If you've followed the scene for a long time, then you would know that bitcoin has been under many types of attacks. Many underhanded ones, many infiltrating ones (core team infiltration e.g. mike hearn etc), attacks from state actors. Undeniable. They succeeded with some and failed with other (block size failed, segwit shit, segwit2). And that's just the protocol layer. Then on and off ramps have been regulated into hell and back. Regulators acting like each agency can regulate it their own way. It was painted - and still is by IMF crew etc. as only criminals and drug users use it online.
When they're out of fiat USD printing power - they are OUT OF POWER. This is the big one.
What? doesn't make any sense. Backed by PM? How does that even work? Hint: it doesn't.
You're conflating crypto with bitcoin that's one thing. The other thing is it's fine that people can create their own.
You know why? Free market. Accept what you will. Why should it be in the hands of banksters/money changers?
Have not met one that understands bitcoin deeply yet that's not a fan.
So what is new about this or even remotely controversial? Not hating, but what is written above is as clear as day to anyone just following it slightly besides what the TV is telling them. What he his writing above is best case scenario. That pharma corrupted things just to make a buck. I'm of the opinion that it's way worse then that, but any way.
I suppose the only thing in the message is there's a silent (cowardly) majority amongst medical professionals that think they know the misdeeds going on. In any case he can go fuck himself for being such a spineless coward.
I think there's a reason why Joe Rogan went with Spotify (over YouTube) a year and a half ago.
He would've been cancelled from youtube a long time ago with the guests and things he's saying on the podcast now.
IF they knew what was happening and coming (white hats) it made sense to get someone so prolific (he is THE largest podcast on the planet - besides natureshows/crime shows etc. which doesn't lend itself to any contemporary issues at all).
Try and read the Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous. It will change your mind.