Excelsior 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prayers sent to NOT_A's dad. Good chance the CT will tell him/you quickly what you need to know to move forward

Excelsior 11 points ago +11 / -0

She expressed her thoughts in a beautiful, gentle, and pithy way. Very sad to hear of her passing. My deepest condolences to her family. She did God's work.

Excelsior 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would also include autoimmune disorders, such as ulcerative colitis and possibly Crohn's Disease

Dosing: Best guess 15 mg daily

Excelsior 5 points ago +5 / -0

EDIT: RNC Convention starts 7/15 in Milwaukee, in 9 days, and ends 7/18. Usually the VP candidate gives a speech before the convention ends (7/16 or 7/17), with President Trump giving his acceptance speech 7/18. This means we should know who his VP pick is within the next 11 days.

Excelsior 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very interesting outcomes re: your dreams. In the last two weeks I've had two different dreams where I failed to reach a certain goal and was saddened/disappointed by it.

Every day I try to put forth the best version of myself, and I pray for the best outcome. I don't know what the future holds, and trying to guess is futile, so I'm doing my very best to be in the moment. Entheos says we have the wind to our backs. This gives me hope.


Excelsior 5 points ago +5 / -0

United States v. Trump (Docs Case)

Trump's attorney, Todd Blanche, informed the Florida court about the Supreme Court's recent ruling on presidential immunity. Blanche argued that this ruling undermines the prosecution's claim that Trump has no immunity and exposes the politically motivated nature of their actions. Blanche also noted that the prosecution cannot rely on evidence of "official acts" in this case and requested permission to file additional briefings on these issues.

Furthermore, Blanche indicates plans to revive a motion to dismiss the case on grounds that Jack Smith's appointment was unconstitutional.

He cited Justice Thomas's concurrence, which raised concerns about the validity of Smith's position under the Appointments and Appropriations Clauses, suggesting these issues should be resolved before the case proceeds.


Excelsior 58 points ago +58 / -0

The Communist-infiltrated Vatican sure moved quickly on removing Abp@CarloMVigano. Takes them YEARS to take action against pedophiles in their midst. Imagine that.

Doesn't matter what the deep church says...Abp Viganò's voice remains THE most important voice in shining the light on and speaking out against the heretical regime led by Francis.

Lisa Mei


Excelsior 2 points ago +3 / -1

You're completely right. Compassion is crucial to helping her and those like her who are lost. It becomes too easy to ridicule when the proper response is at least restraint from comment, if not kindness. In the future, I'll think this through more carefully before posting. Thank you for your observation and wisdom.

Excelsior 16 points ago +16 / -0

Gear up mentally for the PING PONG match ahead

Swinging back and forth,

Negative developments, Positive breakthroughs, Negative developments, Positive breakthroughs.

Expect a stretch where discouraging updates hit consecutively. The typical/usual 'VOICES' will chime in, declaring it's the end. Remember our mantra: emotions don't dictate our path. Stay steadfast—things won't spiral out of control (keep steady). We have all of the momentum on our side. We have the wind at our backs. We have a cause that is just. You are part of history.





Excelsior 2 points ago +2 / -0


Best quote from this: If you haven’t been able to get the Game Theory that’s playing out calcified into your mind’s eye, I hope the current situation put it in perspective. The enemy has a choice. They’ve always had a choice. It’s just never been one that results in them winning.

Essentially, they’ve been granted a series of choices all the way down the chain to their own destruction, choosing the manner and persuasion of their own metaphorical and systemic death—including the face that system wears at any given time—and that of their diseased, corrupt temple and all its priests, their panic provoking escalation, and that escalation resulting in exposure, which is to say, sunlight, the thing most anathema to creatures of the dark.

Excelsior 11 points ago +11 / -0


The Biden family meeting has concluded. They are STILL encouraging Joe to “keep fighting” and stay in the race!

The NYTs article goes on to list how the party is fractured, and the voters want Joe to step aside… yet Biden persists.


As Trump supporters, we are perfectly content sitting right here, and letting Biden drive the Democrat Party off a cliff.

Joe Biden is our greatest weapon!

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