ExplosionofBullSh1T 4 points ago +4 / -0

Look into the Coimbra protocol. My wife has MS...been doing great - not from Vaxx, diagnosed at age 19, now 55:

Eats high protein (animal) High saturated fat Reduces Calcium to 300mg a day High dose D - 60,000 IU a day Lots of good water - 80oz a day,
900 mg of Magnesium per day DHA B12 No junk food Gluten Free as much as possible as well

Only a few people in the US will work with you on this: https://www.coimbraprotocol.com

Emily Penton has a great story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFDFkiTLJ9Y&t=9s

She is also doing the Parasite protocol: www.contrabandcures.com and www.parasiteprotocol.org

ExplosionofBullSh1T 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed. Public Schools here are really just a different name for Government or State-funded. All "public" schools in the US are state funded. Our Private Schools would be your "Public Schools" .

ExplosionofBullSh1T 1 point ago +1 / -0

(NOT my work)


First paragraph:

I promise you, this thread will break open one of the biggest unknowns in this entire movement. The pursuit of Justice has never been more promising than now.

One of the biggest discoveries I've ever been a part of was the 'Ndrangheta arrests on Sunday the 7th of July 2019, reported on Monday the 8th of July 2019, in São Paolo Brazil. Many of you know this story. This was the same weekend that Jeffrey Epstein was arrested...so naturally, Epstein dominated the news cycle. After learning all I have learned, I now wonder if Epstein's arrest was actually Deep State ammunition being expended? Considering the fact that I believe I'm just about the only Anon digging continuously on this topic for the past 4.5 years, it looks like their Epstein distraction worked.

Nicola Assisi and his son Patrick were arrested in São Paolo Brazil on Sunday the 7th of July, 2019. Nicola was a MAJOR figure in the 'Ndrangheta Mafia out of Calabria, Italy. Nicola personally oversaw the majority of the Ndrangheta's cocaine trafficking to Europe and the United States. According to Forbes magazine, the Ndrangheta made more profit per year than freaking McDonalds and Duestche Bank - combined! They're by far the most successful and powerful Mafia in the world, yet most people have never heard of them. There's a reason for that.

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