I'm going to lock this one. ah i'm removing it.. reports are rolling in.
You're saying "Don't vote"
Trump is saying to "VOTE" so GA.W is saying to "VOTE"
msg mods about this decision @ https://greatawakening.win/send?user=c:GreatAwakening
Yes. I share all of your concerns.
Yes, I am extremely exhausted and on edge.
Yes, I think it's to do with the 2024 US election being stolen.
You (we) are being bombarded with lies from so many sources attempting to propagandize.
I think this election is a fork in the road for the whole world, with a few outputs, where all are bad except one - Trump winning and ending deep state rule over humankind, also leading patriots worldwide into a new era of excellence, leaving evil aspects behind and moving forward in truth and justice as one human race.
In trying to prepare for the worst of the election, my mind won't let me.. stuff like... Harris wins via cheat, the media asserts it, lawfare vs those questioning it, no one does anything, we begin the free-fallinto the pit of totalitarianism. God won't let me focus on it to come up with possible defense or contingency plans. Almost as if nov6-jan20 is a black-box i have no access to. Which makes it worse, because it's even more interesting, especially when others repeating the same thing.
So, i can only have faith in God and hope and pray for the best, and that if the worst were to occur that i am as ready as can be, that people are as awoken as they can be, that we can effectively stand against anything that wants control us, and that we can make it to the end. That means we need to play as it comes, patiently, intelligently, trusting in God, and being strong even in the face of uncertainties like these.
So brush this stuff aside, and do everything in your power to focus on God, because without Him right now, He's your #1 priority to be sorting out. if that doesn't help.. foucus on if you seek the truth seek God as your ally, who will point and even drag you to see it if he loves you, as it sets you free.
tl;dr: Yes, but remember: God is in control, so keep trusting in God!
I'm reminded of a comment i saw in preddit's r/politics, a top comment recently, where the user had a neighbor from Puerto Rico who didn't like something trump did, and how the user made it like all Puerto Ricans didn't like trump and how it would impact the Puerto Rican support for trump.
I now know it was 100% a bot, or a lying useful idiot. I suspected it was one or the other when i first saw it and laughed at the delusion.
I am honestly worn out. It's been longer than 7 years for me. I have been just coasting for the last few weeks/months. Election 2024 determines if i retire from this finally, or if i am still needed and/or i'll have to fight till i die.
This is a great video pointing out the LIE that diversity is our strength. It was never supported by evidence, and this presenter explains how it doesn't work, and that there's no evidence to support it.
He explains how this is why communities get broken, as trust disappears when they're made 'diverse'. I see a lot of this going on in the west.
My second wind just came back this weekend.
Lets rev up those engines anons.. time to walk into this blackbox and do every damn thing we can to get the world to exit it on the good track.