took over Reddit back in like 2010. I hope Space Force hasn't taken over that mission too.


This is the problem with "black box" military orgs. We have no idea what they are doing. Who are they accountable to? If they are manipulating Facebook or Instagram would we even know?

ErikaLives 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's really nothing available publicly about them (other than advertising brochure type stuff). I'd love to know that they do all day. I'd love to know what the CIA does all day too. But, in America we have an "us vs them" situation with our own government. They see themselves as "us" and they view us as "them". We pay for everything. We just aren't allowed to know the truth about what what really happens in the world. They just want us to show up to our wage slave jobs and pay taxes.

ErikaLives 4 points ago +4 / -0

Zelensky is just an actor from TV. He has zero experience leading a country. The real power behind the throne is NATO.

ErikaLives 2 points ago +2 / -0

should have drilled a well, stocked up on some heating supplies for the coming winter and figured out how to pump the well with some solar pumps

Where does the average Ukrainian come up with $20-30K to do all this?

ErikaLives 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just want to have transparency and accountability in our government. Our spending levels are completely unsustainable. I think of all the things that we could have had in America if we hadn't been handing out billions and billions of dollars to everyone for everything. I'm not against having a defense force. I just want to know what they spend the money on. When they do things like leave $86 billion dollars worth of weapons for the Taliban it really pisses me off. Why does anyone in this country pay taxes?! We get milked on the tax farm while they go buy new toys to play with.

ErikaLives 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get that. But, I was just wondering what Space Force does all day. I know what the national guard on the ground does. The whole Space Force branch of the military just seems like a black box. We pay for everything. We just aren't allowed to know what they do with our money. They could be out there fighting aliens but, they'd never tell us about it.

ErikaLives 1 point ago +1 / -0

That make sense. To me, if you're called SPACE force then you should be doing things related to space. Trying to duplicate something we already have (but don't use) here on the ground seems redundant.

ErikaLives 2 points ago +3 / -1

But why "Space" force? Aren't they supposed to deal with outer space?

We already have a national guard here on the ground.

The problem is that politicians block them from helping people (e.g. J6th or the 2020 riots)

ErikaLives 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another good natural remedy for skin cancer is Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). Buy it in powdered form and mix with a bit of olive oil to make a paste.

ErikaLives 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isopropyl is added to alcohol to keep you from drinking it - i believe it's mandated by law. Without the isopropyl it's the same as good-old 'shine

That doesn't sound correct at all.

Grain Alcohol (Ethanol): is a two-carbon alcohol produced by fermenting sugars with yeast.

Isopropyl Alcohol is a three-carbon alcohol often synthesized in chemical processes. It is manufactured primarily through the hydration of propylene, a petrochemical compound. The term "isopropyl" refers to the isopropyl group, which is a structural component of the alcohol. This group consists of a three-carbon chain attached to a hydroxyl group forming isopropyl alcohol.

Isopropyl alcohol is toxic to humans. Upon ingestion, isopropyl alcohol is rapidly absorbed and metabolized into acetone

ErikaLives 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree for the most part. But, people don't drink gasoline or isopropyl alcohol either -- for good reason. I just would want to know the effects on the human body before I'd started drinking something. What is considered a lethal dose? Anyone who'd chug turpentine because they saw a YouTube video probably has a few screws loose.

ErikaLives 24 points ago +24 / -0

Just make sure they don't re-emerge as "Agenda 2035".

ErikaLives 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I think at this point, it's pretty obvious that the mRNA vaccines cause cancers. But, the plan is depopulation, so it makes sense.

ErikaLives 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fiery.... but, mostly peaceful.

ErikaLives 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even worse, he wanted to set up a pan-African gold-backed currency. No way the Rothschilds would stand for that.

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